- package org.drip.sample.treasuryfutures;
- import java.util.Map;
- import*;
- import;
- import;
- import org.drip.numerical.common.FormatUtil;
- import org.drip.param.creator.MarketParamsBuilder;
- import;
- import org.drip.param.quote.*;
- import org.drip.param.valuation.*;
- import*;
- import org.drip.product.definition.*;
- import org.drip.product.govvie.TreasuryFutures;
- import org.drip.service.env.EnvManager;
- import org.drip.service.template.*;
- import org.drip.state.creator.ScenarioRepoCurveBuilder;
- import;
- import org.drip.state.govvie.GovvieCurve;
- /*
- * -*- mode: java; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
- */
- /*!
- * Copyright (C) 2018 Lakshmi Krishnamurthy
- * Copyright (C) 2017 Lakshmi Krishnamurthy
- * Copyright (C) 2016 Lakshmi Krishnamurthy
- * Copyright (C) 2015 Lakshmi Krishnamurthy
- *
- * This file is part of DRIP, a free-software/open-source library for buy/side financial/trading model
- * libraries targeting analysts and developers
- *
- *
- * DRIP is composed of four main libraries:
- *
- * - DRIP Fixed Income -
- * - DRIP Asset Allocation -
- * - DRIP Numerical Optimizer -
- * - DRIP Statistical Learning -
- *
- * - DRIP Fixed Income: Library for Instrument/Trading Conventions, Treasury Futures/Options,
- * Funding/Forward/Overnight Curves, Multi-Curve Construction/Valuation, Collateral Valuation and XVA
- * Metric Generation, Calibration and Hedge Attributions, Statistical Curve Construction, Bond RV
- * Metrics, Stochastic Evolution and Option Pricing, Interest Rate Dynamics and Option Pricing, LMM
- * Extensions/Calibrations/Greeks, Algorithmic Differentiation, and Asset Backed Models and Analytics.
- *
- * - DRIP Asset Allocation: Library for model libraries for MPT framework, Black Litterman Strategy
- * Incorporator, Holdings Constraint, and Transaction Costs.
- *
- * - DRIP Numerical Optimizer: Library for Numerical Optimization and Spline Functionality.
- *
- * - DRIP Statistical Learning: Library for Statistical Evaluation and Machine Learning.
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- *
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- *
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- /**
- * USTULTRA demonstrates the Details behind the Implementation and the Pricing of the ULTRA LONG WN1 UST
- * Futures Contract.
- *
- * @author Lakshmi Krishnamurthy
- */
- public class USTULTRA {
- private static final MergedDiscountForwardCurve FundingCurve (
- final JulianDate dtSpot,
- final String strCurrency)
- throws Exception
- {
- String[] astrDepositMaturityTenor = new String[] {
- "2D",
- "1W",
- "1M",
- "2M",
- "3M"
- };
- double[] adblDepositQuote = new double[] {
- 0.00195, // 2D
- 0.00176, // 1W
- 0.00301, // 1M
- 0.00401, // 2M
- 0.00492 // 3M
- };
- double[] adblFuturesQuote = new double[] {
- 0.00609,
- 0.00687
- };
- String[] astrFixFloatMaturityTenor = new String[] {
- "01Y",
- "02Y",
- "03Y",
- "04Y",
- "05Y",
- "06Y",
- "07Y",
- "08Y",
- "09Y",
- "10Y",
- "11Y",
- "12Y",
- "15Y",
- "20Y",
- "25Y",
- "30Y",
- "40Y",
- "50Y"
- };
- double[] adblFixFloatQuote = new double[] {
- 0.00762, // 1Y
- 0.01055, // 2Y
- 0.01300, // 3Y
- 0.01495, // 4Y
- 0.01651, // 5Y
- 0.01787, // 6Y
- 0.01904, // 7Y
- 0.02005, // 8Y
- 0.02090, // 9Y
- 0.02166, // 10Y
- 0.02231, // 11Y
- 0.02289, // 12Y
- 0.02414, // 15Y
- 0.02570, // 20Y
- 0.02594, // 25Y
- 0.02627, // 30Y
- 0.02648, // 40Y
- 0.02632 // 50Y
- };
- MergedDiscountForwardCurve dcFunding = LatentMarketStateBuilder.SmoothFundingCurve (
- dtSpot,
- strCurrency,
- astrDepositMaturityTenor,
- adblDepositQuote,
- "ForwardRate",
- adblFuturesQuote,
- "ForwardRate",
- astrFixFloatMaturityTenor,
- adblFixFloatQuote,
- "SwapRate"
- );
- Component[] aDepositComp = OTCInstrumentBuilder.FundingDeposit (
- dtSpot,
- strCurrency,
- astrDepositMaturityTenor
- );
- Component[] aFuturesComp = ExchangeInstrumentBuilder.ForwardRateFuturesPack (
- dtSpot,
- adblFuturesQuote.length,
- strCurrency
- );
- Component[] aFixFloatComp = OTCInstrumentBuilder.FixFloatStandard (
- dtSpot,
- strCurrency,
- "ALL",
- astrFixFloatMaturityTenor,
- "MAIN",
- 0.
