- package org.drip.product.definition;
- /*
- * -*- mode: java; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
- */
- /*!
- * Copyright (C) 2020 Lakshmi Krishnamurthy
- * Copyright (C) 2019 Lakshmi Krishnamurthy
- * Copyright (C) 2018 Lakshmi Krishnamurthy
- * Copyright (C) 2017 Lakshmi Krishnamurthy
- * Copyright (C) 2016 Lakshmi Krishnamurthy
- * Copyright (C) 2015 Lakshmi Krishnamurthy
- * Copyright (C) 2014 Lakshmi Krishnamurthy
- * Copyright (C) 2013 Lakshmi Krishnamurthy
- * Copyright (C) 2012 Lakshmi Krishnamurthy
- * Copyright (C) 2011 Lakshmi Krishnamurthy
- *
- * This file is part of DROP, an open-source library targeting analytics/risk, transaction cost analytics,
- * asset liability management analytics, capital, exposure, and margin analytics, valuation adjustment
- * analytics, and portfolio construction analytics within and across fixed income, credit, commodity,
- * equity, FX, and structured products. It also includes auxiliary libraries for algorithm support,
- * numerical analysis, numerical optimization, spline builder, model validation, statistical learning,
- * and computational support.
- *
- *
- *
- * DROP is composed of three modules:
- *
- * - DROP Product Core -
- * - DROP Portfolio Core -
- * - DROP Computational Core -
- *
- * DROP Product Core implements libraries for the following:
- * - Fixed Income Analytics
- * - Loan Analytics
- * - Transaction Cost Analytics
- *
- * DROP Portfolio Core implements libraries for the following:
- * - Asset Allocation Analytics
- * - Asset Liability Management Analytics
- * - Capital Estimation Analytics
- * - Exposure Analytics
- * - Margin Analytics
- * - XVA Analytics
- *
- * DROP Computational Core implements libraries for the following:
- * - Algorithm Support
- * - Computation Support
- * - Function Analysis
- * - Model Validation
- * - Numerical Analysis
- * - Numerical Optimizer
- * - Spline Builder
- * - Statistical Learning
- *
- * Documentation for DROP is Spread Over:
- *
- * - Main =>
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- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- *
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- *
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- /**
- * <i>BasketProduct</i> abstract class extends MarketParamRef. It provides methods for getting the basket’s
- * components, notional, coupon, effective date, maturity date, coupon amount, and list of coupon periods.
- *
- * <br><br>
- * <ul>
- * <li><b>Module </b> = <a href = "">Product Core Module</a></li>
- * <li><b>Library</b> = <a href = "">Fixed Income Analytics</a></li>
- * <li><b>Project</b> = <a href = "">Product Components/Baskets for Credit, FRA, FX, Govvie, Rates, and Option AssetClasses</a></li>
- * <li><b>Package</b> = <a href = "">Fixed Income Components/Baskets Definitions</a></li>
- * </ul>
- * <br><br>
- *
- * @author Lakshmi Krishnamurthy
- */
- public abstract class BasketProduct implements org.drip.product.definition.BasketMarketParamRef {
- protected static final int MEASURE_AGGREGATION_TYPE_CUMULATIVE = 1;
- protected static final int MEASURE_AGGREGATION_TYPE_UNIT_ACCUMULATE = 4;
- protected static final int MEASURE_AGGREGATION_TYPE_IGNORE = 4;
- class ComponentCurve {
- java.lang.String _strName = null;
- _cc = null;
- ComponentCurve (
- final java.lang.String strName,
- final cc)
- {
- _cc = cc;
- _strName = strName;
- }
- }
- class FlatDeltaGammaMeasureMap {
-<java.lang.Double> _mapDelta = null;
-<java.lang.Double> _mapGamma = null;
- FlatDeltaGammaMeasureMap (
- final<java.lang.Double> mapDelta,
- final<java.lang.Double> mapGamma)
- {
- _mapDelta = mapDelta;
- _mapGamma = mapGamma;
- }
- }
- class TenorDeltaGammaMeasureMap {
- _mmDelta = null;
- _mmGamma = null;
- TenorDeltaGammaMeasureMap (
- final
- mmDelta,
- final
- mmGamma)
- {
- _mmDelta = mmDelta;
- _mmGamma = mmGamma;
- }
- }
- class ComponentFactorTenorDeltaGammaMeasureMap {
- _mmmDelta = null;
- _mmmGamma = null;
- ComponentFactorTenorDeltaGammaMeasureMap (
- final
- mmmDelta,
- final
- mmmGamma)
- {
- _mmmDelta = mmmDelta;
- _mmmGamma = mmmGamma;
- }
- }
