- package org.drip.sample.dual;
- import*;
- import org.drip.function.r1tor1.QuadraticRationalShapeControl;
- import org.drip.sample.forward.*;
- import org.drip.service.env.EnvManager;
- import org.drip.spline.basis.PolynomialFunctionSetParams;
- import org.drip.spline.params.*;
- import org.drip.spline.stretch.*;
- import*;
- import org.drip.state.forward.ForwardCurve;
- import org.drip.state.identifier.ForwardLabel;
- /*
- * -*- mode: java; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
- */
- /*!
- * Copyright (C) 2020 Lakshmi Krishnamurthy
- * Copyright (C) 2019 Lakshmi Krishnamurthy
- * Copyright (C) 2018 Lakshmi Krishnamurthy
- * Copyright (C) 2017 Lakshmi Krishnamurthy
- * Copyright (C) 2016 Lakshmi Krishnamurthy
- * Copyright (C) 2015 Lakshmi Krishnamurthy
- * Copyright (C) 2014 Lakshmi Krishnamurthy
- *
- * This file is part of DROP, an open-source library targeting analytics/risk, transaction cost analytics,
- * asset liability management analytics, capital, exposure, and margin analytics, valuation adjustment
- * analytics, and portfolio construction analytics within and across fixed income, credit, commodity,
- * equity, FX, and structured products. It also includes auxiliary libraries for algorithm support,
- * numerical analysis, numerical optimization, spline builder, model validation, statistical learning,
- * and computational support.
- *
- *
- *
- * DROP is composed of three modules:
- *
- * - DROP Product Core -
- * - DROP Portfolio Core -
- * - DROP Computational Core -
- *
- * DROP Product Core implements libraries for the following:
- * - Fixed Income Analytics
- * - Loan Analytics
- * - Transaction Cost Analytics
- *
- * DROP Portfolio Core implements libraries for the following:
- * - Asset Allocation Analytics
- * - Asset Liability Management Analytics
- * - Capital Estimation Analytics
- * - Exposure Analytics
- * - Margin Analytics
- * - XVA Analytics
- *
- * DROP Computational Core implements libraries for the following:
- * - Algorithm Support
- * - Computation Support
- * - Function Analysis
- * - Model Validation
- * - Numerical Analysis
- * - Numerical Optimizer
- * - Spline Builder
- * - Statistical Learning
- *
- * Documentation for DROP is Spread Over:
- *
- * - Main =>
- * - Wiki =>
- * - GitHub =>
- * - Repo Layout Taxonomy =>
- * - Javadoc =>
- * - Technical Specifications =>
- * - Release Versions =>
- * - Community Credits =>
- * - Issues Catalog =>
- * - JUnit =>
- * - Jacoco =>
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- *
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- *
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- /**
- * <i>JPY3M6MUSD3M6M</i> demonstrates the setup and construction of the USD 3M Forward Curve from
- * JPY3M6MUSD3M6M CCBS, JPY 3M, JPY 6M, and USD 6M Quotes.
- *
- * <br><br>
- * <ul>
- * <li><b>Module </b> = <a href = "">Product Core Module</a></li>
- * <li><b>Library</b> = <a href = "">Fixed Income Analytics</a></li>
- * <li><b>Project</b> = <a href = "">DROP API Construction and Usage</a></li>
