- package org.drip.sample.lvar;
- import org.drip.execution.capture.LinearImpactTrajectoryEstimator;
- import org.drip.execution.dynamics.*;
- import org.drip.execution.impact.*;
- import org.drip.execution.nonadaptive.StaticOptimalSchemeDiscrete;
- import org.drip.execution.optimum.EfficientTradingTrajectoryDiscrete;
- import org.drip.execution.parameters.ArithmeticPriceDynamicsSettings;
- import org.drip.execution.profiletime.UniformParticipationRateLinear;
- import org.drip.execution.risk.PowerVarianceObjectiveUtility;
- import org.drip.execution.strategy.*;
- import org.drip.function.r1tor1.FlatUnivariate;
- import org.drip.measure.gaussian.R1UnivariateNormal;
- import org.drip.numerical.common.FormatUtil;
- import org.drip.service.env.EnvManager;
- /*
- * -*- mode: java; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
- */
- /*!
- * Copyright (C) 2019 Lakshmi Krishnamurthy
- * Copyright (C) 2018 Lakshmi Krishnamurthy
- * Copyright (C) 2017 Lakshmi Krishnamurthy
- * Copyright (C) 2016 Lakshmi Krishnamurthy
- *
- * This file is part of DROP, an open-source library targeting risk, transaction costs, exposure, margin
- * calculations, valuation adjustment, and portfolio construction within and across fixed income,
- * credit, commodity, equity, FX, and structured products.
- *
- * https://lakshmidrip.github.io/DROP/
- *
- * DROP is composed of three modules:
- *
- * - DROP Analytics Core - https://lakshmidrip.github.io/DROP-Analytics-Core/
- * - DROP Portfolio Core - https://lakshmidrip.github.io/DROP-Portfolio-Core/
- * - DROP Numerical Core - https://lakshmidrip.github.io/DROP-Numerical-Core/
- *
- * DROP Analytics Core implements libraries for the following:
- * - Fixed Income Analytics
- * - Asset Backed Analytics
- * - XVA Analytics
- * - Exposure and Margin Analytics
- *
- * DROP Portfolio Core implements libraries for the following:
- * - Asset Allocation Analytics
- * - Transaction Cost Analytics
- *
- * DROP Numerical Core implements libraries for the following:
- * - Statistical Learning
- * - Numerical Optimizer
- * - Spline Builder
- * - Algorithm Support
- *
- * Documentation for DROP is Spread Over:
- *
- * - Main => https://lakshmidrip.github.io/DROP/
- * - Wiki => https://github.com/lakshmiDRIP/DROP/wiki
- * - GitHub => https://github.com/lakshmiDRIP/DROP
- * - Repo Layout Taxonomy => https://github.com/lakshmiDRIP/DROP/blob/master/Taxonomy.md
- * - Javadoc => https://lakshmidrip.github.io/DROP/Javadoc/index.html
- * - Technical Specifications => https://github.com/lakshmiDRIP/DROP/tree/master/Docs/Internal
- * - Release Versions => https://lakshmidrip.github.io/DROP/version.html
- * - Community Credits => https://lakshmidrip.github.io/DROP/credits.html
- * - Issues Catalog => https://github.com/lakshmiDRIP/DROP/issues
- * - JUnit => https://lakshmidrip.github.io/DROP/junit/index.html
- * - Jacoco => https://lakshmidrip.github.io/DROP/jacoco/index.html
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- *
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- *
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- /**
- * <i>OptimalTrajectoryNoDrift</i> generates the Trade/Holdings List of Optimal Execution Schedule based on
- * the Evolution Walk Parameters specified according to the Liquidity VaR Optimal Objective Function,
- * exclusive of Drift. The Generation follows a Numerical Optimizer Scheme. The References are:
- *
- * <br><br>
- * <ul>
- * <li>
- * Almgren, R., and N. Chriss (1999): Value under Liquidation <i>Risk</i> <b>12 (12)</b>
- * </li>
- * <li>
- * Almgren, R., and N. Chriss (2000): Optimal Execution of Portfolio Transactions <i>Journal of
- * Risk</i> <b>3 (2)</b> 5-39
- * </li>
- * <li>
- * Almgren, R. (2003): Optimal Execution with Non-linear Impact Functions and Trading Enhanced Risk
- * <i>Applied Mathematical Finance</i> <b>10</b> 1-18
- * </li>
- * <li>
- * Artzner, P., F. Delbaen, J. M. Eber, and D. Heath (1999): Coherent Measures of Risk
- * <i>Mathematical Finance</i> <b>9</b> 203-228
- * </li>
- * <li>
- * Basak, S., and A. Shapiro (2001): Value-at-Risk Based Risk Management: Optimal Policies and Asset
- * Prices <i>Review of Financial Studies</i> <b>14</b> 371-405
- * </li>
- * </ul>
- *
- * <br><br>
- * <ul>
- * <li><b>Module </b> = <a href = "https://github.com/lakshmiDRIP/DROP/tree/master/PortfolioCore.md">Portfolio Core Module</a></li>
- * <li><b>Library</b> = <a href = "https://github.com/lakshmiDRIP/DROP/tree/master/TransactionCostAnalyticsLibrary.md">Transaction Cost Analytics Library</a></li>
- * <li><b>Project</b> = <a href = "https://github.com/lakshmiDRIP/DROP/tree/master/src/main/java/org/drip/sample/README.md">Sample</a></li>
- * <li><b>Package</b> = <a href = "https://github.com/lakshmiDRIP/DROP/tree/master/src/main/java/org/drip/sample/lvar/README.md">Liquidity VaR</a></li>
- * </ul>
- * <br><br>
- *
- * @author Lakshmi Krishnamurthy
- */
- public class OptimalTrajectoryNoDrift {
- public static void main (
- final String[] astrArgs)
- throws Exception
- {
- EnvManager.InitEnv ("");
- double dblS0 = 50.;
- double dblSigma = 0.9487;
- double dblAlpha = 0.02;
- double dblEpsilon = 0.0625;
- double dblGamma = 2.5e-07;
- double dblEta = 2.5e-06;
- double dblConfidenceLevel = 0.90;
- double dblX = 1000000.;
- double dblT = 5.;
- int iN = 5;
- double dblLambdaV = R1UnivariateNormal.Standard().confidenceInterval (dblConfidenceLevel);
- DiscreteTradingTrajectoryControl dttc = DiscreteTradingTrajectoryControl.FixedInterval (
- new OrderSpecification (
- dblX,
- dblT
- ),
- iN
- );
- LinearPermanentExpectationParameters lpep = ArithmeticPriceEvolutionParametersBuilder.LinearExpectation (
- new ArithmeticPriceDynamicsSettings (
- 0.,
- new FlatUnivariate (dblSigma),
- 0.