- private FlatDeltaGammaMeasureMap accumulateDeltaGammaMeasures (
- final org.drip.param.valuation.ValuationParams valParams,
- final org.drip.param.pricer.CreditPricerParams pricerParams,
- final csqsUp,
- final csqsDown,
- final org.drip.param.valuation.ValuationCustomizationParams vcp,
- final<java.lang.Double> mapBaseMeasures)
- {
- if (null == csqsUp) return null;
-<java.lang.Double> mapUpMeasures = value (valParams,
- pricerParams, csqsUp, vcp);
- if (null == mapUpMeasures || 0 == mapUpMeasures.size()) return null;
- java.util.Set<java.util.Map.Entry<java.lang.String, java.lang.Double>> mapUpMeasuresES =
- mapUpMeasures.entrySet();
- if (null == mapUpMeasuresES) return null;
-<java.lang.Double> mapDeltaMeasures = new
- for (java.util.Map.Entry<java.lang.String, java.lang.Double> meUp : mapUpMeasuresES) {
- if (null == meUp) continue;
- java.lang.String strKey = meUp.getKey();
- if (null == strKey || strKey.isEmpty()) continue;
- java.lang.Double dblBase = mapBaseMeasures.get (strKey);
- java.lang.Double dblUp = meUp.getValue();
- mapDeltaMeasures.put (strKey, (null == dblUp ? 0. : dblUp) - (null == dblBase ? 0. : dblBase));
- }
- if (null == csqsDown) return new FlatDeltaGammaMeasureMap (mapDeltaMeasures, null);
-<java.lang.Double> mapDownMeasures = value
- (valParams, pricerParams, csqsDown, vcp);
- if (null == mapDownMeasures || 0 == mapDownMeasures.size())
- return new FlatDeltaGammaMeasureMap (mapDeltaMeasures, null);
- java.util.Set<java.util.Map.Entry<java.lang.String, java.lang.Double>> mapDownMeasuresES =
- mapDownMeasures.entrySet();
- if (null == mapDownMeasuresES) return new FlatDeltaGammaMeasureMap (mapDeltaMeasures, null);
-<java.lang.Double> mapGammaMeasures = new
- for (java.util.Map.Entry<java.lang.String, java.lang.Double> meDown : mapDownMeasuresES) {
- if (null == meDown) continue;
- java.lang.String strKey = meDown.getKey();
- if (null == strKey || strKey.isEmpty()) continue;
- java.lang.Double dblBase = mapBaseMeasures.get (strKey);
- java.lang.Double dblUp = mapUpMeasures.get (strKey);
- java.lang.Double dblDown = meDown.getValue();
- mapGammaMeasures.put (strKey, (null == dblUp ? 0. : dblUp) + (null == dblDown ? 0. : dblDown) -
- (null == dblBase ? 0. : 2. * dblBase));
- }
- return new FlatDeltaGammaMeasureMap (mapDeltaMeasures, mapGammaMeasures);
- }
- private TenorDeltaGammaMeasureMap accumulateTenorDeltaGammaMeasures (
- final org.drip.param.valuation.ValuationParams valParams,
- final org.drip.param.pricer.CreditPricerParams pricerParams,
- final<>
- mapTenorUpCSQS,
- final<>
- mapTenorDownCSQS,
- final org.drip.param.valuation.ValuationCustomizationParams vcp,
- final<java.lang.Double> mapBaseMeasures,
- final ComponentCurve compCurve)
- {
- if (null == mapTenorUpCSQS || 0 == mapTenorUpCSQS.size()) return null;
- java.util.Set<java.util.Map.Entry<java.lang.String,>>
- mapESTenorUpCSQS = mapTenorUpCSQS.entrySet();
- if (null == mapESTenorUpCSQS || 0 == mapESTenorUpCSQS.size()) return null;
-<FlatDeltaGammaMeasureMap> mapTenorDGMM = new
- for (java.util.Map.Entry<java.lang.String,> meTenorUpCSQS
- : mapESTenorUpCSQS) {
- if (null == meTenorUpCSQS) continue;
- java.lang.String strTenorKey = meTenorUpCSQS.getKey();
- if (null == strTenorKey || strTenorKey.isEmpty()) continue;
- csqsTenorUp = meTenorUpCSQS.getValue();
- csqsTenorDown = mapTenorDownCSQS.get (strTenorKey);
- ccVirginUp = null;
- ccVirginDown = null;
- if (null != csqsTenorUp && null != compCurve && null != compCurve._cc && null !=
- compCurve._strName && !compCurve._strName.isEmpty()) {
- ccVirginUp = csqsTenorUp.creditState (org.drip.state.identifier.EntityCDSLabel.Standard
- (compCurve._strName, couponCurrency()[0]));
- csqsTenorUp.setCreditState (compCurve._cc);
- if (null != csqsTenorDown) {
- ccVirginDown = csqsTenorDown.creditState (org.drip.state.identifier.EntityCDSLabel.Standard
- (compCurve._strName, couponCurrency()[0]));
- csqsTenorDown.setCreditState (compCurve._cc);
- }
- }
- mapTenorDGMM.put (strTenorKey, accumulateDeltaGammaMeasures (valParams, pricerParams,
- csqsTenorUp, csqsTenorDown, vcp, mapBaseMeasures));
