package org.drip.sample.spline;
import org.drip.function.r1tor1.*;
import org.drip.numerical.differentiation.WengertJacobian;
import org.drip.spline.basis.*;
import org.drip.spline.params.*;
import org.drip.spline.segment.*;
* -*- mode: java; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
* Copyright (C) 2018 Lakshmi Krishnamurthy
* Copyright (C) 2017 Lakshmi Krishnamurthy
* Copyright (C) 2016 Lakshmi Krishnamurthy
* Copyright (C) 2015 Lakshmi Krishnamurthy
* Copyright (C) 2014 Lakshmi Krishnamurthy
* Copyright (C) 2013 Lakshmi Krishnamurthy
* This file is part of DRIP, a free-software/open-source library for buy/side financial/trading model
* libraries targeting analysts and developers
* https://lakshmidrip.github.io/DRIP/
* DRIP is composed of four main libraries:
* - DRIP Fixed Income - https://lakshmidrip.github.io/DRIP-Fixed-Income/
* - DRIP Asset Allocation - https://lakshmidrip.github.io/DRIP-Asset-Allocation/
* - DRIP Numerical Optimizer - https://lakshmidrip.github.io/DRIP-Numerical-Optimizer/
* - DRIP Statistical Learning - https://lakshmidrip.github.io/DRIP-Statistical-Learning/
* - DRIP Fixed Income: Library for Instrument/Trading Conventions, Treasury Futures/Options,
* Funding/Forward/Overnight Curves, Multi-Curve Construction/Valuation, Collateral Valuation and XVA
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* Extensions/Calibrations/Greeks, Algorithmic Differentiation, and Asset Backed Models and Analytics.
* - DRIP Asset Allocation: Library for model libraries for MPT framework, Black Litterman Strategy
* Incorporator, Holdings Constraint, and Transaction Costs.
* - DRIP Numerical Optimizer: Library for Numerical Optimization and Spline Functionality.
* - DRIP Statistical Learning: Library for Statistical Evaluation and Machine Learning.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* limitations under the License.
* PolynomialBasisSpline implements Samples for the Construction and the usage of polynomial (both regular
* and Hermite) basis spline functions. It demonstrates the following:
* - Control the polynomial segment using the rational shape controller, the appropriate Ck, and the basis
* function.
* - Demonstrate the variational shape optimization behavior.
* - Estimate the node value and the node value Jacobian with the segment, as well as at the boundaries.
* - Calculate the segment monotonicity and the curvature penalty.
* @author Lakshmi Krishnamurthy
public class PolynomialBasisSpline {
* This sample demonstrates the following:
* - Construction of two segments, 1 and 2.
* - Calibration of the segments to the left and the right node values
* - Extraction of the segment Jacobians and segment monotonicity
* - Estimate point value and the Jacobian, monotonicity, and curvature penalty
* USE WITH CARE: This sample ignores errors and does not handle exceptions.
private static final void TestPolynomialSpline (
final int iNumBasis,
final int iCk,
final int iRoughnessPenaltyDerivativeOrder,
final ResponseScalingShapeControl rssc)
throws Exception
System.out.println (" ------------------------------ \n POLYNOMIAL n = " + iNumBasis +
"; Ck = " + iCk + "\n ------------------------------ \n");
* Construct the segment inelastic parameter that is C2 (iCk = 2 sets it to C2), without constraint
SegmentInelasticDesignControl sdic = SegmentInelasticDesignControl.Create (
* Create the basis parameter set from the number of basis functions, and construct the basis
PolynomialFunctionSetParams pfsp = new PolynomialFunctionSetParams (iNumBasis);
FunctionSet fs = FunctionSetBuilder.PolynomialBasisSet (pfsp);
* Construct the left and the right segments
LatentStateResponseModel ecs1 = LatentStateResponseModel.Create (
LatentStateResponseModel ecs2 = LatentStateResponseModel.Create (
* Calibrate the left segment using the node values, and compute the segment Jacobian, monotonicity, and curvature penalty
WengertJacobian wj1 = ecs1.jackDCoeffDEdgeParams (
System.out.println ("\tY[" + 1.0 + "]: " + ecs1.responseValue (1.));
System.out.println ("\tY[" + 1.5 + "]: " + ecs1.responseValue (1.5));
System.out.println ("Segment 1 Jacobian: " + wj1.displayString());
System.out.println ("Segment 1 Head: " + ecs1.jackDCoeffDEdgeInputs().displayString());
System.out.println ("Segment 1 Monotone Type: " + ecs1.monotoneType());
System.out.println ("Segment 1 DPE: " + ecs1.curvatureDPE());
* Calibrate the right segment using the node values, and compute the segment Jacobian, monotonicity, and curvature penalty
WengertJacobian wj2 = ecs2.jackDCoeffDEdgeParams (