- * <li><b>Package</b> = <a href = "">G7 Standard Cross Currency Swap</a></li>
- * </ul>
- * <br><br>
- *
- * @author Lakshmi Krishnamurthy
- */
- public class JPY3M6MUSD3M6M {
- private static final double _dblFXJPYUSD = 0.009753;
- private static final int[] s_aiUSDOISDepositMaturityDays = new int[] {
- 1,
- 2,
- 3
- };
- private static final double[] s_adblUSDOISDepositQuote = new double[] {
- 0.0004, // 1D
- 0.0004, // 2D
- 0.0004 // 3D
- };
- private static final String[] s_astrUSDShortEndOISMaturityTenor = new String[] {
- "1W",
- "2W",
- "3W",
- "1M"
- };
- private static final double[] s_adblUSDShortEndOISQuote = new double[] {
- 0.00070, // 1W
- 0.00069, // 2W
- 0.00078, // 3W
- 0.00074 // 1M
- };
- private static final String[] s_astrUSDOISFutureTenor = new String[] {
- "1M",
- "1M",
- "1M",
- "1M",
- "1M"
- };
- private static final String[] s_astrUSDOISFutureMaturityTenor = new String[] {
- "1M",
- "2M",
- "3M",
- "4M",
- "5M"
- };
- private static final double[] s_adblUSDOISFutureQuote = new double[] {
- 0.00046, // 1M x 1M
- 0.00016, // 2M x 1M
- -0.00007, // 3M x 1M
- -0.00013, // 4M x 1M
- -0.00014 // 5M x 1M
- };
- private static final String[] s_astrUSDLongEndOISMaturityTenor = new String[] {
- "15M",
- "18M",
- "21M",
- "2Y",
- "3Y",
- "4Y",
- "5Y",
- "6Y",
- "7Y",
- "8Y",
- "9Y",
- "10Y",
- "11Y",
- "12Y",
- "15Y",
- "20Y",
- "25Y",
- "30Y"
- };
- private static final double[] s_adblUSDLongEndOISQuote = new double[] {
- 0.00002, // 15M
- 0.00008, // 18M
- 0.00021, // 21M
- 0.00036, // 2Y
- 0.00127, // 3Y
- 0.00274, // 4Y
- 0.00456, // 5Y
- 0.00647, // 6Y
- 0.00827, // 7Y
- 0.00996, // 8Y
- 0.01147, // 9Y
- 0.01280, // 10Y
- 0.01404, // 11Y
- 0.01516, // 12Y
- 0.01764, // 15Y
- 0.01939, // 20Y
- 0.02003, // 25Y
- 0.02038 // 30Y
- };
- private static final int[] s_aiJPYOISDepositMaturityDays = new int[] {
- 1,
- 2,
- 3
- };
- private static final double[] s_adblJPYOISDepositQuote = new double[] {
- 0.0004, // 1D
- 0.0004, // 2D
- 0.0004 // 3D
- };
- private static final String[] s_astrJPYShortEndOISMaturityTenor = new String[] {
- "1W",
- "2W",
- "3W",
- "1M"
- };
- private static final double[] s_adblJPYShortEndOISQuote = new double[] {
- 0.00070, // 1W
- 0.00069, // 2W
- 0.00078, // 3W
- 0.00074 // 1M
- };
- private static final String[] s_astrJPYOISFutureTenor = new String[] {
- "1M",
- "1M",
- "1M",
- "1M",
- "1M"
- };
- private static final String[] s_astrJPYOISFutureMaturityTenor = new String[] {
- "1M",
- "2M",
- "3M",
- "4M",
- "5M"
- };
- private static final double[] s_adblJPYOISFutureQuote = new double[] {
- 0.00046, // 1M x 1M
- 0.00016, // 2M x 1M
- -0.00007, // 3M x 1M
- -0.00013, // 4M x 1M
- -0.00014 // 5M x 1M
- };
- private static final String[] s_astrJPYLongEndOISMaturityTenor = new String[] {
- "15M",
- "18M",
- "21M",
- "2Y",
- "3Y",
- "4Y",
- "5Y",
- "6Y",
- "7Y",
- "8Y",
- "9Y",
- "10Y",
- "11Y",
- "12Y",
- "15Y",
- "20Y",
- "25Y",
- "30Y"
- };
- private static final double[] s_adblJPYLongEndOISQuote = new double[] {
- 0.00002, // 15M
- 0.00008, // 18M
- 0.00021, // 21M
- 0.00036, // 2Y
- 0.00127, // 3Y
- 0.00274, // 4Y