- if (null != csqsTenorUp && null != compCurve && null != compCurve._strName &&
- !compCurve._strName.isEmpty() && null != ccVirginUp)
- csqsTenorUp.setCreditState (ccVirginUp);
- if (null != csqsTenorDown && null != compCurve && null != compCurve._strName &&
- !compCurve._strName.isEmpty() && null != ccVirginDown)
- csqsTenorDown.setCreditState (ccVirginDown);
- }
- if (0 == mapTenorDGMM.size()) return null;
- mmDelta = new
- mmGamma = new
- for (java.util.Map.Entry<java.lang.String, FlatDeltaGammaMeasureMap> meTenorDGMM :
- mapTenorDGMM.entrySet()) {
- if (null == meTenorDGMM) continue;
- FlatDeltaGammaMeasureMap dgmmTenorDelta = meTenorDGMM.getValue();
- if (null != dgmmTenorDelta) {
- java.lang.String strKey = meTenorDGMM.getKey();
- mmDelta.put (strKey, dgmmTenorDelta._mapDelta);
- mmGamma.put (strKey, dgmmTenorDelta._mapGamma);
- }
- }
- return new TenorDeltaGammaMeasureMap (mmDelta, mmGamma);
- }
- private ComponentFactorTenorDeltaGammaMeasureMap accumulateComponentWiseTenorDeltaGammaMeasures (
- final org.drip.param.valuation.ValuationParams valParams,
- final org.drip.param.pricer.CreditPricerParams pricerParams,
- final<>
- mapCSQS,
- final<>
- mapTenorUpCSQS,
- final<>
- mapTenorDownCSQS,
- final org.drip.param.valuation.ValuationCustomizationParams vcp,
- final<java.lang.Double> mapBaseMeasures)
- {
- if (null == mapCSQS || 0 == mapCSQS.size()) return null;
- java.util.Set<java.util.Map.Entry<java.lang.String,>>
- mapESCSQS = mapCSQS.entrySet();
- if (null == mapESCSQS || 0 == mapESCSQS.size()) return null;
-<TenorDeltaGammaMeasureMap> mapComponentTenorDGMM =
- new<TenorDeltaGammaMeasureMap>();
- for (java.util.Map.Entry<java.lang.String,> meCSQS :
- mapESCSQS) {
- if (null == meCSQS) continue;
- java.lang.String strComponentName = meCSQS.getKey();
- if (null == strComponentName || strComponentName.isEmpty()) continue;
- csqs = meCSQS.getValue();
- if (null != csqs)
- mapComponentTenorDGMM.put (strComponentName, accumulateTenorDeltaGammaMeasures (valParams,
- pricerParams, mapTenorUpCSQS, mapTenorDownCSQS, vcp, mapBaseMeasures, new ComponentCurve
- (strComponentName, csqs.creditState (org.drip.state.identifier.EntityCDSLabel.Standard
- (strComponentName, couponCurrency()[0])))));
- }
- if (0 == mapComponentTenorDGMM.size()) return null;
- mmmCompRatesDelta = new
- mmmCompRatesGamma = new
- for (java.util.Map.Entry<java.lang.String, TenorDeltaGammaMeasureMap> meCompTenorDGMM :
- mapComponentTenorDGMM.entrySet()) {
- if (null == meCompTenorDGMM) continue;
- TenorDeltaGammaMeasureMap dgmmCompTenorDeltaGamma = meCompTenorDGMM.getValue();
- if (null != dgmmCompTenorDeltaGamma) {
- java.lang.String strKey = meCompTenorDGMM.getKey();
- mmmCompRatesDelta.put (strKey, dgmmCompTenorDeltaGamma._mmDelta);
- mmmCompRatesGamma.put (strKey, dgmmCompTenorDeltaGamma._mmGamma);
- }
- }
- return new ComponentFactorTenorDeltaGammaMeasureMap (mmmCompRatesDelta, mmmCompRatesGamma);
- }
- protected double measureValue (
- final java.lang.String strMeasure,
- final<java.lang.Double> mapCalc)
- throws java.lang.Exception
- {
- if (null == strMeasure || strMeasure.isEmpty() || null == mapCalc || null == mapCalc.entrySet())
- throw new java.lang.Exception ("BasketProduct::measureValue => Invalid Params");
- for (java.util.Map.Entry<java.lang.String, java.lang.Double> me : mapCalc.entrySet()) {
- if (null != me && null != me.getKey() && me.getKey().equalsIgnoreCase (strMeasure))
- return me.getValue();
- }
- throw new java.lang.Exception ("BasketProduct::getMeasure => " + strMeasure +
- " is an invalid measure!");
- }
- /**
- * Return the basket name
- *
- * @return Name of the basket product
- */
- public abstract java.lang.String name();
- /**
- * Return the Components in the Basket
- *
- * @return Components in the Basket
- */
- public abstract org.drip.product.definition.Component[] components();
- /**
- * Retrieve the Aggregation Type for the specified Measure
- *
- * @param strMeasureName The Specified Measure Name
- *
- * @return The Aggregation Type
- */
- public abstract int measureAggregationType (
- final java.lang.String strMeasureName);
- /**
- * Retrieve the component Weights