System.out.println ("\tY[" + 1.5 + "]: " + ecs2.responseValue (1.5));
System.out.println ("\tY[" + 2. + "]: " + ecs2.responseValue (2.));
System.out.println ("Segment 2 Jacobian: " + wj2.displayString());
System.out.println ("Segment 2 Regular Jacobian: " + ecs2.jackDCoeffDEdgeInputs().displayString());
System.out.println ("Segment 2 Monotone Type: " + ecs2.monotoneType());
System.out.println ("Segment 2 DPE: " + ecs2.curvatureDPE());
* Re-calibrate Segment #2 with a new Response Value
ecs2.calibrate (
* Estimate the segment value at the given variate, and compute the corresponding Jacobian, and curvature penalty
double dblX = 2.0;
System.out.println ("\t\tValue[" + dblX + "]: " + ecs2.responseValue (dblX));
System.out.println ("\t\tValue Jacobian[" + dblX + "]: " + ecs2.jackDResponseDEdgeInput (dblX, 1).displayString());
System.out.println ("\t\tSegment 2 DPE: " + ecs2.curvatureDPE());
* This sample demonstrates the following specifically for the Ck Hermite Splines, which are calibrated
* using left and right node values, along with their derivatives:
* - Construction of two segments, 1 and 2.
* - Calibration of the segments to the left and the right node values
* - Extraction of the segment Jacobians and segment monotonicity
* - Estimate point value and the Jacobian, monotonicity, and curvature penalty
* USE WITH CARE: This sample ignores errors and does not handle exceptions.
private static final void TestC1HermiteSpline (
final int iNumBasis,
final int iCk,
final int iRoughnessPenaltyDerivativeOrder,
final ResponseScalingShapeControl rssc)
throws Exception
System.out.println (" ------------------------------ \n HERMITE POLYNOMIAL n = " + iNumBasis +
"; Ck = " + iCk + "\n ------------------------------ \n");
* Construct the segment inelastic parameter that is C2 (iCk = 2 sets it to C2), without constraint
SegmentInelasticDesignControl sdic = SegmentInelasticDesignControl.Create (
* Create the basis parameter set from the number of basis functions, and construct the basis
PolynomialFunctionSetParams pfsp = new PolynomialFunctionSetParams (iNumBasis);
FunctionSet fs = FunctionSetBuilder.PolynomialBasisSet (pfsp);
* Construct the left and the right segments
LatentStateResponseModel ecs1 = LatentStateResponseModel.Create (
LatentStateResponseModel ecs2 = LatentStateResponseModel.Create (
* Calibrate the left segment using the node values, and compute the segment Jacobian, monotonicity, and curvature penalty
ecs1.calibrateState (
new SegmentStateCalibrationInputs (
new double[] {0., 1.}, // Segment Calibration Nodes
new double[] {1., 4.}, // Segment Calibration Values
new double[] {1.}, // Segment Left Derivative
new double[] {6.}, // Segment Left Derivative
null // Segment Constraint AND Fitness Penalty Response
System.out.println ("\tY[" + 0.0 + "]: " + ecs1.responseValue (0.0));
System.out.println ("\tY[" + 1.0 + "]: " + ecs1.responseValue (1.0));
System.out.println ("Segment 1 Head: " + ecs1.jackDCoeffDEdgeInputs().displayString());
System.out.println ("Segment 1 Monotone Type: " + ecs1.monotoneType());
System.out.println ("Segment 1 DPE: " + ecs1.curvatureDPE());
* Calibrate the right segment using the node values, and compute the segment Jacobian, monotonicity, and curvature penalty
ecs2.calibrateState (
new SegmentStateCalibrationInputs (
new double[] {1., 2.}, // Segment Calibration Nodes
new double[] {4., 15.}, // Segment Calibration Values
new double[] {6.}, // Segment Left Derivative
new double[] {17.}, // Segment Left Derivative
null, // Segment Constraint
null // Fitness Penalty Response
System.out.println ("\tY[" + 1.0 + "]: " + ecs2.responseValue (1.0));
System.out.println ("\tY[" + 2.0 + "]: " + ecs2.responseValue (2.0));
System.out.println ("Segment 2 Regular Jacobian: " + ecs2.jackDCoeffDEdgeInputs().displayString());
System.out.println ("Segment 2 Monotone Type: " + ecs2.monotoneType());
System.out.println ("Segment 2 DPE: " + ecs2.curvatureDPE());
* Re-calibrate Segment #2 with a new Response Value
ecs2.calibrate (
* Estimate the segment value at the given variate, and compute the corresponding Jacobian, monotonicity, and curvature penalty
double dblX = 2.0;
System.out.println ("\t\tValue[" + dblX + "]: " + ecs2.responseValue (dblX));
System.out.println ("\t\tValue Jacobian[" + dblX + "]: " + ecs2.jackDResponseDEdgeInput (dblX, 1).displayString());
System.out.println ("\t\tSegment 2 DPE: " + ecs2.curvatureDPE());
* This sample illustrates the construction and usage for polynomial basis splines. It shows the
* following:
* - Construct a rational shape controller with the specified shape controller tension.
