Class LinearLatentStateCalibrator


public class LinearLatentStateCalibrator
extends GlobalControlCurveParams
LinearLatentStateCalibrator calibrates/constructs the Latent State Stretch/Span from the calibration instrument details. The span construction may be customized using specific settings provided in GlobalControlCurveParams. It implements the following Functionality.
  • LinearLatentStateCalibrator Constructor
  • Calibrate the Span from the Instruments in the Stretches and their Details.

Module Product Core Module
Library Fixed Income Analytics
Project Latent State Inference and Creation Utilities
Package Latent State Stretch Sequence Inference
Lakshmi Krishnamurthy
  • Constructor Details

    • LinearLatentStateCalibrator

      public LinearLatentStateCalibrator​(SegmentCustomBuilderControl segmentCustomBuilderControl, BoundarySettings boundarySettings, int calibrationDetail, StretchBestFitResponse stretchBestFitResponse, StretchBestFitResponse stretchBestFitResponseSensitivity) throws java.lang.Exception
      LinearLatentStateCalibrator constructor
      segmentCustomBuilderControl - Segment Builder Control Parameters
      boundarySettings - The Calibration Boundary Condition
      calibrationDetail - The Calibration Detail
      stretchBestFitResponse - Curve Fitness Weighted Response
      stretchBestFitResponseSensitivity - Curve Fitness Weighted Response Sensitivity
      java.lang.Exception - Thrown if the inputs are invalid
  • Method Details

    • calibrateSpan

      public OverlappingStretchSpan calibrateSpan​(LatentStateStretchSpec[] latentStateStretchSpecArray, double epochResponse, ValuationParams valuationParams, CreditPricerParams creditPricerParams, ValuationCustomizationParams valuationCustomizationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer curveSurfaceQuoteContainer)
      Calibrate the Span from the Instruments in the Stretches and their Details.
      latentStateStretchSpecArray - The Stretch Sequence constituting the Span
      epochResponse - Segment Sequence Left-most Response Value
      valuationParams - Valuation Parameter
      creditPricerParams - Pricer Parameter
      valuationCustomizationParams - The Valuation Customization Parameters
      curveSurfaceQuoteContainer - The Market Parameters Surface and Quote
      Instance of the Latent State Span