- *
- * @return Array Containing the Component Weights
- */
- public double[] weights()
- {
- org.drip.product.definition.Component[] aComp = components();
- double dblTotalWeight = 0.;
- int iNumComp = aComp.length;
- double[] adblWeight = new double[iNumComp];
- for (int i = 0; i < iNumComp; ++i) {
- try {
- dblTotalWeight += (adblWeight[i] = aComp[i].initialNotional());
- } catch (java.lang.Exception e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- return null;
- }
- }
- if (0. == dblTotalWeight) return null;
- for (int i = 0; i < iNumComp; ++i)
- adblWeight[i] /= dblTotalWeight;
- return adblWeight;
- }
- @Override public java.lang.String[] couponCurrency()
- {
- org.drip.product.definition.Component[] aComp = components();
- if (null == aComp) return null;
- int iNumComp = aComp.length;
- if (0 == iNumComp) return null;
- java.util.Set<java.lang.String> setCouponCurrency = new java.util.HashSet<java.lang.String>();
- for (int i = 0; i < iNumComp; ++i) {
- if (null == aComp[i]) return null;
-<java.lang.String> mapComponentCouponCurrency =
- aComp[i].couponCurrency();
- if (null != mapComponentCouponCurrency && 0 != mapComponentCouponCurrency.size()) {
- for (java.util.Map.Entry<java.lang.String, java.lang.String> meCouponCurrency :
- mapComponentCouponCurrency.entrySet())
- setCouponCurrency.add (meCouponCurrency.getValue());
- }
- }
- int iNumCouponCurrency = setCouponCurrency.size();
- if (0 == iNumCouponCurrency) return null;
- int i = 0;
- java.lang.String[] astrCouponCurrency = new java.lang.String[iNumCouponCurrency];
- for (java.lang.String strCouponCurrency : astrCouponCurrency)
- astrCouponCurrency[i++] = strCouponCurrency;
- return astrCouponCurrency;
- }
- @Override public java.lang.String[] payCurrency()
- {
- org.drip.product.definition.Component[] aComp = components();
- if (null == aComp) return null;
- int iNumComp = aComp.length;
- if (0 == iNumComp) return null;
- java.util.Set<java.lang.String> setPayCurrency = new java.util.HashSet<java.lang.String>();
- for (int i = 0; i < iNumComp; ++i) {
- if (null == aComp[i]) return null;
- setPayCurrency.add (aComp[i].payCurrency());
- }
- int iNumPayCurrency = setPayCurrency.size();
- if (0 == iNumPayCurrency) return null;
- int i = 0;
- java.lang.String[] astrPayCurrency = new java.lang.String[iNumPayCurrency];
- for (java.lang.String strPayCurrency : astrPayCurrency)
- astrPayCurrency[i++] = strPayCurrency;
- return astrPayCurrency;
- }
- @Override public java.lang.String[] principalCurrency()
- {
- org.drip.product.definition.Component[] aComp = components();
- if (null == aComp) return null;
- int iNumComp = aComp.length;
- if (0 == iNumComp) return null;
- java.util.Set<java.lang.String> setPrincipalCurrency = new java.util.HashSet<java.lang.String>();
- for (int i = 0; i < iNumComp; ++i) {
- if (null == aComp[i]) return null;
- setPrincipalCurrency.add (aComp[i].principalCurrency());
- }
- int iNumPrincipalCurrency = setPrincipalCurrency.size();
- if (0 == iNumPrincipalCurrency) return null;
- int i = 0;
- java.lang.String[] astrPrincipalCurrency = new java.lang.String[iNumPrincipalCurrency];
- for (java.lang.String strPrincipalCurrency : astrPrincipalCurrency)
- astrPrincipalCurrency[i++] = strPrincipalCurrency;
- return astrPrincipalCurrency;
- }
- @Override public org.drip.state.identifier.EntityCDSLabel[] creditLabel()
- {
- org.drip.product.definition.Component[] aComp = components();
- if (null == aComp) return null;
- int iNumComp = aComp.length;
- if (0 == iNumComp) return null;
- java.util.Set<org.drip.state.identifier.EntityCDSLabel> sLSLCredit = new
- java.util.HashSet<org.drip.state.identifier.EntityCDSLabel>();
- for (int i = 0; i < iNumComp; ++i) {
- if (null == aComp[i]) return null;
- org.drip.state.identifier.EntityCDSLabel lslCredit = aComp[i].creditLabel();
- if (null != lslCredit) sLSLCredit.add (lslCredit);
- }
- int iNumCreditCurve = sLSLCredit.size();
- if (0 == iNumCreditCurve) return null;
- int i = 0;
- org.drip.state.identifier.EntityCDSLabel[] aLSLCredit = new
- org.drip.state.identifier.EntityCDSLabel[iNumCreditCurve];
