- package org.drip.sample.xvadigest;
- import org.drip.analytics.date.*;
- import org.drip.exposure.evolver.LatentStateVertexContainer;
- import org.drip.exposure.mpor.CollateralAmountEstimator;
- import org.drip.exposure.universe.*;
- import org.drip.measure.bridge.BrokenDateInterpolatorLinearT;
- import org.drip.measure.discrete.SequenceGenerator;
- import org.drip.measure.dynamics.*;
- import org.drip.measure.process.DiffusionEvolver;
- import org.drip.measure.realization.*;
- import org.drip.measure.statistics.UnivariateDiscreteThin;
- import org.drip.numerical.common.FormatUtil;
- import org.drip.numerical.linearalgebra.Matrix;
- import org.drip.service.env.EnvManager;
- import org.drip.state.identifier.OTCFixFloatLabel;
- import org.drip.xva.gross.*;
- import org.drip.xva.netting.CollateralGroupPath;
- import org.drip.xva.proto.*;
- import org.drip.xva.settings.*;
- import org.drip.xva.strategy.*;
- import org.drip.xva.vertex.AlbaneseAndersen;
- /*
- * -*- mode: java; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
- */
- /*!
- * Copyright (C) 2018 Lakshmi Krishnamurthy
- * Copyright (C) 2017 Lakshmi Krishnamurthy
- *
- * This file is part of DRIP, a free-software/open-source library for buy/side financial/trading model
- * libraries targeting analysts and developers
- * https://lakshmidrip.github.io/DRIP/
- *
- * DRIP is composed of four main libraries:
- *
- * - DRIP Fixed Income - https://lakshmidrip.github.io/DRIP-Fixed-Income/
- * - DRIP Asset Allocation - https://lakshmidrip.github.io/DRIP-Asset-Allocation/
- * - DRIP Numerical Optimizer - https://lakshmidrip.github.io/DRIP-Numerical-Optimizer/
- * - DRIP Statistical Learning - https://lakshmidrip.github.io/DRIP-Statistical-Learning/
- *
- * - DRIP Fixed Income: Library for Instrument/Trading Conventions, Treasury Futures/Options,
- * Funding/Forward/Overnight Curves, Multi-Curve Construction/Valuation, Collateral Valuation and XVA
- * Metric Generation, Calibration and Hedge Attributions, Statistical Curve Construction, Bond RV
- * Metrics, Stochastic Evolution and Option Pricing, Interest Rate Dynamics and Option Pricing, LMM
- * Extensions/Calibrations/Greeks, Algorithmic Differentiation, and Asset Backed Models and Analytics.
- *
- * - DRIP Asset Allocation: Library for model libraries for MPT framework, Black Litterman Strategy
- * Incorporator, Holdings Constraint, and Transaction Costs.
- *
- * - DRIP Numerical Optimizer: Library for Numerical Optimization and Spline Functionality.
- *
- * - DRIP Statistical Learning: Library for Statistical Evaluation and Machine Learning.
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- *
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- *
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- /**
- * CPGAZeroThresholdCorrelated illustrates the Counter Party Aggregation over Netting Groups based
- * Collateralized Collateral Groups with several Fix-Float Swaps under Zero Collateral Threshold, and with
- * built in Factor Correlations across the Numeraires. The References are:
- *
- * - Burgard, C., and M. Kjaer (2014): PDE Representations of Derivatives with Bilateral Counter-party Risk
- * and Funding Costs, Journal of Credit Risk, 7 (3) 1-19.
- *
- * - Burgard, C., and M. Kjaer (2014): In the Balance, Risk, 24 (11) 72-75.
- *
- * - Gregory, J. (2009): Being Two-faced over Counter-party Credit Risk, Risk 20 (2) 86-90.
- *
- * - Li, B., and Y. Tang (2007): Quantitative Analysis, Derivatives Modeling, and Trading Strategies in the
- * Presence of Counter-party Credit Risk for the Fixed Income Market, World Scientific Publishing,
- * Singapore.