- );
- ValuationParams valParams = new ValuationParams (
- dtSpot,
- dtSpot,
- strCurrency
- );
- CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer csqc = MarketParamsBuilder.Create (
- dcFunding,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null
- );
- System.out.println ("\n\n\t|------------------------------------||");
- System.out.println ("\t| DEPOSIT INPUT vs. CALC ||");
- System.out.println ("\t|------------------------------------||");
- for (int i = 0; i < aDepositComp.length; ++i)
- System.out.println ("\t| [" + aDepositComp[i].maturityDate() + "] =" +
- FormatUtil.FormatDouble (aDepositComp[i].measureValue (
- valParams,
- null,
- csqc,
- null,
- "ForwardRate"
- ), 1, 6, 1.) + " |" +
- FormatUtil.FormatDouble (adblDepositQuote[i], 1, 6, 1.) + " ||"
- );
- System.out.println ("\t|------------------------------------||");
- System.out.println ("\n\t|------------------------------------||");
- System.out.println ("\t| FUTURES INPUT vs. CALC ||");
- System.out.println ("\t|------------------------------------||");
- for (int i = 0; i < aFuturesComp.length; ++i)
- System.out.println ("\t| [" + aFuturesComp[i].maturityDate() + "] =" +
- FormatUtil.FormatDouble (aFuturesComp[i].measureValue (
- valParams,
- null,
- csqc,
- null,
- "ForwardRate"
- ), 1, 6, 1.) + " |" +
- FormatUtil.FormatDouble (adblFuturesQuote[i], 1, 6, 1.) + " ||"
- );
- System.out.println ("\t|------------------------------------||");
- System.out.println ("\n\t|-----------------------------------------------|| ");
- System.out.println ("\t| FIX-FLOAT INPUTS vs CALIB ||");
- System.out.println ("\t|-----------------------------------------------|| ");
- for (int i = 0; i < aFixFloatComp.length; ++i)
- System.out.println ("\t| [" + aFixFloatComp[i].maturityDate() + "] =" +
- FormatUtil.FormatDouble (aFixFloatComp[i].measureValue (
- valParams,
- null,
- csqc,
- null,
- "CalibSwapRate"
- ), 1, 6, 1.) + " |" +
- FormatUtil.FormatDouble (adblFixFloatQuote[i], 1, 6, 1.) + " |" +
- FormatUtil.FormatDouble (aFixFloatComp[i].measureValue (
- valParams,
- null,
- csqc,
- null,
- "FairPremium"
- ), 1, 6, 1.) + " ||"
- );
- System.out.println ("\t|-----------------------------------------------|| \n");
- return dcFunding;
- }
- private static final void OnTheRunQuote (
- final CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer csqc,
- final String[] astrOnTheRunCode,
- final double[] adblYield)
- throws Exception
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < astrOnTheRunCode.length; ++i) {
- ProductMultiMeasure pmmq = new ProductMultiMeasure();
- pmmq.addQuote (
- "Yield",
- new MultiSided (
- "mid",
- adblYield[i]
- ),
- true
- );
- csqc.setProductQuote (
- astrOnTheRunCode[i],
- pmmq
- );
- }
- }
- private static final void FuturesQuote (
- final CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer csqc,
- final TreasuryFutures bf,
- final double dblFuturesPrice)
- throws Exception
- {
- ProductMultiMeasure pmmq = new ProductMultiMeasure();