- for (org.drip.state.identifier.EntityCDSLabel lslCredit : sLSLCredit)
- aLSLCredit[i++] = lslCredit;
- return aLSLCredit;
- }
- @Override public org.drip.state.identifier.ForwardLabel[] forwardLabel()
- {
- org.drip.product.definition.Component[] aComp = components();
- if (null == aComp) return null;
- int iNumComp = aComp.length;
- if (0 == iNumComp) return null;
- java.util.Set<org.drip.state.identifier.ForwardLabel> setLSLForward = new
- java.util.HashSet<org.drip.state.identifier.ForwardLabel>();
- for (int i = 0; i < iNumComp; ++i) {
- if (null == aComp[i]) return null;
- aLSLForward = aComp[i].forwardLabel();
- if (null == aLSLForward) continue;
- int iNumForwardCurve = aLSLForward.size();
- if (0 == iNumForwardCurve) continue;
- java.util.Set<java.lang.String> forwardLabelSet = aLSLForward.keySet();
- for (java.lang.String forwardLabelKey : forwardLabelSet) {
- org.drip.state.identifier.ForwardLabel lslForward = aLSLForward.get (forwardLabelKey);
- if (null != lslForward) setLSLForward.add (lslForward);
- }
- }
- int iNumForward = setLSLForward.size();
- if (0 == iNumForward) return null;
- int i = 0;
- org.drip.state.identifier.ForwardLabel[] aLSLForward = new
- org.drip.state.identifier.ForwardLabel[iNumForward];
- for (org.drip.state.identifier.ForwardLabel lslForward : setLSLForward)
- aLSLForward[i++] = lslForward;
- return aLSLForward;
- }
- @Override public org.drip.state.identifier.FundingLabel[] fundingLabel()
- {
- org.drip.product.definition.Component[] aComp = components();
- if (null == aComp) return null;
- int iNumComp = aComp.length;
- if (0 == iNumComp) return null;
- java.util.Set<org.drip.state.identifier.FundingLabel> sLSLFunding = new
- java.util.HashSet<org.drip.state.identifier.FundingLabel>();
- for (int i = 0; i < iNumComp; ++i) {
- if (null == aComp[i]) return null;
- org.drip.state.identifier.FundingLabel lslFunding = aComp[i].fundingLabel();
- if (null == lslFunding) continue;
- sLSLFunding.add (lslFunding);
- }
- int iNumFundingCurve = sLSLFunding.size();
- if (0 == iNumFundingCurve) return null;
- int i = 0;
- org.drip.state.identifier.FundingLabel[] aLSLFunding = new
- org.drip.state.identifier.FundingLabel[iNumFundingCurve];
- for (org.drip.state.identifier.FundingLabel lslFunding : sLSLFunding)
- aLSLFunding[i++] = lslFunding;
- return aLSLFunding;
- }
- @Override public org.drip.state.identifier.FXLabel[] fxLabel()
- {
- org.drip.product.definition.Component[] aComp = components();
- if (null == aComp) return null;
- int iNumComp = aComp.length;
- if (0 == iNumComp) return null;
- java.util.Set<org.drip.state.identifier.FXLabel> setLabel = new
- java.util.HashSet<org.drip.state.identifier.FXLabel>();
- for (int i = 0; i < iNumComp; ++i) {
- if (null == aComp[i]) return null;
-<org.drip.state.identifier.FXLabel> aLabel =
- aComp[i].fxLabel();
- if (null == aLabel) continue;
- int iNumLabel = aLabel.size();
- if (0 == iNumLabel) continue;
- java.util.Set<java.lang.String> fxLabelSet = aLabel.keySet();
- for (java.lang.String fxLabelKey : fxLabelSet) {
- org.drip.state.identifier.FXLabel label = aLabel.get (fxLabelKey);
- if (null != label) setLabel.add (label);
- }
- }
- int iNumLabel = setLabel.size();
- if (0 == iNumLabel) return null;
- int i = 0;
- org.drip.state.identifier.FXLabel[] aLabel = new org.drip.state.identifier.FXLabel[iNumLabel];
- for (org.drip.state.identifier.FXLabel label : setLabel)
- aLabel[i++] = label;
- return aLabel;
- }
- /**
- * Return the initial notional of the basket product
- *
- * @return Initial notional of the basket product
- *
- * @throws java.lang.Exception Thrown if inputs are invalid
- */
- public double initialNotional()
- throws java.lang.Exception
- {
- org.drip.product.definition.Component[] aComp = components();
- int iNumComp = aComp.length;
- double dblInitialNotional = 0.;
- for (int i = 0; i < iNumComp; ++i)
- dblInitialNotional += aComp[i].initialNotional();
- return dblInitialNotional;
- }
- /**
- * Retrieve the notional at the given date
- *
- * @param iDate JulianDate
- *
- * @return Notional
- *
- * @throws java.lang.Exception Thrown if inputs are invalid
