Interface ObjectiveUtility

All Known Implementing Classes:
MeanVarianceObjectiveUtility, PowerVarianceObjectiveUtility

public interface ObjectiveUtility
ObjectiveUtility exposes the Objective Utility Function that needs to be optimized to extract the Optimal Execution Trajectory. The References are:

  • Almgren, R., and N. Chriss (1999): Value under Liquidation Risk 12 (12)
  • Almgren, R., and N. Chriss (2000): Optimal Execution of Portfolio Transactions Journal of Risk 3 (2) 5-39
  • Bertsimas, D., and A. W. Lo (1998): Optimal Control of Execution Costs Journal of Financial Markets 1 1-50
  • Chan, L. K. C., and J. Lakonishak (1995): The Behavior of Stock Prices around Institutional Trades Journal of Finance 50 1147-1174
  • Keim, D. B., and A. Madhavan (1997): Transaction Costs and Investment Style: An Inter-exchange Analysis of Institutional Equity Trades Journal of Financial Economics 46 265-292

Lakshmi Krishnamurthy
  • Method Details

    • sensitivity

      ControlNodesGreek sensitivity​(TrajectoryControlNodesGreek tcngExpectation, TrajectoryControlNodesGreek tcngVariance)
      Generate the Objective Function Sensitivity given the Expectation and the Variance Control Node Sensitivity
      tcngExpectation - The Control Node Trajectory Expectation Sensitivity
      tcngVariance - The Control Node Trajectory Variance Sensitivity
      The Control Node Trajectory Objective Function Sensitivity Sensitivity