- pmmq.addQuote (
- "Price",
- new MultiSided (
- "mid",
- dblFuturesPrice
- ),
- true
- );
- csqc.setProductQuote (
- pmmq
- );
- }
- private static final void RepoCurves (
- final JulianDate dtSpot,
- final CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer csqc,
- final Bond[] aBond,
- final double[] adblRepoRate)
- throws Exception
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < aBond.length; ++i)
- csqc.setRepoState (
- ScenarioRepoCurveBuilder.FlatRateRepoCurve (
- dtSpot,
- aBond[i],
- adblRepoRate[i]
- )
- );
- }
- private static final GovvieCurve TreasuryCurve (
- final JulianDate dtSpot,
- final String strCode,
- final double[] adblCoupon,
- final double[] adblYield)
- throws Exception
- {
- JulianDate[] adtEffective = new JulianDate[] {
- dtSpot,
- dtSpot,
- dtSpot,
- dtSpot,
- dtSpot,
- dtSpot,
- dtSpot
- };
- JulianDate[] adtMaturity = new JulianDate[] {
- dtSpot.addTenor ("1Y"),
- dtSpot.addTenor ("2Y"),
- dtSpot.addTenor ("3Y"),
- dtSpot.addTenor ("5Y"),
- dtSpot.addTenor ("7Y"),
- dtSpot.addTenor ("10Y"),
- dtSpot.addTenor ("30Y")
- };
- GovvieCurve gc = LatentMarketStateBuilder.ShapePreservingGovvieCurve (
- strCode,
- dtSpot,
- adtEffective,
- adtMaturity,
- adblCoupon,
- adblYield,
- "Yield"
- );
- BondComponent[] aComp = TreasuryBuilder.FromCode (
- strCode,
- adtEffective,
- adtMaturity,
- adblCoupon
- );
- ValuationParams valParams = new ValuationParams (
- dtSpot,
- dtSpot,
- "USD"
- );
- CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer csqc = new CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer();
- csqc.setGovvieState (gc);
- System.out.println ("\n\t|--------------------------------------------||");
- System.out.println ("\t| TREASURY INPUT vs CALIB YIELD ||");
- System.out.println ("\t|--------------------------------------------||");
- for (int i = 0; i < aComp.length; ++i)
- System.out.println ("\t| " + aComp[i].name() + " | " +
- FormatUtil.FormatDouble (adblYield[i], 2, 2, 100.) + "% | " +
- FormatUtil.FormatDouble (aComp[i].yieldFromPrice (
- valParams,
- null,
- null,
- aComp[i].maturityDate().julian(),
- 1.,
- aComp[i].priceFromYield (
- valParams,
- null,
- null,
- gc.yield (aComp[i].maturityDate().julian())
- )
- ), 2, 2, 100.) + "% ||"
- );
- System.out.println ("\t|--------------------------------------------||");
- return gc;
- }
- private static final void AccumulateBondMarketQuote (
- final CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer csqc,
- final Bond[] aBond,
- final double[] adblCleanPrice)
- throws Exception
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < aBond.length; ++i) {
- ProductMultiMeasure pmmq = new ProductMultiMeasure();
- pmmq.addQuote (
- "Price",
- new MultiSided (
- "mid",
- adblCleanPrice[i]
- ),
- true
- );
- csqc.setProductQuote (
- aBond[i].name(),
- pmmq
- );
- }
- }
- /*
- * Print the Bond RV Measures
- *
- * USE WITH CARE: This sample ignores errors and does not handle exceptions.
