Class BestFitFlexurePenalizer


public class BestFitFlexurePenalizer
extends java.lang.Object
BestFitFlexurePenalizer implements the Segment's Best Fit, Curvature, and Length Penalizers. It provides the following functionality:
  • BestFitFlexurePenalizer Constructor
  • Compute the Cross-Curvature Penalty for the given Basis Pair
  • Compute the Cross-Length Penalty for the given Basis Pair
  • Compute the Best Fit Cross-Product Penalty for the given Basis Pair
  • Compute the Basis Pair Penalty Coefficient for the Best Fit and the Curvature Penalties
  • Compute the Penalty Constraint for the Basis Pair

Module Product Core Module
Library Fixed Income Analytics
Project Basis Splines and Linear Compounders across a Broad Family of Spline Basis Functions
Package Flexure Penalizing Best Fit Segment

Lakshmi Krishnamurthy
  • Constructor Details

    • BestFitFlexurePenalizer

      public BestFitFlexurePenalizer​(LatentStateInelastic latentStateInelastic, SegmentFlexurePenaltyControl curvatureSegmentFlexurePenaltyControl, SegmentFlexurePenaltyControl lengthSegmentFlexurePenaltyControl, SegmentBestFitResponse segmentBestFitResponse, BasisEvaluator basisEvaluator) throws java.lang.Exception
      BestFitFlexurePenalizer constructor
      latentStateInelastic - Segment Inelastics
      curvatureSegmentFlexurePenaltyControl - Curvature Penalty Parameters
      lengthSegmentFlexurePenaltyControl - Length Penalty Parameters
      segmentBestFitResponse - Best Fit Weighted Response
      basisEvaluator - The Local Basis Evaluator
      java.lang.Exception - Thrown if the Inputs are Invalid
  • Method Details

    • basisPairCurvaturePenalty

      public double basisPairCurvaturePenalty​(int basisIndexI, int basisIndexR) throws java.lang.Exception
      Compute the Cross-Curvature Penalty for the given Basis Pair
      basisIndexI - I Basis Index (I is the Summation Index)
      basisIndexR - R Basis Index (R is the Separator Index)
      The Cross-Curvature Penalty for the given Basis Pair
      java.lang.Exception - Thrown if the Cross-Curvature Penalty cannot be computed
    • basisPairLengthPenalty

      public double basisPairLengthPenalty​(int basisIndexI, int basisIndexR) throws java.lang.Exception
      Compute the Cross-Length Penalty for the given Basis Pair
      basisIndexI - I Basis Index (I is the Summation Index)
      basisIndexR - R Basis Index (R is the Separator Index)
      The Cross-Length Penalty for the given Basis Pair
      java.lang.Exception - Thrown if the Cross-Length Penalty cannot be computed
    • basisBestFitPenalty

      public double basisBestFitPenalty​(int basisIndexI, int basisIndexR) throws java.lang.Exception
      Compute the Best Fit Cross-Product Penalty for the given Basis Pair
      basisIndexI - I Basis Index (I is the Summation Index)
      basisIndexR - R Basis Index (R is the Separator Index)
      The Best Fit Cross-Product Penalty for the given Basis Pair
      java.lang.Exception - Thrown if the Best Fit Cross-Product Penalty cannot be computed
    • basisPairConstraintCoefficient

      public double basisPairConstraintCoefficient​(int basisIndexI, int basisIndexR) throws java.lang.Exception
      Compute the Basis Pair Penalty Coefficient for the Best Fit and the Curvature Penalties
      basisIndexI - I Basis Index (I is the Summation Index)
      basisIndexR - R Basis Index (R is the Separator Index)
      The Basis Pair Penalty Coefficient for the Fitness and the Curvature Penalties
      java.lang.Exception - Thrown if the Inputs are Invalid
    • basisPairPenaltyConstraint

      public double basisPairPenaltyConstraint​(int basisIndexR) throws java.lang.Exception
      Compute the Penalty Constraint for the Basis Pair
      basisIndexR - R Basis Index (R is the Separator Index)
      Penalty Constraint for the Basis Pair
      java.lang.Exception - Thrown if the Inputs are invalid