Uses of Class
Package | Description |
org.drip.param.definition |
Latent State Quantification Metrics Tweak
| |
Curves Surfaces Quotes Fixings Container
org.drip.product.creator |
Streams and Products Construction Utilities
| |
Credit Products - Components and Baskets
org.drip.product.fx |
FX Forwards, Cross Currency Swaps
org.drip.service.env |
Library Module Loader Environment Manager
Uses of BasketProduct in org.drip.param.definition
Methods in org.drip.param.definition with parameters of type BasketProduct Modifier and Type Method Description abstract CaseInsensitiveTreeMap<CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer>
ScenarioMarketParams. creditFlatBump(BasketProduct bp, boolean bBump)
Get the Map of credit Flat Bumped Curves for the given Basket Productabstract CaseInsensitiveTreeMap<CaseInsensitiveTreeMap<CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer>>
ScenarioMarketParams. creditTenorBump(BasketProduct bp, boolean bBump)
Get the double map of credit Tenor bumped curves for each credit curve for the given Basket Productabstract CaseInsensitiveTreeMap<CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer>
ScenarioMarketParams. fundingFlatBump(BasketProduct bp, boolean bBump)
Get the Map of Funding Parallel Bumped Curves for the given Basket Productabstract CaseInsensitiveTreeMap<CaseInsensitiveTreeMap<CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer>>
ScenarioMarketParams. fundingTenorBump(BasketProduct bp, boolean bBump)
Get the Double Map of Funding Tenor Bumped Curves for each Funding Curve for the given Basket Productabstract CaseInsensitiveTreeMap<CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer>
ScenarioMarketParams. recoveryFlatBump(BasketProduct bp, boolean bBump)
Get the map of Recovery Flat Bumped Curves for the given Basket Productabstract CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer
ScenarioMarketParams. scenarioMarketParams(BasketProduct bp, java.lang.String strScenario)
Get the Market Parameters for the given basket product and the scenario -
Uses of BasketProduct in
Methods in with parameters of type BasketProduct Modifier and Type Method Description CaseInsensitiveTreeMap<CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer>
CurveSurfaceScenarioContainer. creditFlatBump(BasketProduct bp, boolean bBump)
CurveSurfaceScenarioContainer. creditTenorBump(BasketProduct bp, boolean bBump)
CurveSurfaceScenarioContainer. fundingFlatBump(BasketProduct bp, boolean bBump)
CurveSurfaceScenarioContainer. fundingTenorBump(BasketProduct bp, boolean bBump)
CurveSurfaceScenarioContainer. recoveryFlatBump(BasketProduct bp, boolean bBump)
CurveSurfaceScenarioContainer. scenarioMarketParams(BasketProduct bp, java.lang.String strScenario)
Uses of BasketProduct in org.drip.product.creator
Methods in org.drip.product.creator that return BasketProduct Modifier and Type Method Description static BasketProduct
BondBasketBuilder. CreateBondBasket(java.lang.String strName, Bond[] aBond, double[] adblWeights)
BondBasket constructorstatic BasketProduct
CDSBasketBuilder. MakeBasketDefaultSwap(Component[] aComp)
Create the basket default swap from an array of the credit components.static BasketProduct
CDSBasketBuilder. MakeCDX(JulianDate dtEffective, JulianDate dtMaturity, double dblCoupon, java.lang.String strIR, java.lang.String[] astrCC, double[] adblWeight, java.lang.String strName)
Create the named CDX from effective, maturity, coupon, IR curve name, credit curve name set, and their weights.static BasketProduct
CDSBasketBuilder. MakeCDX(JulianDate dtEffective, JulianDate dtMaturity, double dblCoupon, java.lang.String strIR, java.lang.String[] astrCC, java.lang.String strName)
Create the named CDX from effective, maturity, coupon, IR curve name, credit curve name set. -
Uses of BasketProduct in
Subclasses of BasketProduct in Modifier and Type Class Description class
BondBasket implements the bond basket product contract details.class
CDSBasket implements the basket default swap product contract details. -
Uses of BasketProduct in org.drip.product.fx
Subclasses of BasketProduct in org.drip.product.fx Modifier and Type Class Description class
ComponentPair contains the implementation of the dual cross currency components. -
Uses of BasketProduct in org.drip.service.env
Methods in org.drip.service.env that return BasketProduct Modifier and Type Method Description static BasketProduct
StandardCDXManager. GetOnTheRun(java.lang.String strIndex, JulianDate dt, java.lang.String strTenor)
Retrieve the on-the-run for the index and tenor corresponding to the specified datestatic BasketProduct
StandardCDXManager. MakeStandardCDX(java.lang.String strIndex, int iSeries, java.lang.String strTenor)
Create a standard CDX from the index code, the index series, and the tenor.