* - Set the Roughness Penalty to 2nd order Roughness Penalty Derivative Order.
* - Test the polynomial spline across different polynomial degrees and Ck's.
* - Test the C1 Hermite spline.
* USE WITH CARE: This sample ignores errors and does not handle exceptions.
private static final void PolynomialBasisSplineSample()
throws Exception
* Construct a rational shape controller with the shape controller tension of 1.
double dblShapeControllerTension = 1.;
ResponseScalingShapeControl rssc = new ResponseScalingShapeControl (
new QuadraticRationalShapeControl (dblShapeControllerTension)
* Set to 2nd order Roughness Penalty Derivative Order.
int iRoughnessPenaltyDerivativeOrder = 2;
* Test the polynomial spline across different polynomial degrees and Ck's
TestPolynomialSpline (2, 0, iRoughnessPenaltyDerivativeOrder, rssc);
TestPolynomialSpline (3, 0, iRoughnessPenaltyDerivativeOrder, rssc);
TestPolynomialSpline (3, 1, iRoughnessPenaltyDerivativeOrder, rssc);
TestPolynomialSpline (4, 0, iRoughnessPenaltyDerivativeOrder, rssc);
TestPolynomialSpline (4, 1, iRoughnessPenaltyDerivativeOrder, rssc);
TestPolynomialSpline (4, 2, iRoughnessPenaltyDerivativeOrder, rssc);
TestPolynomialSpline (5, 0, iRoughnessPenaltyDerivativeOrder, rssc);
TestPolynomialSpline (5, 1, iRoughnessPenaltyDerivativeOrder, rssc);
TestPolynomialSpline (5, 2, iRoughnessPenaltyDerivativeOrder, rssc);
TestPolynomialSpline (5, 3, iRoughnessPenaltyDerivativeOrder, rssc);
TestPolynomialSpline (6, 0, iRoughnessPenaltyDerivativeOrder, rssc);
TestPolynomialSpline (6, 1, iRoughnessPenaltyDerivativeOrder, rssc);
TestPolynomialSpline (6, 2, iRoughnessPenaltyDerivativeOrder, rssc);
TestPolynomialSpline (6, 3, iRoughnessPenaltyDerivativeOrder, rssc);
TestPolynomialSpline (6, 4, iRoughnessPenaltyDerivativeOrder, rssc);
TestPolynomialSpline (7, 0, iRoughnessPenaltyDerivativeOrder, rssc);
TestPolynomialSpline (7, 1, iRoughnessPenaltyDerivativeOrder, rssc);
TestPolynomialSpline (7, 2, iRoughnessPenaltyDerivativeOrder, rssc);
TestPolynomialSpline (7, 3, iRoughnessPenaltyDerivativeOrder, rssc);
TestPolynomialSpline (7, 4, iRoughnessPenaltyDerivativeOrder, rssc);
TestPolynomialSpline (7, 5, iRoughnessPenaltyDerivativeOrder, rssc);
* Test the C1 Hermite spline
System.out.println (" -------------------- \n Ck HERMITE \n -------------------- \n");
TestC1HermiteSpline (4, 1, iRoughnessPenaltyDerivativeOrder, rssc);
public static final void main (
final String[] astrArgs)
throws Exception