Package org.drip.spline.params
Spline Segment Construction Control Parameters
- Author:
- Lakshmi Krishnamurthy
Class Summary Class Description PreceedingManifestSensitivityControl PreceedingManifestSensitivityControl provides the control parameters that determine the behavior of non local manifest sensitivity.ResponseScalingShapeControl ResponseScalingShapeControl implements the segment level basis functions proportional adjustment to achieve the desired shape behavior of the response.ResponseValueSensitivityConstraint ResponseValueSensitivityConstraint holds the SegmentResponseValueConstraint instances for the Base Calibration and one for each Manifest Measure Sensitivity.SegmentBasisFlexureConstraint SegmentBasisFlexureConstraint holds the set of fields needed to characterize a single local linear Constraint, expressed linearly as a combination of the local Predictor Ordinates and their corresponding Response Basis Function Realizations.SegmentBestFitResponse SegmentBestFitResponse implements basis per-segment Fitness Penalty Parameter Set.SegmentCustomBuilderControl SegmentCustomBuilderControl holds the parameters the guide the creation/behavior of the segment.SegmentFlexurePenaltyControl SegmentFlexurePenaltyControl implements basis per-segment Flexure Penalty Parameter Set.SegmentInelasticDesignControl SegmentInelasticDesignControl implements basis per-segment inelastic parameter set.SegmentPredictorResponseDerivative SegmentPredictorResponseDerivative contains the segment local parameters used for the segment calibration.SegmentResponseConstraintSet SegmentResponseConstraintSet holds the set of SegmentResponseValueConstraint (Base + One/more Sensitivities) for the given Segment.SegmentResponseValueConstraint SegmentResponseValueConstraint holds the following set of fields that characterize a single global linear constraint between the predictor and the response variables within a single segment, expressed linearly across the constituent nodes.SegmentStateCalibrationInputs SegmentStateCalibrationInputs implements basis per-segment Calibration Parameter Input Set.StretchBestFitResponse StretchBestFitResponse implements basis per-Stretch Fitness Penalty Parameter Set.