- */
- public double notional (
- final int iDate)
- throws java.lang.Exception
- {
- org.drip.product.definition.Component[] aComp = components();
- double dblNotional = 0.;
- int iNumComp = aComp.length;
- for (int i = 0; i < iNumComp; ++i)
- dblNotional += aComp[i].notional (iDate);
- return dblNotional;
- }
- /**
- * Retrieve the time-weighted notional between 2 given dates
- *
- * @param iDate1 JulianDate first
- * @param iDate2 JulianDate second
- *
- * @return Notional
- *
- * @throws java.lang.Exception Thrown if inputs are invalid
- */
- public double notional (
- final int iDate1,
- final int iDate2)
- throws java.lang.Exception
- {
- org.drip.product.definition.Component[] aComp = components();
- double dblNotional = 0.;
- int iNumComp = aComp.length;
- for (int i = 0; i < iNumComp; ++i)
- dblNotional += aComp[i].notional (iDate1, iDate2);
- return dblNotional;
- }
- /**
- * Retrieve the basket product's coupon amount at the given date
- *
- * @param iDate JulianDate
- * @param csqs Market Parameters
- *
- * @return Coupon Amount
- *
- * @throws java.lang.Exception Thrown if coupon cannot be calculated
- */
- public double coupon (
- final int iDate,
- final csqs)
- throws java.lang.Exception
- {
- double dblNotional = notional (iDate);
- if (null == csqs || 0. == dblNotional || !org.drip.numerical.common.NumberUtil.IsValid (dblNotional))
- throw new java.lang.Exception ("BasketProduct::coupon => Cannot extract basket notional");
- org.drip.product.definition.Component[] aComp = components();
- double dblCoupon = 0.;
- int iNumComp = aComp.length;
- for (int i = 0; i < iNumComp; ++i)
- dblCoupon += aComp[i].couponMetrics (iDate, null, csqs).rate();
- return dblCoupon / dblNotional;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the effective date of the basket product
- *
- * @return Effective date of the basket product
- */
- public effective()
- {
- org.drip.product.definition.Component[] aComp = components();
- int iNumComp = aComp.length;
- dtEffective = aComp[0].effectiveDate();
- for (int i = 1; i < iNumComp; ++i) {
- dtCompEffective = aComp[i].effectiveDate();
- if (dtCompEffective.julian() < dtEffective.julian()) dtEffective = dtCompEffective;
- }
- return dtEffective;
- }
- /**
- * Return the maturity date of the basket product
- *
- * @return Maturity date of the basket product
- */
- public maturity()
- {
- org.drip.product.definition.Component[] aComp = components();
- int iNumComp = aComp.length;
- dtMaturity = aComp[0].maturityDate();
- for (int i = 1; i < iNumComp; ++i) {
- dtCompMaturity = aComp[i].maturityDate();
- if (dtCompMaturity.julian() < dtMaturity.julian()) dtMaturity = dtCompMaturity;
- }
- return dtMaturity;
- }
- /**
- * Get the basket product's coupon periods
- *
- * @return List of CouponPeriods
- */
- public java.util.List<> couponPeriod()
- {
- java.util.Set<> setPeriod =
- (components());
- if (null == setPeriod || 0 == setPeriod.size()) return null;
- java.util.List<> lsCouponPeriod = new
- java.util.ArrayList<>();
- for ( p : setPeriod) {
- if (null != p) lsCouponPeriod.add (p);
- }
- return lsCouponPeriod;
- }
- /**
- * Get the first coupon date
- *
- * @return First Coupon Date
- */
- public firstCouponDate()
- {
- org.drip.product.definition.Component[] aComp = components();
- int iNumComp = aComp.length;
- dtFirstCoupon = aComp[0].firstCouponDate();
- for (int i = 1; i < iNumComp; ++i) {
- if (dtFirstCoupon.julian() > aComp[i].firstCouponDate().julian())
- dtFirstCoupon = aComp[i].firstCouponDate();
- }
- return dtFirstCoupon;
- }
- /**
- * Generate a full list of the basket product measures for the full input set of market parameters
- *
- * @param valParams ValuationParams
- * @param pricerParams PricerParams
- * @param csqs Market Parameters
- * @param vcp Valuation Customization Parameters
- *
- * @return Map of measure name and value
- */
- public<java.lang.Double> value (
- final org.drip.param.valuation.ValuationParams valParams,
- final org.drip.param.pricer.CreditPricerParams pricerParams,
- final csqs,
- final org.drip.param.valuation.ValuationCustomizationParams vcp)
