Class ScenarioBasisCurveBuilder


public class ScenarioBasisCurveBuilder
extends java.lang.Object
ScenarioBasisCurveBuilder implements the construction of the scenario basis curve using the input instruments and their quotes. It exposes the following functions:
  • Create an Instance of the Custom Splined Basis Curve
  • Create an Instance of the Cubic Polynomial Splined Basis Curve
  • Create an Instance of the Quartic Polynomial Splined Basis Curve
  • Create an Instance of the Kaklis-Pandelis Splined Basis Curve
  • Create an Instance of the KLK Hyperbolic Splined Basis Curve
  • Create an Instance of the KLK Rational Linear Splined Basis Curve
  • Create an Instance of the KLK Rational Quadratic Splined Basis Curve

Module Product Core Module
Library Fixed Income Analytics
Project Latent State Inference and Creation Utilities
Package Scenario State Curve/Surface Builders
Lakshmi Krishnamurthy
  • Constructor Details

    • ScenarioBasisCurveBuilder

      public ScenarioBasisCurveBuilder()
  • Method Details

    • CustomSplineBasisCurve

      public static final BasisCurve CustomSplineBasisCurve​(java.lang.String name, JulianDate spotDate, ForwardLabel referenceForwardLabel, ForwardLabel derivedForwardLabel, boolean basisOnReference, java.lang.String[] tenorArray, double[] basisArray, SegmentCustomBuilderControl segmentCustomBuilderControl)
      Create an Instance of the Custom Splined Basis Curve
      name - Curve Name
      spotDate - The Spot Date
      referenceForwardLabel - Reference Leg FRI
      derivedForwardLabel - Derived Leg FRI
      basisOnReference - TRUE - The Basis Quote is on the Reference Leg
      tenorArray - Array of the Tenors
      basisArray - Array of the Basis Spreads
      segmentCustomBuilderControl - The Segment Custom Builder Control
      The Instance of the Basis Curve
    • CubicPolynomialBasisCurve

      public static final BasisCurve CubicPolynomialBasisCurve​(java.lang.String name, JulianDate spotDate, ForwardLabel referenceForwardLabel, ForwardLabel derivedForwardLabel, boolean basisOnReference, java.lang.String[] tenorArray, double[] basisArray)
      Create an Instance of the Cubic Polynomial Splined Basis Curve
      name - Curve Name
      spotDate - The Spot Date
      referenceForwardLabel - Reference Leg FRI
      derivedForwardLabel - Derived Leg FRI
      basisOnReference - TRUE - The Basis Quote is on the Reference Leg
      tenorArray - Array of the Tenors
      basisArray - Array of the Basis Spreads
      The Instance of the Basis Curve
    • QuarticPolynomialBasisCurve

      public static final BasisCurve QuarticPolynomialBasisCurve​(java.lang.String name, JulianDate spotDate, ForwardLabel referenceForwardLabel, ForwardLabel derivedForwardLabel, boolean basisOnReference, java.lang.String[] tenorArray, double[] basisArray)
      Create an Instance of the Quartic Polynomial Splined Basis Curve
      name - Curve Name
      spotDate - The Spot Date
      referenceForwardLabel - Reference Leg FRI
      derivedForwardLabel - Derived Leg FRI
      basisOnReference - TRUE - The Basis Quote is on the Reference Leg
      tenorArray - Array of the Tenors
      basisArray - Array of the Basis Spreads
      The Instance of the Basis Curve
    • KaklisPandelisBasisCurve

      public static final BasisCurve KaklisPandelisBasisCurve​(java.lang.String name, JulianDate spotDate, ForwardLabel referenceForwardLabel, ForwardLabel derivedForwardLabel, boolean basisOnReference, java.lang.String[] tenorArray, double[] basisArray)
      Create an Instance of the Kaklis-Pandelis Splined Basis Curve
      name - Curve Name
      spotDate - The Spot Date
      referenceForwardLabel - Reference Leg FRI
      derivedForwardLabel - Derived Leg FRI
      basisOnReference - TRUE - The Basis Quote is on the Reference Leg
      tenorArray - Array of the Tenors
      basisArray - Array of the Basis Spreads
      The Instance of the Basis Curve
    • KLKHyperbolicBasisCurve

      public static final BasisCurve KLKHyperbolicBasisCurve​(java.lang.String name, JulianDate spotDate, ForwardLabel referenceForwardLabel, ForwardLabel derivedForwardLabel, boolean basisOnReference, java.lang.String[] tenorArray, double[] basisArray, double tension)
      Create an Instance of the KLK Hyperbolic Splined Basis Curve
      name - Curve Name
      spotDate - The Spot Date
      referenceForwardLabel - Reference Leg FRI
      derivedForwardLabel - Derived Leg FRI
      basisOnReference - TRUE - The Basis Quote is on the Reference Leg
      tenorArray - Array of the Tenors
      basisArray - Array of the Basis Spreads
      tension - The Tension Parameter
      The Instance of the Basis Curve
    • KLKRationalLinearBasisCurve

      public static final BasisCurve KLKRationalLinearBasisCurve​(java.lang.String name, JulianDate spotDate, ForwardLabel referenceForwardLabel, ForwardLabel derivedForwardLabel, boolean basisOnReference, java.lang.String[] tenorArray, double[] basisArray, double tension)
      Create an Instance of the KLK Rational Linear Splined Basis Curve
      name - Curve Name
      spotDate - The Spot Date
      referenceForwardLabel - Reference Leg FRI
      derivedForwardLabel - Derived Leg FRI
      basisOnReference - TRUE - The Basis Quote is on the Reference Leg
      tenorArray - Array of the Tenors
      basisArray - Array of the Basis Spreads
      tension - The Tension Parameter
      The Instance of the Basis Curve
    • KLKRationalQuadraticBasisCurve

      public static final BasisCurve KLKRationalQuadraticBasisCurve​(java.lang.String name, JulianDate spotDate, ForwardLabel referenceForwardLabel, ForwardLabel derivedForwardLabel, boolean basisOnReference, java.lang.String[] tenorArray, double[] basisArray, double tension)
      Create an Instance of the KLK Rational Quadratic Splined Basis Curve
      name - Curve Name
      spotDate - The Spot Date
      referenceForwardLabel - Reference Leg FRI
      derivedForwardLabel - Derived Leg FRI
      basisOnReference - TRUE - The Basis Quote is on the Reference Leg
      tenorArray - Array of the Tenors
      basisArray - Array of the Basis Spreads
      tension - The Tension Parameter
      The Instance of the Basis Curve