Interface ExplicitBootCurve

All Superinterfaces:
Curve, LatentState
All Known Implementing Classes:
ExplicitBootCreditCurve, ExplicitBootDiscountCurve, ExplicitBootFXCurve, ExplicitBootGovvieCurve, ExplicitBootRepoCurve, ExplicitBootVolatilityCurve, FlatForwardDiscountCurve, FlatForwardFXCurve, FlatForwardGovvieCurve, FlatForwardRepoCurve, FlatForwardVolatilityCurve, FlatYieldGovvieCurve, ForeignCollateralizedDiscountCurve, ForwardHazardCreditCurve, MultilateralFlatForwardCurve

public interface ExplicitBootCurve
extends Curve
In ExplicitBootCurve, the segment boundaries explicitly line up with the instrument maturity boundaries. This feature is exploited in building a boot-strappable curve. Functionality is provides set the Latent State at the Explicit Node, adjust the Latent State at the given Node, or set a common Flat Value across all Nodes.

Lakshmi Krishnamurthy
  • Method Details

    • setNodeValue

      boolean setNodeValue​(int iIndex, double dblValue)
      Set the Value/Slope at the Node specified by the Index
      iIndex - Node Index
      dblValue - Node Value
      Success (true), failure (false)
    • bumpNodeValue

      boolean bumpNodeValue​(int iIndex, double dblValue)
      Bump the node value at the node specified the index by the value
      iIndex - node index
      dblValue - node bump value
      Success (true), failure (false)
    • setFlatValue

      boolean setFlatValue​(double dblValue)
      Set the flat value across all the nodes
      dblValue - node value
      Success (true), failure (false)