package org.drip.product.fra;

 * -*- mode: java; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-

 * Copyright (C) 2020 Lakshmi Krishnamurthy
 * Copyright (C) 2019 Lakshmi Krishnamurthy
 * Copyright (C) 2018 Lakshmi Krishnamurthy
 * Copyright (C) 2017 Lakshmi Krishnamurthy
 * Copyright (C) 2016 Lakshmi Krishnamurthy
 * Copyright (C) 2015 Lakshmi Krishnamurthy
 * Copyright (C) 2014 Lakshmi Krishnamurthy
 *  This file is part of DROP, an open-source library targeting analytics/risk, transaction cost analytics,
 *  	asset liability management analytics, capital, exposure, and margin analytics, valuation adjustment
 *  	analytics, and portfolio construction analytics within and across fixed income, credit, commodity,
 *  	equity, FX, and structured products. It also includes auxiliary libraries for algorithm support,
 *  	numerical analysis, numerical optimization, spline builder, model validation, statistical learning,
 *  	and computational support.
 *  DROP is composed of three modules:
 *  - DROP Product Core -
 *  - DROP Portfolio Core -
 *  - DROP Computational Core -
 * 	DROP Product Core implements libraries for the following:
 * 	- Fixed Income Analytics
 * 	- Loan Analytics
 * 	- Transaction Cost Analytics
 * 	DROP Portfolio Core implements libraries for the following:
 * 	- Asset Allocation Analytics
 *  - Asset Liability Management Analytics
 * 	- Capital Estimation Analytics
 * 	- Exposure Analytics
 * 	- Margin Analytics
 * 	- XVA Analytics
 * 	DROP Computational Core implements libraries for the following:
 * 	- Algorithm Support
 * 	- Computation Support
 * 	- Function Analysis
 *  - Model Validation
 * 	- Numerical Analysis
 * 	- Numerical Optimizer
 * 	- Spline Builder
 *  - Statistical Learning
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 * <i>FRAStandardCapFloorlet</i> implements the Standard FRA Caplet and Floorlet.
 *	<br><br>
 *  <ul>
 *		<li><b>Module </b> = <a href = "">Product Core Module</a></li>
 *		<li><b>Library</b> = <a href = "">Fixed Income Analytics</a></li>
 *		<li><b>Project</b> = <a href = "">Product Components/Baskets for Credit, FRA, FX, Govvie, Rates, and Option AssetClasses</a></li>
 *		<li><b>Package</b> = <a href = "">Standard/Market FRAs - Caps/Floors</a></li>
 *  </ul>
 * <br><br>
 * @author Lakshmi Krishnamurthy

public class FRAStandardCapFloorlet extends org.drip.product.option.OptionComponent {
	private boolean _bIsCaplet = false;
	private org.drip.product.fra.FRAStandardComponent _fra = null;
	private org.drip.pricer.option.FokkerPlanckGenerator _fpg = null;

	 * FRAStandardCapFloorlet constructor
	 * @param strName Name
	 * @param fra The Underlying FRA Standard Component
	 * @param strManifestMeasure Measure of the Underlying Component
	 * @param bIsCaplet Is the FRA Option a Caplet? TRUE - YES
	 * @param dblStrike Strike of the Underlying Component's Measure
	 * @param dblNotional Option Notional
	 * @param ltds Last Trading Date Setting
	 * @param fpg The Fokker Planck Pricer Instance
	 * @param csp Cash Settle Parameters
	 * @throws java.lang.Exception Thrown if the Inputs are Invalid

	public FRAStandardCapFloorlet (
		final java.lang.String strName,
		final org.drip.product.fra.FRAStandardComponent fra,
		final java.lang.String strManifestMeasure,
		final boolean bIsCaplet,
		final double dblStrike,
		final double dblNotional,
		final org.drip.product.params.LastTradingDateSetting ltds,
		final org.drip.pricer.option.FokkerPlanckGenerator fpg,
		final org.drip.param.valuation.CashSettleParams csp)
		throws java.lang.Exception
		super (strName, fra, strManifestMeasure, dblStrike, dblNotional, ltds, csp);

		if (null == (_fpg = fpg))
			throw new java.lang.Exception ("FRAStandardCapFloorlet ctr: Invalid Option Pricer");