- */
- private static final boolean PrintRVMeasures (
- final String strPrefix,
- final BondRVMeasures rv)
- throws Exception
- {
- if (null == rv) return false;
- System.out.println (strPrefix + "ASW : " + FormatUtil.FormatDouble (rv.asw(), 2, 0, 10000.));
- System.out.println (strPrefix + "Bond Basis : " + FormatUtil.FormatDouble (rv.bondBasis(), 2, 0, 10000.));
- System.out.println (strPrefix + "Convexity : " + FormatUtil.FormatDouble (rv.convexity(), 1, 4, 1000000.));
- System.out.println (strPrefix + "Discount Margin : " + FormatUtil.FormatDouble (rv.discountMargin(), 2, 0, 10000.));
- System.out.println (strPrefix + "G Spread : " + FormatUtil.FormatDouble (rv.gSpread(), 2, 0, 10000.));
- System.out.println (strPrefix + "I Spread : " + FormatUtil.FormatDouble (rv.iSpread(), 2, 0, 10000.));
- System.out.println (strPrefix + "Macaulay Duration : " + FormatUtil.FormatDouble (rv.macaulayDuration(), 1, 4, 1.));
- System.out.println (strPrefix + "Modified Duration : " + FormatUtil.FormatDouble (rv.modifiedDuration(), 1, 4, 10000.));
- System.out.println (strPrefix + "Price : " + FormatUtil.FormatDouble (rv.price(), 2, 4, 100.));
- System.out.println (strPrefix + "Workout Date : " + new JulianDate (rv.wi().date()));
- System.out.println (strPrefix + "Workout Factor : " + FormatUtil.FormatDouble (rv.wi().factor(), 2, 4, 1.));
- System.out.println (strPrefix + "Workout Type : " + rv.wi().type());
- System.out.println (strPrefix + "Workout Yield : " + FormatUtil.FormatDouble (rv.wi().yield(), 1, 4, 100.) + "%");
- System.out.println (strPrefix + "Yield01 : " + FormatUtil.FormatDouble (rv.yield01(), 1, 4, 10000.));
- System.out.println (strPrefix + "Yield Basis : " + FormatUtil.FormatDouble (rv.bondBasis(), 2, 0, 10000.));
- System.out.println (strPrefix + "Yield Spread : " + FormatUtil.FormatDouble (rv.bondBasis(), 2, 0, 10000.));
- System.out.println (strPrefix + "Z Spread : " + FormatUtil.FormatDouble (rv.zSpread(), 2, 0, 10000.));
- return true;
- }
- private static final void BondRVMeasuresSample (
- final BondComponent bond,
- final JulianDate dtSpot,
- final CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer csqc,
- final double dblPrice)
- throws Exception
- {
- ValuationParams valParams = ValuationParams.Spot (
- dtSpot,
- 0,
- "",
- );
- /*
- * Compute the work-out date given the price.
- */
- WorkoutInfo wi = bond.exerciseYieldFromPrice (
- valParams,
- csqc,
- null,
- dblPrice
- );
- /*
- * Compute the base RV measures to the work-out date.
- */
- rvm = bond.standardMeasures (
- valParams,
- null,
- csqc,
- null,
- wi,
- dblPrice
- );
- System.out.println ("\t|---------------------------------------------||\n");
- PrintRVMeasures ("\t|\t", rvm);
- Map<String, Double> mapOutput = bond.value (
- valParams,
- null,
- csqc,
- null
- );
- System.out.println ("\t|---------------------------------------------||\n");
- System.out.println ("\n\t|--------------------------------------------------------------------------||");
- System.out.println ("\t| CTD Full Bond Measures ||");
- System.out.println ("\t|--------------------------------------------------------------------------||");
- for (Map.Entry<String, Double> me : mapOutput.entrySet())
