Class MultiSegmentSequenceBuilder


public class MultiSegmentSequenceBuilder
extends java.lang.Object
MultiSegmentSequenceBuilder exports Stretch creation/calibration methods to generate customized basis splines, with customized segment behavior using the segment control. It exports the following methods of Stretch Creation:
  • Polynomial Spline
  • Bernstein Polynomial Spline
  • Hyperbolic Tension Spline
  • Exponential Tension Spline
  • Kaklis-Pandelis Spline
  • Exponential Rational Spline
  • Exponential Mixture Spline
  • Koch-Lyche-Kvasov Rational Exponential Tension Spline
  • Koch-Lyche-Kvasov Rational Hyperbolic Tension Spline
  • Koch-Lyche-Kvasov Rational Linear Tension Spline
  • Koch-Lyche-Kvasov Rational Quadratic Tension Spline
  • Create an Uncalibrated Stretch instance over the specified Predictor Ordinate Array using the specified Basis Spline Parameters for the Segment
  • Create a calibrated Stretch Instance over the specified array of Predictor Ordinates and Response Values using the specified Basis Splines
  • Create a calibrated Stretch Instance over the specified Predictor Ordinates, Response Values, and their Constraints, using the specified Segment Builder Parameters
  • Create a calibrated Stretch Instance over the specified Predictor Ordinates and the Response Value Constraints, with the Segment Builder Parameters
  • Create a Calibrated Stretch Instance from the Array of Predictor Ordinates and a flat Response Value
  • Create a Regression Spline Instance over the specified array of Predictor Ordinate Knot Points and the Set of the Points to be Best Fit

Module Product Core Module
Library Fixed Income Analytics
Project Basis Splines and Linear Compounders across a Broad Family of Spline Basis Functions
Package Multi-Segment Sequence Spline Stretch

Lakshmi Krishnamurthy
  • Field Details


      public static final java.lang.String BASIS_SPLINE_POLYNOMIAL
      Polynomial Spline
      See Also:
      Constant Field Values

      public static final java.lang.String BASIS_SPLINE_BERNSTEIN_POLYNOMIAL
      Bernstein Polynomial Spline
      See Also:
      Constant Field Values

      public static final java.lang.String BASIS_SPLINE_HYPERBOLIC_TENSION
      Hyperbolic Tension Spline
      See Also:
      Constant Field Values

      public static final java.lang.String BASIS_SPLINE_EXPONENTIAL_TENSION
      Exponential Tension Spline
      See Also:
      Constant Field Values

      public static final java.lang.String BASIS_SPLINE_KAKLIS_PANDELIS
      Kaklis Pandelis Spline
      See Also:
      Constant Field Values

      public static final java.lang.String BASIS_SPLINE_EXPONENTIAL_RATIONAL
      Exponential Rational Basis Spline
      See Also:
      Constant Field Values

      public static final java.lang.String BASIS_SPLINE_EXPONENTIAL_MIXTURE
      Exponential Mixture Basis Spline
      See Also:
      Constant Field Values

      public static final java.lang.String BASIS_SPLINE_KLK_EXPONENTIAL_TENSION
      Koch-Lyche-Kvasov Exponential Tension Spline
      See Also:
      Constant Field Values

      public static final java.lang.String BASIS_SPLINE_KLK_HYPERBOLIC_TENSION
      Koch-Lyche-Kvasov Hyperbolic Tension Spline
      See Also:
      Constant Field Values

      public static final java.lang.String BASIS_SPLINE_KLK_RATIONAL_LINEAR_TENSION
      Koch-Lyche-Kvasov Rational Linear Tension Spline
      See Also:
      Constant Field Values

      public static final java.lang.String BASIS_SPLINE_KLK_RATIONAL_QUADRATIC_TENSION
      Koch-Lyche-Kvasov Rational Quadratic Tension Spline
      See Also:
      Constant Field Values
  • Constructor Details

    • MultiSegmentSequenceBuilder

      public MultiSegmentSequenceBuilder()
  • Method Details

    • CreateSegmentSet

      public static final LatentStateResponseModel[] CreateSegmentSet​(double[] predictorOrdinateArray, SegmentCustomBuilderControl[] segmentCustomBuilderControlArray)
      Create an uncalibrated Stretch instance over the specified Predictor Ordinate Array using the specified Basis Spline Parameters for the Segment.
      predictorOrdinateArray - Predictor Ordinate Array
      segmentCustomBuilderControlArray - Array of Segment Builder Parameters
      Stretch instance
    • CreateUncalibratedStretchEstimator

      public static final MultiSegmentSequence CreateUncalibratedStretchEstimator​(java.lang.String name, double[] predictorOrdinateArray, SegmentCustomBuilderControl[] segmentCustomBuilderControlArray)
      Create an Uncalibrated Stretch instance over the specified Predictor Ordinate Array using the specified Basis Spline Parameters for the Segment.
      name - Name of the Stretch
      predictorOrdinateArray - Predictor Ordinate Array
      segmentCustomBuilderControlArray - Array of Segment Builder Parameters
      Stretch instance
    • CreateCalibratedStretchEstimator

