Class BlackLittermanCombinationEngine


public class BlackLittermanCombinationEngine
extends java.lang.Object
BlackLittermanCombinationEngine implements the Engine that generates the Combined/Posterior Distributions from the Prior and the Conditional Joint R1 Multivariate Normal Distributions. The References are:

  • He. G., and R. Litterman (1999): The Intuition behind the Black-Litterman Model Portfolios Goldman Sachs Asset Management
  • Idzorek, T. (2005): A Step-by-Step Guide to the Black-Litterman Model: Incorporating User-Specified Confidence Levels Ibbotson Associates Chicago, IL

Lakshmi Krishnamurthy
  • Constructor Details

    • BlackLittermanCombinationEngine

      public BlackLittermanCombinationEngine​(ForwardReverseHoldingsAllocation forwardReverseOptimizationOutputUnadjusted, PriorControlSpecification priorControlSpecification, ProjectionSpecification projectionSpecification) throws java.lang.Exception
      BlackLittermanCombinationEngine Construction
      forwardReverseOptimizationOutputUnadjusted - The Unadjusted Instance of ForwardReverseOptimizationOutput
      priorControlSpecification - The Prior Control Specification Instance
      projectionSpecification - The View Projection Specification Settings
      java.lang.Exception - Thrown if the Inputs are Invalid
  • Method Details

    • noConfidenceRun

      public BlackLittermanOutput noConfidenceRun()
      Conduct a Black Litterman Run using a Theil-like Mixed Model Estimator for 0% Confidence in the Projection
      Output of the Black Litterman Run
    • customConfidenceRun

      public BlackLittermanCustomConfidenceOutput customConfidenceRun()
      Conduct a Black Litterman Run using a Theil-like Mixed Model Estimator Using the specified Confidence Level
      Output of the Black Litterman Run
    • fullConfidenceRun

      public BlackLittermanOutput fullConfidenceRun()
      Conduct a Black Litterman Run using a Theil-like Mixed Model Estimator For 100% Confidence in the Projection
      Output of the Black Litterman Run
    • impliedConfidenceRun

      public ProjectionImpliedConfidenceOutput impliedConfidenceRun()
      Compute the Idzorek Implied Projection Confidence Level
      The Idzorek Implied Projection Confidence Level
    • projectionExposureAttribution

      public ProjectionExposure projectionExposureAttribution()
      Compute the Exposure Loadings Attribution on a per-Projection Basis
      The Exposure Loadings Attribution on a per-Projection Basis
    • userConfidenceProjectionTitMatrix

      public double[][] userConfidenceProjectionTitMatrix​(double[] userSpecifiedProjectionConfidenceArray)
      Compute the Idzorek Implied Tilt Matrix from the User Projection Confidence Level
      userSpecifiedProjectionConfidenceArray - Array of User-specified Projection Confidence
      The Idzorek Implied Tilt Matric from the Projection Confidence Level
    • tiltMismatchSquared

      public double tiltMismatchSquared​(double[] userConfidenceProjectionTiltArray, int projectionIndex, double projectionVariance) throws java.lang.Exception
      Compute the Mismatch between the User Specified Projection and the Custom Confidence Implied Tilts
      userConfidenceProjectionTiltArray - Array of the User Confidence induced Projection Tilts
      projectionIndex - The Index into the Projection Meta
      projectionVariance - The Projection Variance
      The Squared Mismatch
      java.lang.Exception - Thrown if the Squared Mismatch cannot be calculated
    • tiltDepartureR1ToR1

      public R1ToR1 tiltDepartureR1ToR1​(double[] userConfidenceProjectionTiltArray, int projectionIndex, boolean generateDerivative)
      Generate the Squared Tilt Departure R1 To R1
      userConfidenceProjectionTiltArray - Array of the User Confidence induced Projection Tilts
      projectionIndex - The Index into the Projection Meta
      generateDerivative - TRUE - Generate the Derivative of the Tilt Departure
      The Squared Tilt Departure R1 To R1