- *
- * - Piterbarg, V. (2010): Funding Beyond Discounting: Collateral Agreements and Derivatives Pricing, Risk
- * 21 (2) 97-102.
- *
- * @author Lakshmi Krishnamurthy
- */
- public class CPGAZeroThresholdCorrelated {
- private static final double[] NumeraireValueRealization (
- final DiffusionEvolver deNumeraireValue,
- final double dblNumeraireValueInitial,
- final double dblTime,
- final double dblTimeWidth,
- final double[] adblRandom,
- final int iNumStep)
- throws Exception
- {
- double[] adblNumeraireValue = new double[iNumStep + 1];
- adblNumeraireValue[0] = dblNumeraireValueInitial;
- double[] adblTimeWidth = new double[iNumStep];
- for (int i = 0; i < iNumStep; ++i)
- adblTimeWidth[i] = dblTimeWidth;
- JumpDiffusionEdge[] aJDE = deNumeraireValue.incrementSequence (
- new JumpDiffusionVertex (
- dblTime,
- dblNumeraireValueInitial,
- 0.,
- false
- ),
- JumpDiffusionEdgeUnit.Diffusion (
- adblTimeWidth,
- adblRandom
- ),
- dblTimeWidth
- );
- for (int j = 1; j <= iNumStep; ++j)
- adblNumeraireValue[j] = aJDE[j - 1].finish();
- return adblNumeraireValue;
- }
- private static final double[] VertexNumeraireRealization (
- final DiffusionEvolver deNumeraireValue,
- final double dblNumeraireValueInitial,
- final double dblTime,
- final double dblTimeWidth,
- final double[] adblRandom,
- final int iNumStep)
- throws Exception
- {
- double[] adblNumeraireValue = new double[iNumStep + 1];
- double[] adblTimeWidth = new double[iNumStep];
- for (int i = 0; i < iNumStep; ++i)
- adblTimeWidth[i] = dblTimeWidth;
- JumpDiffusionVertex[] aJDV = deNumeraireValue.vertexSequenceReverse (
- new JumpDiffusionVertex (
- dblTime,
- dblNumeraireValueInitial,
- 0.,
- false
- ),
- JumpDiffusionEdgeUnit.Diffusion (
- adblTimeWidth,
- adblRandom
- ),
- adblTimeWidth
- );
- for (int j = 0; j <= iNumStep; ++j)
- adblNumeraireValue[j] = aJDV[j].value();
- return adblNumeraireValue;
- }
- private static final double[] ATMSwapRateOffsetRealization (
- final DiffusionEvolver deATMSwapRateOffset,
- final double dblATMSwapRateOffsetInitial,
- final double[] adblRandom,
- final double dblTime,
- final double dblTimeWidth,
- final int iNumStep)
- throws Exception
- {
- double[] adblATMSwapRateOffset = new double[iNumStep + 1];
- adblATMSwapRateOffset[0] = dblATMSwapRateOffsetInitial;
- double[] adblTimeWidth = new double[iNumStep];
- for (int i = 0; i < iNumStep; ++i)
- adblTimeWidth[i] = dblTimeWidth;
- JumpDiffusionEdge[] aJDE = deATMSwapRateOffset.incrementSequence (
- new JumpDiffusionVertex (
- dblTime,
- dblATMSwapRateOffsetInitial,
- 0.,
- false
- ),
- JumpDiffusionEdgeUnit.Diffusion (
- adblTimeWidth,
- adblRandom
- ),
- dblTimeWidth
- );
- for (int j = 1; j <= iNumStep; ++j)
- adblATMSwapRateOffset[j] = aJDE[j - 1].finish();
- return adblATMSwapRateOffset;
- }
- private static final double[] SwapPortfolioValueRealization (
- final DiffusionEvolver deATMSwapRate,