- System.out.println ("\t|\t" + me.getKey() + " => " + me.getValue());
- System.out.println ("\t|--------------------------------------------------------------------------||");
- }
- private static final void ComputeFuturesMeasures (
- final TreasuryFutures bf,
- final JulianDate dtSpot,
- final CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer csqc,
- final double[] adblCleanPrice)
- throws Exception
- {
- ValuationParams valParams = ValuationParams.Spot (
- dtSpot,
- 0,
- "",
- );
- AccumulateBondMarketQuote (
- csqc,
- bf.basket(),
- adblCleanPrice
- );
- Map<String, Double> mapOutput = bf.value (
- valParams,
- null,
- csqc,
- null
- );
- System.out.println ("\n\t|--------------------------------------------------------------------------||");
- System.out.println ("\t| Bond Futures Measures ||");
- System.out.println ("\t|--------------------------------------------------------------------------||");
- for (Map.Entry<String, Double> me : mapOutput.entrySet())
- System.out.println ("\t|\t" + me.getKey() + " => " + me.getValue());
- System.out.println ("\t|--------------------------------------------------------------------------||");
- }
- public static final void main (
- final String[] astrArgs)
- throws Exception
- {
- EnvManager.InitEnv ("");
- JulianDate dtSpot = DateUtil.CreateFromYMD (
- 2015,
- DateUtil.NOVEMBER,
- 18
- );
- String strCurrency = "USD";
- String strTreasuryCode = "UST";
- MergedDiscountForwardCurve dcFunding = FundingCurve (
- dtSpot,
- strCurrency
- );
- double[] adblTreasuryCoupon = new double[] {
- 0.0100,
- 0.0100,
- 0.0125,
- 0.0150,
- 0.0200,
- 0.0225,
- 0.0300
- };
- double[] adblTreasuryYield = new double[] {
- 0.00692,
- 0.00945,
- 0.01257,
- 0.01678,
- 0.02025,
- 0.02235,
- 0.02972
- };
- GovvieCurve gc = TreasuryCurve (
- dtSpot,
- strTreasuryCode,
- adblTreasuryCoupon,
- adblTreasuryYield
- );
- CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer csqc = MarketParamsBuilder.Create (
- dcFunding,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null
- );
- csqc.setGovvieState (gc);
- OnTheRunQuote (
- csqc,
- new String[] {
- "01YON",
- "02YON",
- "03YON",
- "05YON",
- "07YON",
- "10YON",
- "30YON"
- },
- adblTreasuryYield
- );
- Bond ust912810QN = TreasuryBuilder.UST (
- DateUtil.CreateFromYMD (
- 2014,
- DateUtil.FEBRUARY,
- 15
- ),
- DateUtil.CreateFromYMD (
- 2041,
- DateUtil.FEBRUARY,
- 15
- ),
- 0.04750
- );
- Bond ust912810QQ = TreasuryBuilder.UST (
- DateUtil.CreateFromYMD (
- 2014,
- DateUtil.MAY,
- 15
- ),
- DateUtil.CreateFromYMD (
- 2041,
- DateUtil.MAY,
- 15
- ),
- 0.04375
- );
- Bond ust912810QS = TreasuryBuilder.UST (
- DateUtil.CreateFromYMD (
- 2014,
- DateUtil.AUGUST,
- 15
- ),
- DateUtil.CreateFromYMD (
- 2041,
- DateUtil.AUGUST,
- 15
- ),
- 0.03750
- );
- Bond ust912810RC = TreasuryBuilder.UST (
- DateUtil.CreateFromYMD (
- 2014,
- DateUtil.AUGUST,
- 15
- ),
- DateUtil.CreateFromYMD (
- 2043,
- DateUtil.AUGUST,
- 15
- ),
- 0.03625
- );
- Bond ust912810RD = TreasuryBuilder.UST (
- DateUtil.CreateFromYMD (
- 2014,
- DateUtil.NOVEMBER,
- 15
- ),
- DateUtil.CreateFromYMD (
- 2043,
- DateUtil.NOVEMBER,
- 15
- ),
- 0.03750
- );
- Bond ust912810QT = TreasuryBuilder.UST (
- DateUtil.CreateFromYMD (
- 2014,
- DateUtil.NOVEMBER,
- 15
- ),
