Class FixFloatComponent

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class FixFloatComponent
extends DualStreamComponent
FixFloatComponent contains the implementation of the Fix-Float Index Basis Swap product contract/valuation details. It is made off one Reference Fixed stream and one Derived floating stream. It exports the following functionality:

  • Standard/Custom Constructor for the FixFloatComponent
  • Dates: Effective, Maturity, Coupon dates and Product settlement Parameters
  • Coupon/Notional Outstanding as well as schedules
  • Retrieve the constituent floating streams
  • Market Parameters: Discount, Forward, Credit, Treasury Curves
  • Cash Flow Periods: Coupon flows and (Optionally) Loss Flows
  • Valuation: Named Measure Generation
  • Calibration: The codes and constraints generation
  • Jacobians: Quote/DF and PV/DF micro-Jacobian generation
  • Serialization into and de-serialization out of byte arrays

Lakshmi Krishnamurthy