Package org.drip.optimization.canonical

Linear Programming Framework Canonical Elements
Lakshmi Krishnamurthy
  • Interface Summary
    Interface Description
    LinearConstraint exposes the Coefficients of the Constraint Term of a Linear Program.
  • Class Summary
    Class Description
    ILPConstraint holds the Constraint Matrix LHS and Constraint Array RHS for an Integer Linear Program Ax lte B, where A is Zm x n, B is Zm, and x is Z+n.
    LinearObjective holds the Coefficients of the Linear Objective Term of LP/ILP cTx where c is Rn and x is Z+n.
    LinearProgram holds the Objective and the Constraint Terms of an Linear Program.
    LPConstraint holds the Constraint Matrix LHS and Constraint Array RHS for an Linear Program Ax lte B, where A is Rm x n, B is Rm, and x is R+n.