- DateUtil.CreateFromYMD (
- 2041,
- DateUtil.NOVEMBER,
- 15
- ),
- 0.03125
- );
- Bond ust912810QU = TreasuryBuilder.UST (
- DateUtil.CreateFromYMD (
- 2014,
- DateUtil.FEBRUARY,
- 15
- ),
- DateUtil.CreateFromYMD (
- 2043,
- DateUtil.FEBRUARY,
- 15
- ),
- 0.03125
- );
- Bond ust912810RE = TreasuryBuilder.UST (
- DateUtil.CreateFromYMD (
- 2014,
- DateUtil.FEBRUARY,
- 15
- ),
- DateUtil.CreateFromYMD (
- 2044,
- DateUtil.FEBRUARY,
- 15
- ),
- 0.03625
- );
- Bond ust912810QZ = TreasuryBuilder.UST (
- DateUtil.CreateFromYMD (
- 2014,
- DateUtil.FEBRUARY,
- 15
- ),
- DateUtil.CreateFromYMD (
- 2043,
- DateUtil.FEBRUARY,
- 15
- ),
- 0.03125
- );
- Bond ust912810QW = TreasuryBuilder.UST (
- DateUtil.CreateFromYMD (
- 2014,
- DateUtil.MAY,
- 15
- ),
- DateUtil.CreateFromYMD (
- 2042,
- DateUtil.MAY,
- 15
- ),
- 0.03000
- );
- Bond ust912810RG = TreasuryBuilder.UST (
- DateUtil.CreateFromYMD (
- 2014,
- DateUtil.MAY,
- 15
- ),
- DateUtil.CreateFromYMD (
- 2044,
- DateUtil.MAY,
- 15
- ),
- 0.03625
- );
- Bond ust912810QX = TreasuryBuilder.UST (
- DateUtil.CreateFromYMD (
- 2014,
- DateUtil.AUGUST,
- 15
- ),
- DateUtil.CreateFromYMD (
- 2042,
- DateUtil.AUGUST,
- 15
- ),
- 0.02375
- );
- Bond ust912810RB = TreasuryBuilder.UST (
- DateUtil.CreateFromYMD (
- 2014,
- DateUtil.MAY,
- 15
- ),
- DateUtil.CreateFromYMD (
- 2043,
- DateUtil.MAY,
- 15
- ),
- 0.02875
- );
- Bond ust912810QY = TreasuryBuilder.UST (
- DateUtil.CreateFromYMD (
- 2014,
- DateUtil.NOVEMBER,
- 15
- ),
- DateUtil.CreateFromYMD (
- 2042,
- DateUtil.NOVEMBER,
- 15
- ),
- 0.02750
- );
- Bond ust912810RH = TreasuryBuilder.UST (
- DateUtil.CreateFromYMD (
- 2014,
- DateUtil.AUGUST,
- 15
- ),
- DateUtil.CreateFromYMD (
- 2044,
- DateUtil.AUGUST,
- 15
- ),
- 0.03125
- );
- Bond ust912810RJ = TreasuryBuilder.UST (
- DateUtil.CreateFromYMD (
- 2014,
- DateUtil.NOVEMBER,
- 15
- ),
- DateUtil.CreateFromYMD (
- 2044,
- DateUtil.NOVEMBER,
- 15
- ),
- 0.03000
- );
- Bond ust912810RM = TreasuryBuilder.UST (
- DateUtil.CreateFromYMD (
- 2014,
- DateUtil.MAY,
- 15
- ),
- DateUtil.CreateFromYMD (
- 2045,
- DateUtil.MAY,
- 15
- ),
- 0.03000
- );
- Bond ust912810RP = TreasuryBuilder.UST (
- DateUtil.CreateFromYMD (
- 2014,
- DateUtil.NOVEMBER,
- 15
- ),
- DateUtil.CreateFromYMD (
- 2045,
- DateUtil.NOVEMBER,
- 15
- ),
- 0.03000
- );
- Bond ust912810RN = TreasuryBuilder.UST (
- DateUtil.CreateFromYMD (
- 2014,
- DateUtil.AUGUST,
- 15
- ),
- DateUtil.CreateFromYMD (
- 2045,
- DateUtil.AUGUST,
- 15
- ),
- 0.02875
- );
- Bond ust912810RK = TreasuryBuilder.UST (
- DateUtil.CreateFromYMD (
- 2014,
- DateUtil.FEBRUARY,
- 15
- ),
- DateUtil.CreateFromYMD (
- 2045,
- DateUtil.FEBRUARY,
- 15
- ),
- 0.02500
- );
- double dblContractSize = 100000.;
- double dblFuturesPrice = 1.56687500;
- Bond[] aBond = new Bond[] {
- ust912810QN,
- ust912810QQ,
- ust912810QS,
- ust912810RC,
- ust912810RD,
- ust912810QT,
- ust912810QU,
- ust912810RE,
- ust912810QZ,
- ust912810QW,
- ust912810RG,
- ust912810QX,
- ust912810RB,
- ust912810QY,
- ust912810RH,
- ust912810RJ,
- ust912810RM,
- ust912810RP,
- ust912810RN,
- ust912810RK
- };
- TreasuryFutures tu1 = new TreasuryFutures (
- aBond,
- new double[] {
- 0.8392, // 912810QN
- 0.7900, // 912810QQ
- 0.7080, // 912810QS
