- package org.drip.sample.forwardratefutures;
- import java.util.*;
- import org.drip.analytics.date.*;
- import org.drip.function.r1tor1.FlatUnivariate;
- import org.drip.market.otc.*;
- import org.drip.numerical.common.FormatUtil;
- import org.drip.param.creator.*;
- import org.drip.param.market.CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer;
- import org.drip.param.valuation.*;
- import org.drip.product.creator.SingleStreamOptionBuilder;
- import org.drip.product.fra.FRAStandardCapFloorlet;
- import org.drip.product.rates.*;
- import org.drip.sample.forward.OvernightIndexCurve;
- import org.drip.service.env.EnvManager;
- import org.drip.spline.basis.PolynomialFunctionSetParams;
- import org.drip.spline.stretch.MultiSegmentSequenceBuilder;
- import org.drip.state.creator.*;
- import org.drip.state.discount.*;
- import org.drip.state.forward.ForwardCurve;
- import org.drip.state.identifier.*;
- /*
- * -*- mode: java; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
- */
- /*!
- * Copyright (C) 2019 Lakshmi Krishnamurthy
- * Copyright (C) 2018 Lakshmi Krishnamurthy
- * Copyright (C) 2017 Lakshmi Krishnamurthy
- * Copyright (C) 2016 Lakshmi Krishnamurthy
- * Copyright (C) 2015 Lakshmi Krishnamurthy
- * Copyright (C) 2014 Lakshmi Krishnamurthy
- *
- * This file is part of DROP, an open-source library targeting risk, transaction costs, exposure, margin
- * calculations, valuation adjustment, and portfolio construction within and across fixed income,
- * credit, commodity, equity, FX, and structured products.
- *
- * https://lakshmidrip.github.io/DROP/
- *
- * DROP is composed of three modules:
- *
- * - DROP Analytics Core - https://lakshmidrip.github.io/DROP-Analytics-Core/
- * - DROP Portfolio Core - https://lakshmidrip.github.io/DROP-Portfolio-Core/
- * - DROP Numerical Core - https://lakshmidrip.github.io/DROP-Numerical-Core/
- *
- * DROP Analytics Core implements libraries for the following:
- * - Fixed Income Analytics
- * - Asset Backed Analytics
- * - XVA Analytics
- * - Exposure and Margin Analytics
- *
- * DROP Portfolio Core implements libraries for the following:
- * - Asset Allocation Analytics
- * - Transaction Cost Analytics
- *
- * DROP Numerical Core implements libraries for the following:
- * - Statistical Learning
- * - Numerical Optimizer
- * - Spline Builder
- * - Algorithm Support
- *
- * Documentation for DROP is Spread Over:
- *
- * - Main => https://lakshmidrip.github.io/DROP/
- * - Wiki => https://github.com/lakshmiDRIP/DROP/wiki
- * - GitHub => https://github.com/lakshmiDRIP/DROP
- * - Repo Layout Taxonomy => https://github.com/lakshmiDRIP/DROP/blob/master/Taxonomy.md
- * - Javadoc => https://lakshmidrip.github.io/DROP/Javadoc/index.html
- * - Technical Specifications => https://github.com/lakshmiDRIP/DROP/tree/master/Docs/Internal
- * - Release Versions => https://lakshmidrip.github.io/DROP/version.html
- * - Community Credits => https://lakshmidrip.github.io/DROP/credits.html
- * - Issues Catalog => https://github.com/lakshmiDRIP/DROP/issues
- * - JUnit => https://lakshmidrip.github.io/DROP/junit/index.html
- * - Jacoco => https://lakshmidrip.github.io/DROP/jacoco/index.html
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- *
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- *
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- /**
- * <i>JurisdictionVenueOptionValuation</i> contains the Demonstration of the Construction and the Valuation
- * of the Options on Standardized LIBOR Futures Contract across Jurisdictions and Venues.
