Class CreditCurveScenario


public class CreditCurveScenario
extends java.lang.Object
CreditCurveScenario uses the hazard rate calibration instruments along with the component calibrator to produce scenario hazard rate curves. CreditCurveScenario typically first constructs the actual curve calibrator instance to localize the intelligence around curve construction. It then uses this curve calibrator instance to build individual curves or the sequence of node bumped scenario curves. The curves in the set may be an array, or tenor-keyed. It exposes the following functions:
  • Calibrate a credit curve
  • Create an array of tenor bumped credit curves
  • Create an tenor named map of tenor bumped credit curves

Module Product Core Module
Library Fixed Income Analytics
Project Latent State Inference and Creation Utilities
Package Bootable Discount, Credit, Volatility States
Lakshmi Krishnamurthy
  • Constructor Details

    • CreditCurveScenario

      public CreditCurveScenario()
  • Method Details

    • Standard

      public static final CreditCurve Standard​(java.lang.String name, ValuationParams valuationParams, CalibratableComponent[] calibratableComponentArray, double[] calibrationQuoteArray, java.lang.String[] calibrationMeasureArray, double recovery, boolean flat, MergedDiscountForwardCurve discountCurve, GovvieCurve govvieCurve, LatentStateFixingsContainer latentStateFixingsContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams valuationCustomizationParams, CalibrationParams calibrationParams)
      Calibrate a Credit Curve
      name - Credit Curve name
      valuationParams - ValuationParams
      calibratableComponentArray - Array of Calibration Instruments
      calibrationQuoteArray - Array of component quotes
      calibrationMeasureArray - Array of the calibration measures
      recovery - Component recovery
      flat - Flat Calibration (True), or real bootstrapping (false)
      discountCurve - Base Discount Curve
      govvieCurve - Govvie Curve
      latentStateFixingsContainer - Latent State Fixings Container
      valuationCustomizationParams - Valuation Customization Parameters
      calibrationParams - The Calibration Parameters
      CreditCurve Instance
    • Tenor

      public static final CreditCurve[] Tenor​(java.lang.String name, ValuationParams valuationParams, CalibratableComponent[] calibratableComponentArray, double[] calibrationQuoteArray, java.lang.String[] calibrationMeasureArray, double recovery, boolean flat, double bump, MergedDiscountForwardCurve discountCurve, GovvieCurve govvieCurve, LatentStateFixingsContainer latentStateFixingsContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams valuationCustomizationParams)
      Create an array of tenor bumped credit curves
      name - Credit Curve name
      valuationParams - ValuationParams
      calibratableComponentArray - Array of Calibration Instruments
      calibrationQuoteArray - Array of component quotes
      calibrationMeasureArray - Array of the calibration measures
      recovery - Component recovery
      flat - Flat Calibration (True), or real bootstrapping (false)
      bump - Amount of bump applied to the tenor
      discountCurve - Base Discount Curve
      govvieCurve - Govvie Curve
      latentStateFixingsContainer - Latent State Fixings Container
      valuationCustomizationParams - Valuation Customization Parameters
      Array of CreditCurves
    • TenorMap

      public static final CaseInsensitiveTreeMap<CreditCurve> TenorMap​(java.lang.String name, ValuationParams valuationParams, CalibratableComponent[] calibratableComponentArray, double[] calibrationQuoteArray, java.lang.String[] calibrationMeasureArray, double recovery, boolean flat, double bump, MergedDiscountForwardCurve discountCurve, GovvieCurve govvieCurve, LatentStateFixingsContainer latentStateFixingsContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams valuationCustomizationParams)
      Create an tenor named map of tenor bumped credit curves
      name - Credit Curve name
      valuationParams - ValuationParams
      calibratableComponentArray - Array of Calibration Instruments
      calibrationQuoteArray - Array of component quotes
      calibrationMeasureArray - Array of the calibration measures
      recovery - Component recovery
      flat - Flat Calibration (True), or real bootstrapping (false)
      bump - Amount of bump applied to the tenor
      discountCurve - Base Discount Curve
      govvieCurve - Govvie Curve
      latentStateFixingsContainer - Latent State Fixings Container
      valuationCustomizationParams - Valuation Customization Parameters
      Tenor named map of tenor bumped credit curves