- final double dblATMSwapRateStart,
- final double[] adblRandom,
- final int iNumStep,
- final double dblTime,
- final double dblTimeWidth,
- final int iNumSwap)
- throws Exception
- {
- double[] adblSwapPortfolioValueRealization = new double[iNumStep + 1];
- for (int i = 0; i < iNumStep; ++i)
- adblSwapPortfolioValueRealization[i] = 0.;
- for (int i = 0; i < iNumSwap; ++i) {
- double[] adblATMSwapRateOffsetRealization = ATMSwapRateOffsetRealization (
- deATMSwapRate,
- dblATMSwapRateStart,
- adblRandom,
- dblTime,
- dblTimeWidth,
- iNumStep
- );
- for (int j = 0; j <= iNumStep; ++j)
- adblSwapPortfolioValueRealization[j] += dblTimeWidth * (iNumStep - j) * adblATMSwapRateOffsetRealization[j];
- }
- return adblSwapPortfolioValueRealization;
- }
- private static final void UDTDump (
- final String strHeader,
- final JulianDate[] adtVertexNode,
- final UnivariateDiscreteThin[] aUDT)
- throws Exception
- {
- System.out.println ("\t|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|");
- System.out.println (strHeader);
- System.out.println ("\t|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|");
- String strDump = "\t| DATE =>" ;
- for (int i = 0; i < adtVertexNode.length; ++i)
- strDump = strDump + " " + adtVertexNode[i] + " |";
- System.out.println (strDump);
- System.out.println ("\t|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|");
- strDump = "\t| AVERAGE =>";
- for (int j = 0; j < aUDT.length; ++j)
- strDump = strDump + " " + FormatUtil.FormatDouble (aUDT[j].average(), 2, 4, 1.) + " |";
- System.out.println (strDump);
- strDump = "\t| MAXIMUM =>";
- for (int j = 0; j < aUDT.length; ++j)
- strDump = strDump + " " + FormatUtil.FormatDouble (aUDT[j].maximum(), 2, 4, 1.) + " |";
- System.out.println (strDump);
- strDump = "\t| MINIMUM =>";
- for (int j = 0; j < aUDT.length; ++j)
- strDump = strDump + " " + FormatUtil.FormatDouble (aUDT[j].minimum(), 2, 4, 1.) + " |";
- System.out.println (strDump);
- strDump = "\t| ERROR =>";
- for (int j = 0; j < aUDT.length; ++j)
- strDump = strDump + " " + FormatUtil.FormatDouble (aUDT[j].error(), 2, 4, 1.) + " |";
- System.out.println (strDump);
- System.out.println ("\t|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|");
- }
- private static final void UDTDump (
- final String strHeader,
- final UnivariateDiscreteThin udt)
- throws Exception
- {
- System.out.println (
- strHeader +
- FormatUtil.FormatDouble (udt.average(), 3, 2, 100.) + "% | " +
- FormatUtil.FormatDouble (udt.maximum(), 3, 2, 100.) + "% | " +
- FormatUtil.FormatDouble (udt.minimum(), 3, 2, 100.) + "% | " +
- FormatUtil.FormatDouble (udt.error(), 3, 2, 100.) + "% ||"
- );
- }
- public static final void main (
- final String[] astrArgs)
- throws Exception
- {
- EnvManager.InitEnv ("");
- int iNumStep = 10;
- int iNumSwap = 10;
- double dblTime = 5.;
- int iNumPath = 10000;
- double dblATMSwapRateOffsetDrift = 0.0;