- *
- * <br><br>
- * <ul>
- * <li><b>Module </b> = <a href = "https://github.com/lakshmiDRIP/DROP/tree/master/AnalyticsCore.md">Analytics Core Module</a></li>
- * <li><b>Library</b> = <a href = "https://github.com/lakshmiDRIP/DROP/tree/master/FixedIncomeAnalyticsLibrary.md">Fixed Income Analytics Library</a></li>
- * <li><b>Project</b> = <a href = "https://github.com/lakshmiDRIP/DROP/tree/master/src/main/java/org/drip/sample/README.md">Sample</a></li>
- * <li><b>Package</b> = <a href = "https://github.com/lakshmiDRIP/DROP/tree/master/src/main/java/org/drip/sample/forwardratefutures/README.md">Forward Rate Futures Analytics</a></li>
- * </ul>
- * <br><br>
- *
- * @author Lakshmi Krishnamurthy
- */
- public class JurisdictionVenueOptionValuation {
- private static final FloatFloatComponent OTCFloatFloat (
- final JulianDate dtSpot,
- final String strCurrency,
- final String strDerivedTenor,
- final String strMaturityTenor,
- final double dblBasis)
- {
- FloatFloatSwapConvention ffConv = IBORFloatFloatContainer.ConventionFromJurisdiction (strCurrency);
- return ffConv.createFloatFloatComponent (
- dtSpot,
- strDerivedTenor,
- strMaturityTenor,
- dblBasis,
- 1.
- );
- }
- /*
- * Construct an array of float-float swaps from the corresponding reference (6M) and the derived legs.
- *
- * USE WITH CARE: This sample ignores errors and does not handle exceptions.
- */
- private static final FloatFloatComponent[] MakexM6MBasisSwap (
- final JulianDate dtSpot,
- final String strCurrency,
- final String[] astrMaturityTenor,
- final int iTenorInMonths)
- throws Exception
- {
- FloatFloatComponent[] aFFC = new FloatFloatComponent[astrMaturityTenor.length];
- for (int i = 0; i < astrMaturityTenor.length; ++i)
- aFFC[i] = OTCFloatFloat (
- dtSpot,
- strCurrency,
- iTenorInMonths + "M",
- astrMaturityTenor[i],
- 0.
- );
- return aFFC;
- }
- private static final ForwardCurve MakeFC (
- final JulianDate dtSpot,
- final String strCurrency,
- final MergedDiscountForwardCurve dc,
- final int iTenorInMonths,
- final String[] astrxM6MFwdTenor,
- final double[] adblxM6MBasisSwapQuote)
- throws Exception
- {
- /*
- * Construct the 6M-xM float-float basis swap.
- */
- FloatFloatComponent[] aFFC = MakexM6MBasisSwap (
- dtSpot,
- strCurrency,
- astrxM6MFwdTenor,
- iTenorInMonths
- );
- String strBasisTenor = iTenorInMonths + "M";
- ValuationParams valParams = new ValuationParams (
- dtSpot,
- dtSpot,
- strCurrency
- );
- /*
- * Calculate the starting forward rate off of the discount curve.
- */
- double dblStartingFwd = dc.forward (
- dtSpot.julian(),
- dtSpot.addTenor (strBasisTenor).julian()
- );
- /*
- * Set the discount curve based component market parameters.
- */
- CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer mktParams = MarketParamsBuilder.Create (
- dc,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null
- );
- /*
- * Construct the shape preserving forward curve off of Quartic Polynomial Basis Spline.
- */
- return ScenarioForwardCurveBuilder.ShapePreservingForwardCurve (
- "QUARTIC_FWD" + strBasisTenor,
- ForwardLabel.Create (
- strCurrency,
- strBasisTenor
- ),
- valParams,
- null,
- mktParams,
- null,
- MultiSegmentSequenceBuilder.BASIS_SPLINE_POLYNOMIAL,
- new PolynomialFunctionSetParams (5),
- aFFC,
- "DerivedParBasisSpread",
- adblxM6MBasisSwapQuote,
- dblStartingFwd
- );
- }
- private static final Map<String, ForwardCurve> MakeFC (
- final JulianDate dt,
- final String strCurrency,
- final MergedDiscountForwardCurve dc)
- throws Exception
- {
- Map<String, ForwardCurve> mapFC = new HashMap<String, ForwardCurve>();
- /*
- * Build and run the sampling for the 1M-6M Tenor Basis Swap from its instruments and quotes.