		_fra = fra;
		_bIsCaplet = bIsCaplet;

	 * Retrieve the Underlying FRA Instance
	 * @return The FRA Instance

	public org.drip.product.fra.FRAStandardComponent fra()
		return _fra;

	 * Indicate whether this a Caplet/Floorlet
	 * @return TRUE - This is a Caplet

	public boolean isCaplet()
		return _bIsCaplet;

	 * Retrieve the Underlying Pricer Instance
	 * @return The Pricer Instance

	public org.drip.pricer.option.FokkerPlanckGenerator pricer()
		return _fpg;

	 * Generate the Standard FRA Caplet/Floorlet Measures from the Integrated Surface Variance
	 * @param valParams The Valuation Parameters
	 * @param pricerParams The Pricer Parameters
	 * @param csqs The Market Parameters
	 * @param vcp The Valuation Customization Parameters
	 * @param dblIntegratedSurfaceVariance The Integrated Surface Variance
	 * @return The Standard FRA Caplet/Floorlet Measures

	public<java.lang.Double> valueFromSurfaceVariance (
		final org.drip.param.valuation.ValuationParams valParams,
		final org.drip.param.pricer.CreditPricerParams pricerParams,
		final csqs,
		final org.drip.param.valuation.ValuationCustomizationParams vcp,
		final double dblIntegratedSurfaceVariance)
		if (null == valParams || null == csqs || !org.drip.numerical.common.NumberUtil.IsValid
			return null; dcFunding = csqs.fundingState
			(org.drip.state.identifier.FundingLabel.Standard (_fra.payCurrency()));

		if (null == dcFunding) return null;

		int iValueDate = valParams.valueDate();

		org.drip.product.params.LastTradingDateSetting ltds = lastTradingDateSetting();

		try {
			if (null != ltds && iValueDate >= ltds.lastTradingDate (_fra.effectiveDate().julian(),
				return null;
		} catch (java.lang.Exception e) {

			return null;

		long lStart = System.nanoTime();

		int iExerciseDate = exerciseDate().julian();<java.lang.Double> mapFRAOutput = _fra.value
			(valParams, pricerParams, csqs, vcp);

		java.lang.String strManifestMeasure = manifestMeasure();

		if (null == mapFRAOutput || !mapFRAOutput.containsKey (strManifestMeasure)) return null;

		double dblFRADV01 = mapFRAOutput.get ("DV01");

		double dblATMManifestMeasure = mapFRAOutput.get (strManifestMeasure);

		if (!org.drip.numerical.common.NumberUtil.IsValid (dblATMManifestMeasure) ||
			!org.drip.numerical.common.NumberUtil.IsValid (dblFRADV01))
			return null;

		try {
			double dblStrike = strike();

			double dblNotional = notional();

			double dblMoneynessFactor = dblATMManifestMeasure / dblStrike;
			double dblManifestMeasurePriceTransformer = java.lang.Double.NaN;
			double dblManifestMeasureIntrinsic = _bIsCaplet ? dblATMManifestMeasure - dblStrike : dblStrike -

			if (strManifestMeasure.equalsIgnoreCase ("Price") || strManifestMeasure.equalsIgnoreCase ("PV"))
				dblManifestMeasurePriceTransformer = dcFunding.df (iExerciseDate);
			else if (strManifestMeasure.equalsIgnoreCase ("ForwardRate") ||
				strManifestMeasure.equalsIgnoreCase ("ParForward") || strManifestMeasure.equalsIgnoreCase
					("ParForwardRate") || strManifestMeasure.equalsIgnoreCase ("QuantoAdjustedParForward") ||
						strManifestMeasure.equalsIgnoreCase ("Rate"))
				dblManifestMeasurePriceTransformer = 10000. * dblFRADV01;

			if (!org.drip.numerical.common.NumberUtil.IsValid (dblManifestMeasurePriceTransformer)) return null;