- 0.00456, // 5Y
- 0.00647, // 6Y
- 0.00827, // 7Y
- 0.00996, // 8Y
- 0.01147, // 9Y
- 0.01280, // 10Y
- 0.01404, // 11Y
- 0.01516, // 12Y
- 0.01764, // 15Y
- 0.01939, // 20Y
- 0.02003, // 25Y
- 0.02038 // 30Y
- };
- private static final String[] s_astrUSD6MDepositTenor = new String[] {
- "1D",
- "1W",
- "2W",
- "3W",
- "1M",
- "2M",
- "3M",
- "4M",
- "5M"
- };
- private static final double[] s_adblUSD6MDepositQuote = new double[] {
- 0.003565, // 1D
- 0.003858, // 1W
- 0.003840, // 2W
- 0.003922, // 3W
- 0.003869, // 1M
- 0.003698, // 2M
- 0.003527, // 3M
- 0.003342, // 4M
- 0.003225 // 5M
- };
- private static final String[] s_astrUSD6MFRATenor = new String[] {
- "0D",
- "1M",
- "2M",
- "3M",
- "4M",
- "5M",
- "6M",
- "7M",
- "8M",
- "9M",
- "10M",
- "11M",
- "12M",
- "13M",
- "14M",
- "15M",
- "16M",
- "17M",
- "18M"
- };
- private static final double[] s_adblUSD6MFRAQuote = new double[] {
- 0.003120, // 0D
- 0.002930, // 1M
- 0.002720, // 2M
- 0.002600, // 3M
- 0.002560, // 4M
- 0.002520, // 5M
- 0.002480, // 6M
- 0.002540, // 7M
- 0.002610, // 8M
- 0.002670, // 9M
- 0.002790, // 10M
- 0.002910, // 11M
- 0.003030, // 12M
- 0.003180, // 13M
- 0.003350, // 14M
- 0.003520, // 15M
- 0.003710, // 16M
- 0.003890, // 17M
- 0.004090 // 18M
- };
- private static final String[] s_astrUSD6MFixFloatTenor = new String[] {
- "3Y",
- "4Y",
- "5Y",
- "6Y",
- "7Y",
- "8Y",
- "9Y",
- "10Y",
- "12Y",
- "15Y",
- "20Y",
- "25Y",
- "30Y",
- "35Y",
- "40Y",
- "50Y",
- "60Y"
- };
- private static final double[] s_adblUSD6MFixFloatQuote = new double[] {
- 0.004240, // 3Y
- 0.005760, // 4Y
- 0.007620, // 5Y
- 0.009540, // 6Y
- 0.011350, // 7Y
- 0.013030, // 8Y
- 0.014520, // 9Y
- 0.015840, // 10Y
- 0.018090, // 12Y
- 0.020370, // 15Y
- 0.021870, // 20Y
- 0.022340, // 25Y
- 0.022560, // 30Y
- 0.022950, // 35Y
- 0.023480, // 40Y
- 0.024210, // 50Y
- 0.024630 // 60Y
- };
- private static final String[] s_astrUSD3MDepositTenor = new String[] {
- "2W",
- "3W",
- "1M",
- "2M"
- };
- private static final double[] s_adblUSD3MDepositQuote = new double[] {
- 0.001865,
- 0.001969,
- 0.001951,
- 0.001874
- };
- private static final String[] s_astrUSD3MFRATenor = new String[] {
- "0D",
- "1M",
- "3M",
- "6M",
- "9M",
- "12M",
- "15M",
- "18M",
- "21M"
- };
- private static final double[] s_adblUSD3MFRAQuote = new double[] {
- 0.001790,
- 0.001775,
- 0.001274,
- 0.001222,
- 0.001269,
- 0.001565,
- 0.001961,
- 0.002556,
- 0.003101
- };
- private static final String[] s_astrUSD3MFixFloatTenor = new String[] {
- "3Y",
- "4Y",
- "5Y",
- "6Y",
- "7Y",
- "8Y",
- "9Y",
- "10Y",
- "12Y",
- "15Y",
- "20Y",
- "25Y",
- "30Y"
- };
- private static final double[] s_adblUSD3MFixFloatQuote = new double[] {
- 0.002850, // 3Y
- 0.004370, // 4Y
- 0.006230, // 5Y
- 0.008170, // 6Y
- 0.010000, // 7Y
- 0.011710, // 8Y
- 0.013240, // 9Y
- 0.014590, // 10Y
- 0.016920, // 12Y
- 0.019330, // 15Y
- 0.020990, // 20Y
- 0.021560, // 25Y
- 0.021860 // 30Y
- };
- private static final String[] s_astrUSD3MSyntheticFloatFloatTenor = new String[] {
- "35Y",
- "40Y",
- "50Y",
- "60Y"
- };