- */
- ForwardCurve fc1M = MakeFC (
- dt,
- strCurrency,
- dc,
- 1,
- new String[] {
- "1Y", "2Y", "3Y", "4Y", "5Y", "6Y", "7Y", "8Y", "9Y", "10Y", "11Y", "12Y", "15Y", "20Y", "25Y", "30Y"
- },
- new double[] {
- 0.00551, // 1Y
- 0.00387, // 2Y
- 0.00298, // 3Y
- 0.00247, // 4Y
- 0.00211, // 5Y
- 0.00185, // 6Y
- 0.00165, // 7Y
- 0.00150, // 8Y
- 0.00137, // 9Y
- 0.00127, // 10Y
- 0.00119, // 11Y
- 0.00112, // 12Y
- 0.00096, // 15Y
- 0.00079, // 20Y
- 0.00069, // 25Y
- 0.00062 // 30Y
- }
- );
- mapFC.put (
- "1M",
- fc1M
- );
- /*
- * Build and run the sampling for the 3M-6M Tenor Basis Swap from its instruments and quotes.
- */
- ForwardCurve fc3M = MakeFC (
- dt,
- strCurrency,
- dc,
- 3,
- new String[] {
- "1Y", "2Y", "3Y", "4Y", "5Y", "6Y", "7Y", "8Y", "9Y", "10Y", "11Y", "12Y", "15Y", "20Y", "25Y", "30Y"
- },
- new double[] {
- 0.00186, // 1Y
- 0.00127, // 2Y
- 0.00097, // 3Y
- 0.00080, // 4Y
- 0.00067, // 5Y
- 0.00058, // 6Y
- 0.00051, // 7Y
- 0.00046, // 8Y
- 0.00042, // 9Y
- 0.00038, // 10Y
- 0.00035, // 11Y
- 0.00033, // 12Y
- 0.00028, // 15Y
- 0.00022, // 20Y
- 0.00020, // 25Y
- 0.00018 // 30Y
- }
- );
- mapFC.put (
- "3M",
- fc3M
- );
- /*
- * Build and run the sampling for the 12M-6M Tenor Basis Swap from its instruments and quotes.
- */
- ForwardCurve fc12M = MakeFC (
- dt,
- strCurrency,
- dc,
- 12,
- new String[] {
- "1Y", "2Y", "3Y", "4Y", "5Y", "6Y", "7Y", "8Y", "9Y", "10Y", "11Y", "12Y", "15Y", "20Y", "25Y", "30Y",
- "35Y", "40Y" // Extrapolated
- },
- new double[] {
- -0.00212, // 1Y
- -0.00152, // 2Y
- -0.00117, // 3Y
- -0.00097, // 4Y
- -0.00082, // 5Y
- -0.00072, // 6Y
- -0.00063, // 7Y
- -0.00057, // 8Y
- -0.00051, // 9Y
- -0.00047, // 10Y
- -0.00044, // 11Y
- -0.00041, // 12Y
- -0.00035, // 15Y
- -0.00028, // 20Y
- -0.00025, // 25Y
- -0.00022, // 30Y
- -0.00022, // 35Y Extrapolated
- -0.00022, // 40Y Extrapolated
- }
- );
- mapFC.put (
- "12M",
- fc12M
- );
- return mapFC;
- }
- private static final void SetVolCorrelation (
- final int iValueDate,
- final CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer mktParams,
- final ForwardLabel fri,
- final double dblForwardVol,
- final double dblFundingVol,
- final double dblForwardFundingCorr)
- throws Exception
- {
- FundingLabel fundingLabel = FundingLabel.Standard (fri.currency());
- mktParams.setForwardVolatility (
- ScenarioDeterministicVolatilityBuilder.FlatForward (
- iValueDate,
- VolatilityLabel.Standard (fri),
- fri.currency(),
- dblForwardVol
- )
- );
- mktParams.setFundingVolatility (
- ScenarioDeterministicVolatilityBuilder.FlatForward (
- iValueDate,
- VolatilityLabel.Standard (fundingLabel),
- fri.currency(),
- dblFundingVol
- )
- );
- mktParams.setForwardFundingCorrelation (
- fri,
- fundingLabel,
- new FlatUnivariate (dblForwardFundingCorr)
- );
- }
- private static final void FuturesOptionMetrics (
- final String strCurrency,
- final String strTenor,
- final JulianDate dtSpot,
- final String strOptionType,
- final String strExchange)
- throws Exception
- {