- double dblATMSwapRateOffsetVolatility = 0.25;
- double dblATMSwapRateOffsetStart = 0.;
- double dblOvernightNumeraireDrift = 0.004;
- double dblOvernightNumeraireVolatility = 0.02;
- double dblOvernightNumeraireInitial = 1.;
- double dblCSADrift = 0.01;
- double dblCSAVolatility = 0.05;
- double dblCSAInitial = 1.;
- double dblBankHazardRateDrift = 0.002;
- double dblBankHazardRateVolatility = 0.20;
- double dblBankHazardRateInitial = 0.015;
- double dblBankRecoveryRateDrift = 0.002;
- double dblBankRecoveryRateVolatility = 0.02;
- double dblBankRecoveryRateInitial = 0.40;
- double dblCounterPartyHazardRateDrift = 0.002;
- double dblCounterPartyHazardRateVolatility = 0.30;
- double dblCounterPartyHazardRateInitial = 0.030;
- double dblCounterPartyRecoveryRateDrift = 0.002;
- double dblCounterPartyRecoveryRateVolatility = 0.02;
- double dblCounterPartyRecoveryRateInitial = 0.30;
- double dblBankFundingSpreadDrift = 0.00002;
- double dblBankFundingSpreadVolatility = 0.002;
- double dblCounterPartyFundingSpreadDrift = 0.000022;
- double dblCounterPartyFundingSpreadVolatility = 0.0022;
- double[][] aadblCorrelation = new double[][] {
- {1.00, 0.00, 0.03, 0.07, 0.04, 0.05, 0.08, 0.00, 0.00}, // PORTFOLIO
- {0.00, 1.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 1.00}, // OVERNIGHT
- {0.03, 0.00, 1.00, 0.26, 0.33, 0.21, 0.35, 0.13, 0.00}, // CSA
- {0.07, 0.00, 0.26, 1.00, 0.45, -0.17, 0.07, 0.77, 0.00}, // BANK HAZARD
- {0.04, 0.00, 0.33, 0.45, 1.00, -0.22, -0.54, 0.58, 0.00}, // COUNTER PARTY HAZARD
- {0.05, 0.00, 0.21, -0.17, -0.22, 1.00, 0.47, -0.23, 0.00}, // BANK RECOVERY
- {0.08, 0.00, 0.35, 0.07, -0.54, 0.47, 1.00, 0.01, 0.00}, // COUNTER PARTY RECOVERY
- {0.00, 0.00, 0.13, 0.77, 0.58, -0.23, 0.01, 1.00, 0.00}, // BANK FUNDING SPREAD
- {0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 1.00} // COUNTER PARTY FUNDING SPREAD
- };
- JulianDate dtSpot = DateUtil.Today();
- PositionGroupSpecification positionGroupSpecification = PositionGroupSpecification.FixedThreshold (
- 0.,
- 0.,
- PositionReplicationScheme.ALBANESE_ANDERSEN_VERTEX,
- BrokenDateScheme.SQUARE_ROOT_OF_TIME,
- 0.,
- CloseOutScheme.ISDA_92
- );
- double dblTimeWidth = dblTime / iNumStep;
- JulianDate[] adtVertex = new JulianDate[iNumStep + 1];
- double[][] aadblPortfolioValue = new double[iNumPath][iNumStep + 1];
- MonoPathExposureAdjustment[] aMPEA = new MonoPathExposureAdjustment[iNumPath];
- double dblBankFundingSpreadInitial = dblBankHazardRateInitial / (1. - dblBankRecoveryRateInitial);
- double dblCounterPartyFundingSpreadInitial = dblCounterPartyHazardRateInitial / (1. - dblCounterPartyRecoveryRateInitial);
- DiffusionEvolver deATMSwapRateOffset = new DiffusionEvolver (
- DiffusionEvaluatorLinear.Standard (
- dblATMSwapRateOffsetDrift,
- dblATMSwapRateOffsetVolatility
- )
- );
- DiffusionEvolver deOvernightNumeraire = new DiffusionEvolver (
- DiffusionEvaluatorLogarithmic.Standard (