- {
- long lStart = System.nanoTime();
-<java.lang.Double> mapBasketOP = new
- org.drip.product.definition.Component[] aComp = components();
- double[] adblWeight = weights();
- int iNumComp = aComp.length;
- for (int i = 0; i < iNumComp; ++i) {
-<java.lang.Double> mapCompOP = aComp[i].value
- (valParams, pricerParams, csqs, vcp);
- if (null == mapCompOP || 0 == mapCompOP.size()) continue;
- java.util.Set<java.util.Map.Entry<java.lang.String, java.lang.Double>> mapCompOPES =
- mapCompOP.entrySet();
- if (null == mapCompOPES) continue;
- for (java.util.Map.Entry<java.lang.String, java.lang.Double> meCompOP : mapCompOPES) {
- if (null == meCompOP) continue;
- java.lang.String strKey = meCompOP.getKey();
- if (null == strKey || strKey.isEmpty()) continue;
- java.lang.Double dblCompValue = mapCompOP.get (strKey);
- java.lang.Double dblBasketValue = mapBasketOP.get (strKey);
- if (MEASURE_AGGREGATION_TYPE_CUMULATIVE == measureAggregationType (strKey))
- mapBasketOP.put (strKey, (null == dblCompValue ? 0. : dblCompValue) + (null ==
- dblBasketValue ? 0. : dblBasketValue));
- else if (MEASURE_AGGREGATION_TYPE_WEIGHTED_CUMULATIVE == measureAggregationType (strKey) &&
- null != adblWeight)
- mapBasketOP.put (strKey, (null == dblCompValue ? 0. : adblWeight[i] * dblCompValue) +
- (null == dblBasketValue ? 0. : dblBasketValue));
- else if (MEASURE_AGGREGATION_TYPE_UNIT_ACCUMULATE == measureAggregationType (strKey))
- mapBasketOP.put (aComp[i].name() + "[" + strKey + "]", (null == dblCompValue ? 0. :
- dblCompValue));
- }
- }
- mapBasketOP.put ("CalcTime", (System.nanoTime() - lStart) * 1.e-09);
- return mapBasketOP;
- }
- /**
- * Calculate the value of the given basket product measure
- *
- * @param valParams ValuationParams
- * @param pricerParams PricerParams
- * @param csqs Market Parameters
- * @param vcp Valuation Customization Parameters
- * @param strMeasure Measure String
- *
- * @return Double measure value
- *
- * @throws java.lang.Exception Thrown if the measure cannot be calculated
- */
- public double measureValue (
- final org.drip.param.valuation.ValuationParams valParams,
- final org.drip.param.pricer.CreditPricerParams pricerParams,
- final csqs,
- final org.drip.param.valuation.ValuationCustomizationParams vcp,
- final java.lang.String strMeasure)
- throws java.lang.Exception
- {
- return measureValue (strMeasure, value (valParams, pricerParams, csqs, vcp));
- }
- /**
- * Generate a full list of the basket product measures for the set of scenario market parameters present
- * in the org.drip.param.definition.MarketParams
- *
- * @param valParams ValuationParams
- * @param pricerParams PricerParams
- * @param mpc org.drip.param.definition.MarketParams
- * @param vcp Valuation Customization Parameters
- *
- * @return BasketOutput object
- */
- public measures (
- final org.drip.param.valuation.ValuationParams valParams,
- final org.drip.param.pricer.CreditPricerParams pricerParams,
- final org.drip.param.definition.ScenarioMarketParams mpc,
- final org.drip.param.valuation.ValuationCustomizationParams vcp)
- {
- if (null == valParams || null == mpc) return null;
- long lStart = System.nanoTime();
- bkop = new;
- if (!bkop.setBaseMeasures (value (valParams, pricerParams, mpc.scenarioMarketParams (this, "Base"),
- vcp)))
- return null;
- FlatDeltaGammaMeasureMap dgmmCredit = accumulateDeltaGammaMeasures (valParams, pricerParams,
- mpc.scenarioMarketParams (this, "FlatCreditBumpUp"), mpc.scenarioMarketParams (this, "FlatCreditBumpDn"),
- vcp, bkop.baseMeasures());
- if (null != dgmmCredit && !bkop.setFlatCreditDeltaMeasures (dgmmCredit._mapDelta))
- bkop.setFlatCreditGammaMeasures (dgmmCredit._mapGamma);
- FlatDeltaGammaMeasureMap dgmmRates = accumulateDeltaGammaMeasures (valParams, pricerParams,
- mpc.scenarioMarketParams (this, "FlatIRBumpUp"), mpc.scenarioMarketParams (this, "FlatIRBumpDn"), vcp,
- bkop.baseMeasures());
- if (null != dgmmRates && bkop.setFlatIRDeltaMeasures (dgmmRates._mapDelta))
- bkop.setFlatIRGammaMeasures (dgmmRates._mapGamma);
- FlatDeltaGammaMeasureMap dgmmRecovery = accumulateDeltaGammaMeasures (valParams, pricerParams,