			org.drip.pricer.option.Greeks optGreek = _fpg.greeks (iValueDate, iExerciseDate, dblStrike,
				dcFunding, dblATMManifestMeasure, !_bIsCaplet, true, dblIntegratedSurfaceVariance);<java.lang.Double> mapResult = new<java.lang.Double>();

			double dblForwardIntrinsic = optGreek.expectedPayoff();

			double dblForwardATMIntrinsic = optGreek.expectedATMPayoff();

			double dblSpotPrice = dblForwardIntrinsic * dblManifestMeasurePriceTransformer;

			mapResult.put ("ATMFRA", dblATMManifestMeasure);

			mapResult.put ("ATMPrice", dblForwardATMIntrinsic * dblManifestMeasurePriceTransformer);

			mapResult.put ("CalcTime", (System.nanoTime() - lStart) * 1.e-09);

			mapResult.put ("Charm", optGreek.charm() * dblManifestMeasurePriceTransformer);

			mapResult.put ("Color", optGreek.color() * dblManifestMeasurePriceTransformer);

			mapResult.put ("Delta", * dblManifestMeasurePriceTransformer);

			mapResult.put ("EffectiveVolatility", optGreek.effectiveVolatility());

			mapResult.put ("ExpectedATMPayoff", optGreek.expectedATMPayoff());

			mapResult.put ("ExpectedPayoff", optGreek.expectedPayoff());

			mapResult.put ("ForwardATMIntrinsic", dblForwardATMIntrinsic);

			mapResult.put ("ForwardIntrinsic", dblForwardIntrinsic);

			mapResult.put ("Gamma", optGreek.gamma() * dblManifestMeasurePriceTransformer);

			mapResult.put ("IntegratedSurfaceVariance", dblIntegratedSurfaceVariance);

			mapResult.put ("ManifestMeasureIntrinsic", dblManifestMeasureIntrinsic);

			mapResult.put ("ManifestMeasureIntrinsicValue", dblManifestMeasureIntrinsic *

			mapResult.put ("ManifestMeasureTransformer", dblManifestMeasurePriceTransformer);

			mapResult.put ("MoneynessFactor", dblMoneynessFactor);

			mapResult.put ("Price", dblSpotPrice);

			mapResult.put ("Prob1", optGreek.prob1());

			mapResult.put ("Prob2", optGreek.prob2());

			mapResult.put ("PV", dblSpotPrice * dblNotional);

			mapResult.put ("Rho", optGreek.rho() * dblManifestMeasurePriceTransformer);

			mapResult.put ("Speed", optGreek.speed() * dblManifestMeasurePriceTransformer);

			mapResult.put ("SpotPrice", dblSpotPrice);

			mapResult.put ("Theta", optGreek.theta() * dblManifestMeasurePriceTransformer);

			mapResult.put ("Ultima", optGreek.ultima() * dblManifestMeasurePriceTransformer);

			mapResult.put ("Upfront", dblSpotPrice);

			mapResult.put ("Vanna", optGreek.vanna() * dblManifestMeasurePriceTransformer);

			mapResult.put ("Vega", optGreek.vega() * dblManifestMeasurePriceTransformer);

			mapResult.put ("Veta", optGreek.veta() * dblManifestMeasurePriceTransformer);

			mapResult.put ("Vomma", optGreek.vomma() * dblManifestMeasurePriceTransformer);

			return mapResult;
		} catch (java.lang.Exception e) {
			// e.printStackTrace();

		return null;