- dblOvernightNumeraireDrift,
- dblOvernightNumeraireVolatility
- )
- );
- DiffusionEvolver deCSA = new DiffusionEvolver (
- DiffusionEvaluatorLogarithmic.Standard (
- dblCSADrift,
- dblCSAVolatility
- )
- );
- DiffusionEvolver deBankHazardRate = new DiffusionEvolver (
- DiffusionEvaluatorLogarithmic.Standard (
- dblBankHazardRateDrift,
- dblBankHazardRateVolatility
- )
- );
- DiffusionEvolver deCounterPartyHazardRate = new DiffusionEvolver (
- DiffusionEvaluatorLogarithmic.Standard (
- dblCounterPartyHazardRateDrift,
- dblCounterPartyHazardRateVolatility
- )
- );
- DiffusionEvolver deBankRecoveryRate = new DiffusionEvolver (
- DiffusionEvaluatorLogarithmic.Standard (
- dblBankRecoveryRateDrift,
- dblBankRecoveryRateVolatility
- )
- );
- DiffusionEvolver deCounterPartyRecoveryRate = new DiffusionEvolver (
- DiffusionEvaluatorLogarithmic.Standard (
- dblCounterPartyRecoveryRateDrift,
- dblCounterPartyRecoveryRateVolatility
- )
- );
- DiffusionEvolver deBankFundingSpread = new DiffusionEvolver (
- DiffusionEvaluatorLinear.Standard (
- dblBankFundingSpreadDrift,
- dblBankFundingSpreadVolatility
- )
- );
- DiffusionEvolver deCounterPartyFundingSpread = new DiffusionEvolver (
- DiffusionEvaluatorLinear.Standard (
- dblCounterPartyFundingSpreadDrift,
- dblCounterPartyFundingSpreadVolatility
- )
- );
- for (int i = 0; i < iNumPath; ++i) {
- double[][] aadblNumeraire = Matrix.Transpose (
- SequenceGenerator.GaussianJoint (
- iNumStep,
- aadblCorrelation
- )
- );
- aadblPortfolioValue[i] = SwapPortfolioValueRealization (
- deATMSwapRateOffset,
- dblATMSwapRateOffsetStart,
- aadblNumeraire[0],
- iNumStep,
- dblTime,
- dblTimeWidth,
- iNumSwap
- );
- double[] adblOvernightNumeraire = VertexNumeraireRealization (
- deOvernightNumeraire,
- dblOvernightNumeraireInitial,
- dblTime,
- dblTimeWidth,
- aadblNumeraire[1],
- iNumStep
- );
- double[] adblCSA = VertexNumeraireRealization (
- deCSA,
- dblCSAInitial,
- dblTime,
- dblTimeWidth,
- aadblNumeraire[2],
- iNumStep
- );
- double[] adblBankHazardRate = NumeraireValueRealization (
- deBankHazardRate,
- dblBankHazardRateInitial,
- dblTime,
- dblTimeWidth,
- aadblNumeraire[3],
- iNumStep
- );
- double[] adblCounterPartyHazardRate = NumeraireValueRealization (
- deCounterPartyHazardRate,
- dblCounterPartyHazardRateInitial,
- dblTime,
- dblTimeWidth,
- aadblNumeraire[4],
- iNumStep
- );
- double[] adblBankRecoveryRate = NumeraireValueRealization (
- deBankRecoveryRate,
- dblBankRecoveryRateInitial,
- dblTime,
- dblTimeWidth,
- aadblNumeraire[5],
- iNumStep
- );
- double[] adblCounterPartyRecoveryRate = NumeraireValueRealization (
- deCounterPartyRecoveryRate,
- dblCounterPartyRecoveryRateInitial,
- dblTime,
- dblTimeWidth,
- aadblNumeraire[6],
- iNumStep
- );
- double[] adblBankFundingSpread = NumeraireValueRealization (
- deBankFundingSpread,
- dblBankFundingSpreadInitial,
- dblTime,
- dblTimeWidth,
- aadblNumeraire[7],
- iNumStep