- MergedDiscountForwardCurve dcOIS = OvernightIndexCurve.MakeDC (
- dtSpot,
- strCurrency
- );
- ForwardLabel forwardLabel = ForwardLabel.Create (
- strCurrency,
- strTenor
- );
- Map<String, ForwardCurve> mapFC = MakeFC (
- dtSpot,
- strCurrency,
- dcOIS
- );
- ForwardCurve fc = mapFC.get (strTenor);
- JulianDate dtEffective = dtSpot.addTenor ("3M");
- FRAStandardCapFloorlet liborFuturesOption = SingleStreamOptionBuilder.ExchangeTradedFuturesOption (
- dtEffective,
- forwardLabel,
- fc.forward (dtEffective.addTenor (fc.tenor())),
- "ParForward",
- false,
- strOptionType,
- strExchange
- );
- CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer mktParams = MarketParamsBuilder.Create (
- dcOIS,
- fc,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null
- );
- double dblForwardVol = 0.50;
- double dblFundingVol = 0.50;
- double dblForwardFundingCorr = 0.50;
- SetVolCorrelation (
- dtSpot.julian(),
- mktParams,
- forwardLabel,
- dblForwardVol,
- dblFundingVol,
- dblForwardFundingCorr
- );
- ValuationParams valParams = new ValuationParams (
- dtSpot,
- dtSpot,
- strCurrency
- );
- Map<String, Double> mapOutput = liborFuturesOption.value (
- valParams,
- null,
- mktParams,
- null
- );
- System.out.println ("\t\t" + strExchange + " | " +
- FormatUtil.FormatDouble (mapOutput.get ("ATMFRA"), 1, 4, 100.) + " % | " +
- FormatUtil.FormatDouble (mapOutput.get ("Upfront"), 1, 1, 10000.) + " bp | " +
- forwardLabel.fullyQualifiedName()
- );
- }
- public static final void main (
- final String[] astrArgs)
- throws Exception
- {
- /*
- * Initialize the Credit Analytics Library
- */
- EnvManager.InitEnv ("");
- JulianDate dtToday = DateUtil.Today();
- System.out.println ("\tOutput Order - L -> R:");
- System.out.println ("\t\tExchange\n\t\tATM Par FRA Level (%)\n\t\tOption Upfront (bp)\n\t\tFRA Label");
- System.out.println ("\n\t-----------------------------------------------------");
- System.out.println ("\t--------------- MARGIN TYPE OPTION ------------------");
- System.out.println ("\t-----------------------------------------------------");
- FuturesOptionMetrics (
- "CHF",
- "3M",
- dtToday,
- );
- FuturesOptionMetrics (
- "GBP",
- "3M",
- dtToday,
- );
- /* FuturesOptionMetrics (
- "EUR",
- "3M",
- dtToday,
- ); */
- FuturesOptionMetrics (
- "USD",
- "3M",
- dtToday,
- );
- System.out.println ("\t-----------------------------------------------------");
- System.out.println ("\t-------------- PREMIUM TYPE OPTION ------------------");
- System.out.println ("\t-----------------------------------------------------");
- FuturesOptionMetrics (
- "JPY",
- "3M",
- dtToday,
- "SGX"
- );
- FuturesOptionMetrics (
- "USD",
- "1M",
- dtToday,
- "CME"
- );
- FuturesOptionMetrics (
- "USD",
- "3M",
- dtToday,
- "CME"
- );
- FuturesOptionMetrics (
- "USD",
- "3M",
- dtToday,
- "SGX"
- );
- System.out.println ("\t-----------------------------------------------------");
- System.out.println ("\t-----------------------------------------------------");
- EnvManager.TerminateEnv();
- }
- }