	 * Compute the Caplet/Floorlet Price from the Inputs
	 * @param valParams The Valuation Parameters
	 * @param pricerParams Pricer Parameters
	 * @param csqs The Market Parameters
	 * @param vcp The Valuation Customization Parameters
	 * @param dblVolatility The FRA Volatility
	 * @return The Caplet/Floorlet Price
	 * @throws java.lang.Exception Thrown if the Inputs are Invalid

	public double price (
		final org.drip.param.valuation.ValuationParams valParams,
		final org.drip.param.pricer.CreditPricerParams pricerParams,
		final csqs,
		final org.drip.param.valuation.ValuationCustomizationParams vcp,
		final double dblVolatility)
		throws java.lang.Exception
		if (null == valParams || null == csqs || !org.drip.numerical.common.NumberUtil.IsValid (dblVolatility))
			throw new java.lang.Exception ("FRAStandardCapFloorlet::price => Invalid Inputs"); dcFunding = csqs.fundingState
			(org.drip.state.identifier.FundingLabel.Standard (_fra.payCurrency()));

		if (null == dcFunding)
			throw new java.lang.Exception ("FRAStandardCapFloorlet::price => Invalid Inputs");

		int iExerciseDate = exerciseDate().julian();<java.lang.Double> mapFRAOutput = _fra.value
			(valParams, pricerParams, csqs, vcp);

		java.lang.String strManifestMeasure = manifestMeasure();

		if (null == mapFRAOutput || !mapFRAOutput.containsKey (strManifestMeasure))
			throw new java.lang.Exception ("FRAStandardCapFloorlet::price => No ATM Metric");

		double dblManifestMeasurePriceTransformer = java.lang.Double.NaN;

		if (strManifestMeasure.equalsIgnoreCase ("Price") || strManifestMeasure.equalsIgnoreCase ("PV"))
			dblManifestMeasurePriceTransformer = dcFunding.df (iExerciseDate);
		else if (strManifestMeasure.equalsIgnoreCase ("ForwardRate") ||
			strManifestMeasure.equalsIgnoreCase ("ParForward") || strManifestMeasure.equalsIgnoreCase
				("ParForwardRate") || strManifestMeasure.equalsIgnoreCase ("QuantoAdjustedParForward") ||
					strManifestMeasure.equalsIgnoreCase ("Rate")) {
			if (!mapFRAOutput.containsKey ("DV01"))
				throw new java.lang.Exception ("FRAStandardCapFloorlet::price => No FRA DV01");

			dblManifestMeasurePriceTransformer = 10000. * mapFRAOutput.get ("DV01");

		if (!org.drip.numerical.common.NumberUtil.IsValid (dblManifestMeasurePriceTransformer))
			throw new java.lang.Exception
				("FRAStandardCapFloorlet::price => No Manifest Measure Price Transformer");

		return dblManifestMeasurePriceTransformer * _fpg.payoff (valParams.valueDate(), iExerciseDate,
			strike(), dcFunding, mapFRAOutput.get (strManifestMeasure), !_bIsCaplet, true, dblVolatility,

	 * Imply the Flat Caplet/Floorlet Volatility from the Market Manifest Measure
	 * @param valParams The Valuation Parameters
	 * @param pricerParams Pricer Parameters
	 * @param csqs The Market Parameters
	 * @param vcp The Valuation Customization Parameters
	 * @param strCalibMeasure The Calibration Measure
	 * @param dblCalibValue The Calibration Value
	 * @return The Implied Caplet/Floorlet Volatility
	 * @throws java.lang.Exception Thrown if the Inputs are Invalid

	public double implyVolatility (
		final org.drip.param.valuation.ValuationParams valParams,
		final org.drip.param.pricer.CreditPricerParams pricerParams,
		final csqs,
		final org.drip.param.valuation.ValuationCustomizationParams vcp,
		final java.lang.String strCalibMeasure,
		final double dblCalibValue)
		throws java.lang.Exception
		if (null == valParams || null == strCalibMeasure || strCalibMeasure.isEmpty() || null == csqs ||
			!org.drip.numerical.common.NumberUtil.IsValid (dblCalibValue))
			throw new java.lang.Exception ("FRAStandardCapFloorlet::implyVolatility => Invalid Inputs");

		final double dblStrike = strike();

		final int iValueDate = valParams.valueDate();

		final int iExerciseDate = exerciseDate().julian();

		final dcFunding = csqs.fundingState
			(org.drip.state.identifier.FundingLabel.Standard (_fra.payCurrency()));<java.lang.Double> mapFRAOutput = _fra.value
			(valParams, pricerParams, csqs, vcp);