- mpc.scenarioMarketParams (this, "FlatRRBumpUp"), mpc.scenarioMarketParams (this, "FlatRRBumpDn"), vcp,
- bkop.baseMeasures());
- if (null != dgmmRecovery && bkop.setFlatRRDeltaMeasures (dgmmRates._mapDelta))
- bkop.setFlatRRGammaMeasures (dgmmRates._mapGamma);
- mapCSQSIRTenorUp = mpc.fundingFlatBump (this, true);
- mapCSQSIRTenorDown = mpc.fundingFlatBump (this, false);
- TenorDeltaGammaMeasureMap mapDGMMRatesTenor = accumulateTenorDeltaGammaMeasures (valParams,
- pricerParams, mapCSQSIRTenorUp, mapCSQSIRTenorDown, vcp, bkop.baseMeasures(), null);
- if (null != mapDGMMRatesTenor) {
- bkop.setComponentIRDeltaMeasures (mapDGMMRatesTenor._mmDelta);
- bkop.setComponentIRGammaMeasures (mapDGMMRatesTenor._mmGamma);
- }
- mapCSQSCreditTenorUp = mpc.creditFlatBump (this, true);
- mapCSQSCreditTenorDown = mpc.creditFlatBump (this, false);
- TenorDeltaGammaMeasureMap mapDGMMCreditComp = accumulateTenorDeltaGammaMeasures (valParams,
- pricerParams, mapCSQSCreditTenorUp, mapCSQSCreditTenorDown, vcp, bkop.baseMeasures(), null);
- if (null != mapDGMMCreditComp) {
- bkop.setComponentCreditDeltaMeasures (mapDGMMCreditComp._mmDelta);
- bkop.setComponentCreditGammaMeasures (mapDGMMCreditComp._mmGamma);
- }
- TenorDeltaGammaMeasureMap mapDGMMRecoveryTenor = accumulateTenorDeltaGammaMeasures (valParams,
- pricerParams, mpc.recoveryFlatBump (this, true), mpc.recoveryFlatBump (this, false), vcp,
- bkop.baseMeasures(), null);
- if (null != mapDGMMRecoveryTenor) {
- bkop.setComponentRRDeltaMeasures (mapDGMMRecoveryTenor._mmDelta);
- bkop.setComponentRRGammaMeasures (mapDGMMRecoveryTenor._mmGamma);
- }
- ComponentFactorTenorDeltaGammaMeasureMap mapCompRatesTenorDGMM =
- accumulateComponentWiseTenorDeltaGammaMeasures (valParams, pricerParams, mapCSQSCreditTenorUp,
- mapCSQSIRTenorUp, mapCSQSIRTenorDown, vcp, bkop.baseMeasures());
- if (null != mapCompRatesTenorDGMM) {
- bkop.setComponentTenorIRDeltaMeasures (mapCompRatesTenorDGMM._mmmDelta);
- bkop.setComponentTenorIRGammaMeasures (mapCompRatesTenorDGMM._mmmGamma);
- }
- ComponentFactorTenorDeltaGammaMeasureMap mapCompCreditTenorDGMM =
- accumulateComponentWiseTenorDeltaGammaMeasures (valParams, pricerParams, mapCSQSCreditTenorUp,
- mapCSQSCreditTenorUp, mapCSQSCreditTenorDown, vcp, bkop.baseMeasures());
- if (null != mapCompCreditTenorDGMM) {
- bkop.setComponentTenorCreditDeltaMeasures (mapCompCreditTenorDGMM._mmmDelta);
- bkop.setComponentTenorCreditGammaMeasures (mapCompCreditTenorDGMM._mmmGamma);
- }
- bkop.setCalcTime ((System.nanoTime() - lStart) * 1.e-09);
- return bkop;
- }
- /**
- * Compute Basket's Custom Scenario Measures
- *
- * @param valParams Valuation Parameters
- * @param pricerParams Pricer Parameters
- * @param mpc Market Parameters Container
- * @param strCustomScenName Custom Scenario Name
- * @param vcp Valuation Customization Parameters
- * @param mapBase Map of Base Measures
- *
- * @return Basket's Custom Scenario Measures
- */
- public<java.lang.Double> customScenarioMeasures (
- final org.drip.param.valuation.ValuationParams valParams,
- final org.drip.param.pricer.CreditPricerParams pricerParams,
- final org.drip.param.definition.ScenarioMarketParams mpc,
- final java.lang.String strCustomScenName,
- final org.drip.param.valuation.ValuationCustomizationParams vcp,
-<java.lang.Double> mapBase)
- {
- if (null == valParams || null == mpc) return null;
- if (null == mapBase) {
- csqsBase = mpc.scenarioMarketParams (this, "Base");
- if (null == csqsBase || null == (mapBase = value (valParams, pricerParams, csqsBase, vcp)))
- return null;
- }
- csqsScen = mpc.scenarioMarketParams (this, strCustomScenName);
- if (null == csqsScen) return null;
-<java.lang.Double> mapScenMeasures = value
- (valParams, pricerParams, csqsScen, vcp);
- if (null == mapScenMeasures || null != mapScenMeasures.entrySet()) return null;
-<java.lang.Double> mapOP = new
- for (java.util.Map.Entry<java.lang.String, java.lang.Double> me : mapScenMeasures.entrySet()) {
- if (null == me || null == me.getKey()) continue;
- mapOP.put (me.getKey(), me.getValue() - mapBase.get (me.getKey()));
- }
- return mapOP;
- }
- }