- ),
- new UniformParticipationRateLinear (
- new ParticipationRateLinear (
- 0.,
- dblGamma
- )
- ),
- new UniformParticipationRateLinear (
- new ParticipationRateLinear (
- dblEpsilon,
- dblEta
- )
- )
- );
- EfficientTradingTrajectoryDiscrete ettd = (EfficientTradingTrajectoryDiscrete) new StaticOptimalSchemeDiscrete (
- dttc,
- lpep,
- PowerVarianceObjectiveUtility.LiquidityVaR (dblLambdaV)
- ).generate();
- double[] adblExecutionTimeNode = ettd.executionTimeNode();
- double[] adblTradeList = ettd.tradeList();
- double[] adblHoldings = ettd.holdings();
- LinearImpactTrajectoryEstimator lite = new LinearImpactTrajectoryEstimator (ettd);
- R1UnivariateNormal r1un = lite.totalCostDistributionSynopsis (lpep);
- System.out.println ("\n\t|---------------------------------------------||");
- System.out.println ("\t|---------------------------------------------||");
- System.out.println ("\t| Initial Stock Price : " + dblS0);
- System.out.println ("\t| Initial Holdings : " + dblX);
- System.out.println ("\t| Liquidation Time : " + dblT);
- System.out.println ("\t| Number of Time Periods : " + iN);
- System.out.println ("\t| Daily Volume 5 million Shares : " + dblGamma);
- System.out.println ("\t| VaR Confidence Level :" + FormatUtil.FormatDouble (dblConfidenceLevel, 2, 2, 100.) + "%");
- System.out.println ("\t| VaR Based Risk Aversion : " + dblLambdaV);
- System.out.println ("\t|");
- System.out.println (
- "\t| Daily Volatility : " +
- FormatUtil.FormatDouble (dblSigma, 1, 4, 1.)
- );
- System.out.println (
- "\t| Daily Returns : " +
- FormatUtil.FormatDouble (dblAlpha, 1, 4, 1.)
- );
- System.out.println ("\t| Temporary Impact Fixed Offset : " + dblEpsilon);
- System.out.println ("\t| Eta : " + dblEta);
- System.out.println ("\t| Gamma : " + dblGamma);
- System.out.println ("\t|---------------------------------------------||");
- System.out.println ("\n\t|-----------------------------||");
- System.out.println ("\t| Optimal Trading Trajectory ||");
- System.out.println ("\t| ------- ------- ---------- ||");
- System.out.println ("\t| L -> R: ||");
- System.out.println ("\t| Time Node ||");
- System.out.println ("\t| Holdings ||");
- System.out.println ("\t| Trade Amount ||");
- System.out.println ("\t|-----------------------------||");
- for (int i = 0; i <= iN; ++i) {
- if (i == 0)
- System.out.println (
- "\t|" + FormatUtil.FormatDouble (adblExecutionTimeNode[i], 1, 0, 1.) + " => " +
- FormatUtil.FormatDouble (adblHoldings[i], 7, 1, 1.) + " | " +
- FormatUtil.FormatDouble (0., 6, 1, 1.) + " ||"
- );
- else
- System.out.println (
- "\t|" + FormatUtil.FormatDouble (adblExecutionTimeNode[i], 1, 0, 1.) + " => " +
- FormatUtil.FormatDouble (adblHoldings[i], 7, 1, 1.) + " | " +
- FormatUtil.FormatDouble (adblTradeList[i - 1], 6, 1, 1.) + " ||"
- );
- }
- System.out.println ("\t|-----------------------------||");
- System.out.println ("\n\t|----------------------------------------------------------------||");
- System.out.println ("\t|----------------------------------------------------------------||");
- System.out.println (
- "\t| Transaction Cost Expectation : " +
- FormatUtil.FormatDouble (r1un.mean(), 7, 1, 1.) + " | " +
- FormatUtil.FormatDouble (ettd.transactionCostExpectation(), 7, 1, 1.) + " ||"
- );
- System.out.println (
- "\t| Transaction Cost Variance (X 10^-06) : " +
- FormatUtil.FormatDouble (r1un.variance(), 7, 1, 1.e-06) + " | " +
- FormatUtil.FormatDouble (ettd.transactionCostVariance(), 7, 1, 1.e-06) + " ||"
- );
- System.out.println ("\t|----------------------------------------------------------------||");
- EnvManager.TerminateEnv();
- }
- }