		java.lang.String strManifestMeasure = manifestMeasure();

		if (null == mapFRAOutput || !mapFRAOutput.containsKey (strManifestMeasure))
			throw new java.lang.Exception ("FRAStandardCapFloorlet::implyVolatility => No ATM Metric");

		final double dblATMManifestMeasure = mapFRAOutput.get (strManifestMeasure);

		double dblManifestMeasurePriceTransformer = java.lang.Double.NaN;

		if (strManifestMeasure.equalsIgnoreCase ("Price") || strManifestMeasure.equalsIgnoreCase ("PV"))
			dblManifestMeasurePriceTransformer = dcFunding.df (iExerciseDate);
		else if (strManifestMeasure.equalsIgnoreCase ("ForwardRate") ||
			strManifestMeasure.equalsIgnoreCase ("ParForward") || strManifestMeasure.equalsIgnoreCase
				("ParForwardRate") || strManifestMeasure.equalsIgnoreCase ("QuantoAdjustedParForward") ||
					strManifestMeasure.equalsIgnoreCase ("Rate")) {
			if (!mapFRAOutput.containsKey ("DV01"))
				throw new java.lang.Exception ("FRAStandardCapFloorlet::implyVolatility => No DV01");

			dblManifestMeasurePriceTransformer = 10000. * mapFRAOutput.get ("DV01");

		final double dblManifestMeasurePriceTransformerCalib = dblManifestMeasurePriceTransformer;

		if (!org.drip.numerical.common.NumberUtil.IsValid (dblManifestMeasurePriceTransformer))
			throw new java.lang.Exception ("FRAStandardCapFloorlet::implyVolatility => No Transformer");

		org.drip.function.definition.R1ToR1 funcVolPricer = new org.drip.function.definition.R1ToR1 (null) {
			@Override public double evaluate (
				final double dblVolatility)
				throws java.lang.Exception
				if ("Price".equals (strCalibMeasure))
					return dblManifestMeasurePriceTransformerCalib * _fpg.payoff (iValueDate, iExerciseDate,
						dblStrike, dcFunding, dblATMManifestMeasure, !_bIsCaplet, true, dblVolatility,

				if ("ATMPrice".equals (strCalibMeasure))
					return dblManifestMeasurePriceTransformerCalib * _fpg.payoff (iValueDate, iExerciseDate,
						dblStrike, dcFunding, dblStrike, !_bIsCaplet, true, dblVolatility, false);

				java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.Double> mapOutput = valueFromSurfaceVariance 
					(valParams, pricerParams, csqs, vcp, dblVolatility * dblVolatility * (iExerciseDate -
						iValueDate) / 365.25);

				if (null == mapOutput || !mapOutput.containsKey (strCalibMeasure))
					throw new java.lang.Exception
						("FRAStandardCapFloorlet::implyVolatility => Cannot generate Calibration Measure");

				return mapOutput.get (strCalibMeasure);


		org.drip.function.r1tor1solver.FixedPointFinderOutput fpfo = (new
			org.drip.function.r1tor1solver.FixedPointFinderBrent (dblCalibValue, funcVolPricer,

		if (null == fpfo || !fpfo.containsRoot())
			throw new java.lang.Exception
				("FRAStandardCapFloorlet::implyVolatility => Cannot calibrate the Vol");

		return fpfo.getRoot();

	@Override public<java.lang.Double> value (
		final org.drip.param.valuation.ValuationParams valParams,
		final org.drip.param.pricer.CreditPricerParams pricerParams,
		final csqs,
		final org.drip.param.valuation.ValuationCustomizationParams vcp)
		if (null == valParams || null == csqs) return null;

		try {
			return valueFromSurfaceVariance (valParams, pricerParams, csqs, vcp, (csqs.forwardVolatility
					(_fra.forwardLabel().get ("DERIVED")), valParams.valueDate(), exerciseDate().julian()));
		} catch (java.lang.Exception e) {

		return null;