- private static final double[] s_adblUSD3MSyntheticFloatFloatQuote = new double[] {
- 0.00065,
- 0.00060,
- 0.00054,
- 0.00050
- };
- private static final String[] s_astrJPY6MDepositTenor = new String[] {
- "1D",
- "1W",
- "2W",
- "3W",
- "1M",
- "2M",
- "3M",
- "4M",
- "5M"
- };
- private static final double[] s_adblJPY6MDepositQuote = new double[] {
- 0.003565, // 1D
- 0.003858, // 1W
- 0.003840, // 2W
- 0.003922, // 3W
- 0.003869, // 1M
- 0.003698, // 2M
- 0.003527, // 3M
- 0.003342, // 4M
- 0.003225 // 5M
- };
- private static final String[] s_astrJPY6MFRATenor = new String[] {
- "0D",
- "1M",
- "2M",
- "3M",
- "4M",
- "5M",
- "6M",
- "7M",
- "8M",
- "9M",
- "10M",
- "11M",
- "12M",
- "13M",
- "14M",
- "15M",
- "16M",
- "17M",
- "18M"
- };
- private static final double[] s_adblJPY6MFRAQuote = new double[] {
- 0.003120, // 0D
- 0.002930, // 1M
- 0.002720, // 2M
- 0.002600, // 3M
- 0.002560, // 4M
- 0.002520, // 5M
- 0.002480, // 6M
- 0.002540, // 7M
- 0.002610, // 8M
- 0.002670, // 9M
- 0.002790, // 10M
- 0.002910, // 11M
- 0.003030, // 12M
- 0.003180, // 13M
- 0.003350, // 14M
- 0.003520, // 15M
- 0.003710, // 16M
- 0.003890, // 17M
- 0.004090 // 18M
- };
- private static final String[] s_astrJPY6MFixFloatTenor = new String[] {
- "3Y",
- "4Y",
- "5Y",
- "6Y",
- "7Y",
- "8Y",
- "9Y",
- "10Y",
- "12Y",
- "15Y",
- "20Y",
- "25Y",
- "30Y",
- "35Y",
- "40Y",
- "50Y",
- "60Y"
- };
- private static final double[] s_adblJPY6MFixFloatQuote = new double[] {
- 0.004240, // 3Y
- 0.005760, // 4Y
- 0.007620, // 5Y
- 0.009540, // 6Y
- 0.011350, // 7Y
- 0.013030, // 8Y
- 0.014520, // 9Y
- 0.015840, // 10Y
- 0.018090, // 12Y
- 0.020370, // 15Y
- 0.021870, // 20Y
- 0.022340, // 25Y
- 0.022560, // 30Y
- 0.022950, // 35Y
- 0.023480, // 40Y
- 0.024210, // 50Y
- 0.024630 // 60Y
- };
- private static final String[] s_astrCCBSTenor = new String[] {
- "1Y",
- "2Y",
- "3Y",
- "4Y",
- "5Y",
- "7Y",
- "10Y",
- "15Y",
- "20Y",
- "30Y"
- };
- private static final double[] s_adblCCBSQuote = new double[] {
- -0.000350, // 1Y
- -0.000350, // 2Y
- -0.000325, // 3Y
- -0.000325, // 4Y
- -0.000350, // 5Y
- -0.000400, // 7Y
- -0.000600, // 10Y
- -0.001200, // 15Y
- -0.001675, // 20Y
- -0.002475 // 30Y
- };
- private static final double[] s_adblIRSQuote = new double[] {
- 0.00325, // 1Y
- 0.00325, // 2Y
- 0.00350, // 3Y
- 0.00350, // 4Y
- 0.00350, // 5Y
- 0.00400, // 7Y
- 0.00600, // 10Y
- 0.01200, // 15Y
- 0.01675, // 20Y
- 0.02475 // 30Y
- };
- public static final void main (
- final String[] astrArgs)
- throws Exception
- {
- /*
- * Initialize the Credit Analytics Library
- */
- EnvManager.InitEnv ("");
- JulianDate dtValue = DateUtil.CreateFromYMD (
- 2012,
- DateUtil.DECEMBER,
- 11
- );
- String strReferenceCurrency = "USD";
- String strDerivedCurrency = "JPY";
- SegmentCustomBuilderControl scbcCubic = new SegmentCustomBuilderControl (
- MultiSegmentSequenceBuilder.BASIS_SPLINE_POLYNOMIAL,
- new PolynomialFunctionSetParams (4),
- SegmentInelasticDesignControl.Create (
- 2,
- 2
- ),
- new ResponseScalingShapeControl (
- true,
- new QuadraticRationalShapeControl (0.)