      public static final MultiSegmentSequence CreateCalibratedStretchEstimator​(java.lang.String name, double[] predictorOrdinateArray, double[] responseValueArray, SegmentCustomBuilderControl[] segmentCustomBuilderControlArray, StretchBestFitResponse stretchBestFitResponse, BoundarySettings boundarySettings, int calibrationDetail)
      Create a calibrated Stretch Instance over the specified array of Predictor Ordinates and Response Values using the specified Basis Splines.
      name - Name of the Stretch
      predictorOrdinateArray - Predictor Ordinate Array
      responseValueArray - Response Value Array
      segmentCustomBuilderControlArray - Array of Segment Builder Parameters
      stretchBestFitResponse - Stretch Fitness Weighted Response
      boundarySettings - The Calibration Boundary Condition
      calibrationDetail - The Calibration Detail
      Stretch instance
    • CreateCalibratedStretchEstimator

      public static final MultiSegmentSequence CreateCalibratedStretchEstimator​(java.lang.String name, int[] predictorOrdinateArray, double[] responseValueArray, SegmentCustomBuilderControl[] segmentCustomBuilderControlArray, StretchBestFitResponse stretchBestFitResponse, BoundarySettings boundarySettings, int calibrationDetail)
      Create a calibrated Stretch Instance over the specified array of Predictor Ordinates and Response Values using the specified Basis Splines.
      name - Name of the Stretch
      predictorOrdinateArray - Predictor Ordinate Array
      responseValueArray - Response Value Array
      segmentCustomBuilderControlArray - Array of Segment Builder Parameters
      stretchBestFitResponse - Stretch Fitness Weighted Response
      boundarySettings - The Calibration Boundary Condition
      calibrationDetail - The Calibration Detail
      Stretch instance
    • CreateCalibratedStretchEstimator

      public static final MultiSegmentSequence CreateCalibratedStretchEstimator​(java.lang.String name, double[] predictorOrdinateArray, double stretchLeftResponseValue, SegmentResponseValueConstraint[] segmentResponseValueConstraintArray, SegmentCustomBuilderControl[] segmentCustomBuilderControlArray, StretchBestFitResponse stretchBestFitResponse, BoundarySettings boundarySettings, int calibrationDetail)
      Create a calibrated Stretch Instance over the specified Predictor Ordinates, Response Values, and their Constraints, using the specified Segment Builder Parameters.
      name - Name of the Stretch
      predictorOrdinateArray - Predictor Ordinate Array
      stretchLeftResponseValue - Left-most Y Point
      segmentResponseValueConstraintArray - Array of Response Value Constraints - One per Segment
      segmentCustomBuilderControlArray - Array of Segment Builder Parameters - One per Segment
      stretchBestFitResponse - Stretch Fitness Weighted Response
      boundarySettings - The Calibration Boundary Condition
      calibrationDetail - The Calibration Detail
      Stretch Instance
    • CreateCalibratedStretchEstimator

      public static final MultiSegmentSequence CreateCalibratedStretchEstimator​(java.lang.String name, double[] predictorOrdinateArray, SegmentResponseValueConstraint stretchLeftSegmentResponseValueConstraint, SegmentResponseValueConstraint[] segmentResponseValueConstraintArray, SegmentCustomBuilderControl[] segmentCustomBuilderControlArray, StretchBestFitResponse stretchBestFitResponse, BoundarySettings boundarySettings, int calibrationDetail)
      Create a calibrated Stretch Instance over the specified Predictor Ordinates and the Response Value Constraints, with the Segment Builder Parameters.
      name - Name of the Stretch
      predictorOrdinateArray - Predictor Ordinate Array
      stretchLeftSegmentResponseValueConstraint - Stretch Left Constraint
      segmentResponseValueConstraintArray - Array of Response Value Constraints - One per Segment
      segmentCustomBuilderControlArray - Array of Segment Builder Parameters - One per Segment
      stretchBestFitResponse - Stretch Fitness Weighted Response
      boundarySettings - The Calibration Boundary Condition
      calibrationDetail - The Calibration Detail
      Stretch Instance
    • CreateCalibratedStretchEstimator

      public static final MultiSegmentSequence CreateCalibratedStretchEstimator​(java.lang.String name, double[] predictorOrdinateArray, double responseValue, SegmentCustomBuilderControl segmentCustomBuilderControl, StretchBestFitResponse stretchBestFitResponse, BoundarySettings boundarySettings, int calibrationDetail)
      Create a Calibrated Stretch Instance from the Array of Predictor Ordinates and a flat Response Value
      name - Name of the Stretch
      predictorOrdinateArray - Predictor Ordinate Array
      responseValue - Response Value
      segmentCustomBuilderControl - Segment Builder Parameters
      stretchBestFitResponse - Stretch Fitness Weighted Response
      boundarySettings - The Calibration Boundary Condition
      calibrationDetail - The Calibration Detail
      Stretch Instance
    • CreateRegressionSplineEstimator

      public static final MultiSegmentSequence CreateRegressionSplineEstimator​(java.lang.String name, double[] knotPredictorOrdinateArray, SegmentCustomBuilderControl[] segmentCustomBuilderControlArray, StretchBestFitResponse stretchBestFitResponse, BoundarySettings boundarySettings, int calibrationDetail)
      Create a Regression Spline Instance over the specified array of Predictor Ordinate Knot Points and the Set of the Points to be Best Fit.
      name - Name of the Stretch
      knotPredictorOrdinateArray - Array of the Predictor Ordinate Knots
      segmentCustomBuilderControlArray - Array of Segment Builder Parameters
      stretchBestFitResponse - Stretch Fitness Weighted Response
      boundarySettings - The Calibration Boundary Condition
      calibrationDetail - The Calibration Detail
      Stretch instance