	@Override public java.util.Set<java.lang.String> measureNames()
		java.util.Set<java.lang.String> setstrMeasureNames = new java.util.TreeSet<java.lang.String>();

		setstrMeasureNames.add ("ATMFRA");

		setstrMeasureNames.add ("ATMPrice");

		setstrMeasureNames.add ("CalcTime");

		setstrMeasureNames.add ("Charm");

		setstrMeasureNames.add ("Color");

		setstrMeasureNames.add ("Delta");

		setstrMeasureNames.add ("EffectiveVolatility");

		setstrMeasureNames.add ("ExpectedATMPayoff");

		setstrMeasureNames.add ("ExpectedPayoff");

		setstrMeasureNames.add ("ForwardATMIntrinsic");

		setstrMeasureNames.add ("ForwardIntrinsic");

		setstrMeasureNames.add ("Gamma");

		setstrMeasureNames.add ("IntegratedSurfaceVariance");

		setstrMeasureNames.add ("ManifestMeasureIntrinsic");

		setstrMeasureNames.add ("ManifestMeasureIntrinsicValue");

		setstrMeasureNames.add ("MoneynessFactor");

		setstrMeasureNames.add ("Price");

		setstrMeasureNames.add ("Prob1");

		setstrMeasureNames.add ("Prob2");

		setstrMeasureNames.add ("PV");

		setstrMeasureNames.add ("Rho");

		setstrMeasureNames.add ("Speed");

		setstrMeasureNames.add ("SpotPrice");

		setstrMeasureNames.add ("Theta");

		setstrMeasureNames.add ("Ultima");

		setstrMeasureNames.add ("Upfront");

		setstrMeasureNames.add ("Vanna");

		setstrMeasureNames.add ("Vega");

		setstrMeasureNames.add ("Veta");

		setstrMeasureNames.add ("Vomma");

		return setstrMeasureNames;

	@Override public double pv (
		final org.drip.param.valuation.ValuationParams valParams,
		final org.drip.param.pricer.CreditPricerParams pricerParams,
		final csqc,
		final org.drip.param.valuation.ValuationCustomizationParams vcp)
		throws java.lang.Exception
		if (null == csqc) throw new java.lang.Exception ("FRAStandardCapFloorlet::pv => Invalid Inputs");

		org.drip.state.volatility.VolatilityCurve vc = csqc.forwardVolatility (_fra.forwardLabel().get

		if (null == vc) throw new java.lang.Exception ("FRAStandardCapFloorlet::pv => Invalid Inputs");

		return price (valParams, pricerParams, csqc, vcp, vc.impliedVol (exerciseDate().julian()));

	@Override public org.drip.state.estimator.PredictorResponseWeightConstraint volatilityPRWC (
		final org.drip.param.valuation.ValuationParams valParams,
		final org.drip.param.pricer.CreditPricerParams pricerParams,
		final csqs,
		final org.drip.param.valuation.ValuationCustomizationParams vcp,
		final org.drip.product.calib.ProductQuoteSet pqs)
		if (null == pqs || null == valParams || !(pqs instanceof
			return null;

		double dblEndDate = maturityDate().julian();

		if (valParams.valueDate() > dblEndDate) return null;

		double dblOptionPV = 0.;
		org.drip.product.calib.VolatilityProductQuoteSet vpqs =
			(org.drip.product.calib.VolatilityProductQuoteSet) pqs;

		if (!vpqs.containsOptionPV()) return null;

		try {
			dblOptionPV = vpqs.optionPV();
		} catch (java.lang.Exception e) {

			return null;

		org.drip.state.estimator.PredictorResponseWeightConstraint prwc =
			(valParams, pricerParams, csqs, vcp, pqs);

		if (null == prwc) return null;

		if (!prwc.addPredictorResponseWeight (dblEndDate, 1.)) return null;

		if (!prwc.addDResponseWeightDManifestMeasure ("OptionPV", dblEndDate, 1.)) return null;

		return !prwc.updateValue (dblOptionPV) || !prwc.updateDValueDManifestMeasure ("OptionPV", 1.) ? null
			: prwc;