- 0.6821, // 912810RC
- 0.6976, // 912810RD
- 0.6253, // 912810QT
- 0.6239, // 912810QU
- 0.6798, // 912810RE
- 0.6179, // 912810QZ
- 0.6059, // 912810QW
- 0.6448, // 912810RG
- 0.5714, // 912810QX
- 0.5831, // 912810RB
- 0.5697, // 912810QY
- 0.6097, // 912810RH
- 0.5913, // 912810RJ
- 0.5887, // 912810RM
- 0.5861, // 912810RP
- 0.5702, // 912810RN
- 0.5217, // 912810RK
- },
- null
- );
- double[] adblRepoRate = new double[] {
- 0.00800,
- 0.00825,
- 0.00850,
- 0.00875,
- 0.00900,
- 0.00925,
- 0.00950,
- 0.00975,
- 0.01000,
- 0.01025,
- 0.01050,
- 0.01075,
- 0.01100,
- 0.01125,
- 0.01150,
- 0.01175,
- 0.01200,
- 0.01225,
- 0.01250,
- 0.01275
- };
- RepoCurves (
- dtSpot,
- csqc,
- aBond,
- adblRepoRate
- );
- tu1.setExpiry (
- DateUtil.CreateFromYMD (
- 2016,
- DateUtil.FEBRUARY,
- 15
- )
- );
- double[] adblCleanPrice = new double[] {
- 1.3200000,
- 1.2540625,
- 1.1412500,
- 1.1193750,
- 1.1450000,
- 1.0262500,
- 1.0256250,
- 1.1184375,
- 1.0181250,
- 0.9990625,
- 1.0659375,
- 0.9481250,
- 0.9681250,
- 0.9459375,
- 1.0153125,
- 0.9896875,
- 0.9890625,
- 0.9918750,
- 0.9656250,
- 0.8909375
- };
- FuturesQuote (
- csqc,
- tu1,
- dblFuturesPrice
- );
- Bond bondCTD = tu1.cheapestToDeliverYield (
- dtSpot.julian(),
- adblCleanPrice
- ).bond();
- System.out.println ("\n\t|---------------------------------------------||");
- System.out.println ("\t| ||");
- System.out.println ("\t| Bond # 1: " + + " ||");
- System.out.println ("\t| Bond # 2: " + + " ||");
- System.out.println ("\t| Bond # 3: " + + " ||");
- System.out.println ("\t| Bond # 4: " + + " ||");
- System.out.println ("\t| Bond # 5: " + + " ||");
- System.out.println ("\t| Bond # 6: " + + " ||");
- System.out.println ("\t| Bond # 7: " + + " ||");
- System.out.println ("\t| Bond # 8: " + + " ||");
- System.out.println ("\t| Bond # 9: " + + " ||");
- System.out.println ("\t| Bond #10: " + + " ||");
- System.out.println ("\t| Bond #11: " + + " ||");
- System.out.println ("\t| Bond #12: " + + " ||");
- System.out.println ("\t| Bond #13: " + + " ||");
- System.out.println ("\t| Bond #14: " + + " ||");
- System.out.println ("\t| Bond #15: " + + " ||");
- System.out.println ("\t| Bond #16: " + + " ||");
- System.out.println ("\t| Bond #17: " + + " ||");
- System.out.println ("\t| Bond #18: " + + " ||");
- System.out.println ("\t| Bond #19: " + + " ||");
- System.out.println ("\t| Bond #20: " + + " ||");
- System.out.println ("\t| ||");
- System.out.println ("\t|---------------------------------------------||");
- System.out.println ("\t| Cheapest to Deliver: " + + " ||");
- BondRVMeasuresSample (
- (BondComponent) bondCTD,
- dtSpot,
- csqc,
- 1.3200000
- );
- ComputeFuturesMeasures (
- tu1,
- dtSpot,
- csqc,
- adblCleanPrice
- );
- System.out.println ("\n\t|---------------------------------------------||");
- System.out.println ("\t| Futures Price : " + FormatUtil.FormatDouble (dblFuturesPrice, 2, 5, 100.) + " ||");
- System.out.println ("\t| Contract Size : " + FormatUtil.FormatDouble (dblContractSize, 1, 2, 1.) + " ||");
- System.out.println ("\t| Contract Value : " + FormatUtil.FormatDouble (dblContractSize * dblFuturesPrice, 1, 2, 1.) + " ||");
- System.out.println ("\t|---------------------------------------------||\n");
- }
- }