- ),
- null
- );
- MergedDiscountForwardCurve dcReference = OvernightIndexCurve.MakeDC (
- strReferenceCurrency,
- dtValue,
- s_aiUSDOISDepositMaturityDays,
- s_adblUSDOISDepositQuote,
- s_astrUSDShortEndOISMaturityTenor,
- s_adblUSDShortEndOISQuote,
- s_astrUSDOISFutureTenor,
- s_astrUSDOISFutureMaturityTenor,
- s_adblUSDOISFutureQuote,
- s_astrUSDLongEndOISMaturityTenor,
- s_adblUSDLongEndOISQuote,
- scbcCubic,
- null
- );
- ForwardCurve fc6MReference = IBORCurve.CustomIBORBuilderSample (
- dcReference,
- null,
- ForwardLabel.Create (
- strReferenceCurrency,
- "6M"
- ),
- scbcCubic,
- s_astrUSD6MDepositTenor,
- s_adblUSD6MDepositQuote,
- "ForwardRate",
- s_astrUSD6MFRATenor,
- s_adblUSD6MFRAQuote,
- "ParForwardRate",
- s_astrUSD6MFixFloatTenor,
- s_adblUSD6MFixFloatQuote,
- "SwapRate",
- null,
- null,
- "DerivedParBasisSpread",
- null,
- null,
- "DerivedParBasisSpread",
- false
- );
- ForwardCurve fc3MReference = IBORCurve.CustomIBORBuilderSample (
- dcReference,
- fc6MReference,
- ForwardLabel.Create (
- strReferenceCurrency,
- "3M"
- ),
- scbcCubic,
- s_astrUSD3MDepositTenor,
- s_adblUSD3MDepositQuote,
- "ForwardRate",
- s_astrUSD3MFRATenor,
- s_adblUSD3MFRAQuote,
- "ParForwardRate",
- s_astrUSD3MFixFloatTenor,
- s_adblUSD3MFixFloatQuote,
- "SwapRate",
- null,
- null,
- "DerivedParBasisSpread",
- s_astrUSD3MSyntheticFloatFloatTenor,
- s_adblUSD3MSyntheticFloatFloatQuote,
- "DerivedParBasisSpread",
- false
- );
- MergedDiscountForwardCurve dcDerived = OvernightIndexCurve.MakeDC (
- strDerivedCurrency,
- dtValue,
- s_aiJPYOISDepositMaturityDays,
- s_adblJPYOISDepositQuote,
- s_astrJPYShortEndOISMaturityTenor,
- s_adblJPYShortEndOISQuote,
- s_astrJPYOISFutureTenor,
- s_astrJPYOISFutureMaturityTenor,
- s_adblJPYOISFutureQuote,
- s_astrJPYLongEndOISMaturityTenor,
- s_adblJPYLongEndOISQuote,
- scbcCubic,
- null
- );
- ForwardCurve fc6MDerived = IBORCurve.CustomIBORBuilderSample (
- dcDerived,
- null,
- ForwardLabel.Create (
- strDerivedCurrency,
- "6M"
- ),
- scbcCubic,
- s_astrJPY6MDepositTenor,
- s_adblJPY6MDepositQuote,
- "ForwardRate",
- s_astrJPY6MFRATenor,
- s_adblJPY6MFRAQuote,
- "ParForwardRate",
- s_astrJPY6MFixFloatTenor,
- s_adblJPY6MFixFloatQuote,
- "SwapRate",
- null,
- null,
- "DerivedParBasisSpread",
- null,
- null,
- "DerivedParBasisSpread",
- false
- );
- CCBSForwardCurve.ForwardCurveReferenceComponentBasis (
- strReferenceCurrency,
- strDerivedCurrency,
- dtValue,
- dcReference,
- fc6MReference,
- fc3MReference,
- dcDerived,
- fc6MDerived,
- scbcCubic,
- s_astrCCBSTenor,
- s_adblCCBSQuote,
- true
- );
- CCBSForwardCurve.ForwardCurveReferenceComponentBasis (
- strReferenceCurrency,
- strDerivedCurrency,
- dtValue,
- dcReference,
- fc6MReference,
- fc3MReference,
- dcDerived,
- fc6MDerived,
- scbcCubic,
- s_astrCCBSTenor,
- s_adblCCBSQuote,
- false
- );
- CCBSDiscountCurve.MakeDiscountCurve (
- strReferenceCurrency,
- strDerivedCurrency,
- dtValue,
- dcReference,
- fc6MReference,
- fc3MReference,
- scbcCubic,
- s_astrCCBSTenor,
- s_adblCCBSQuote,
- s_adblIRSQuote,
- true
- );
- CCBSDiscountCurve.MakeDiscountCurve (
- strReferenceCurrency,
- strDerivedCurrency,
- dtValue,
- dcReference,
- fc6MReference,
- fc3MReference,
- scbcCubic,
- s_astrCCBSTenor,
- s_adblCCBSQuote,
- s_adblIRSQuote,
- false
- );
- EnvManager.TerminateEnv();
- }
- }