- );
- double[] adblCounterPartyFundingSpread = NumeraireValueRealization (
- deCounterPartyFundingSpread,
- dblCounterPartyFundingSpreadInitial,
- dblTime,
- dblTimeWidth,
- aadblNumeraire[8],
- iNumStep
- );
- JulianDate dtStart = dtSpot;
- MarketVertex[] aMV = new MarketVertex [iNumStep + 1];
- double dblValueStart = dblTime * dblATMSwapRateOffsetStart;
- AlbaneseAndersen[] aHGVR = new AlbaneseAndersen[iNumStep + 1];
- for (int j = 0; j <= iNumStep; ++j)
- {
- LatentStateVertexContainer latentStateVertexContainer = new LatentStateVertexContainer();
- latentStateVertexContainer.add (
- OTCFixFloatLabel.Standard ("USD-3M-10Y"),
- Double.NaN
- );
- aMV[j] = MarketVertex.Nodal (
- adtVertex[j] = dtSpot.addMonths (6 * j),
- dblOvernightNumeraireDrift,
- adblOvernightNumeraire[j],
- dblCSADrift,
- adblCSA[j],
- new MarketVertexEntity (
- Math.exp (-0.5 * adblBankHazardRate[j] * j),
- adblBankHazardRate[j],
- adblBankRecoveryRate[j],
- adblBankFundingSpread[j],
- Math.exp (-0.5 * adblBankHazardRate[j] * (1. - adblBankRecoveryRate[j]) * (iNumStep - j)),
- Double.NaN,
- Double.NaN,
- Double.NaN
- ),
- new MarketVertexEntity (
- Math.exp (-0.5 * adblCounterPartyHazardRate[j] * j),
- adblCounterPartyHazardRate[j],
- adblCounterPartyRecoveryRate[j],
- adblCounterPartyFundingSpread[j],
- Math.exp (-0.5 * adblCounterPartyHazardRate[j] * (1. - adblCounterPartyRecoveryRate[j]) * (iNumStep - j)),
- Double.NaN,
- Double.NaN,
- Double.NaN
- ),
- latentStateVertexContainer
- );
- JulianDate dtEnd = adtVertex[j];
- double dblCollateralBalance = 0.;
- double dblValueEnd = aadblPortfolioValue[i][j];
- if (0 != j) {
- CollateralAmountEstimator hae = new CollateralAmountEstimator (
- positionGroupSpecification,
- new BrokenDateInterpolatorLinearT (
- dtStart.julian(),
- dtEnd.julian(),
- dblValueStart,
- dblValueEnd
- ),
- Double.NaN
- );
- dblCollateralBalance = hae.postingRequirement (dtEnd);
- }
- aHGVR[j] = new AlbaneseAndersen (
- adtVertex[j],
- aadblPortfolioValue[i][j],
- 0.,
- dblCollateralBalance
- );
- dtStart = dtEnd;
- dblValueStart = dblValueEnd;
- }
- MarketPath mp = MarketPath.FromMarketVertexArray (aMV);
- CollateralGroupPath[] aHGP = new CollateralGroupPath[] {
- new CollateralGroupPath (
- aHGVR,
- mp
- )
- };
- aMPEA[i] = new MonoPathExposureAdjustment (
- new AlbaneseAndersenFundingGroupPath[] {
- new AlbaneseAndersenFundingGroupPath (
- new AlbaneseAndersenNettingGroupPath[] {
- new AlbaneseAndersenNettingGroupPath (
- aHGP,
- mp
- )
- },
- mp
- )
- }
- );
- }
- ExposureAdjustmentAggregator eaa = new ExposureAdjustmentAggregator (aMPEA);
- ExposureAdjustmentDigest ead = eaa.digest();
- System.out.println();
- UDTDump (
- eaa.vertexDates(),
- ead.collateralizedExposure()
- );
- UDTDump (
- eaa.vertexDates(),
- ead.uncollateralizedExposure()
- );
- UDTDump (
- eaa.vertexDates(),
- ead.collateralizedExposurePV()
- );
- UDTDump (
- eaa.vertexDates(),
- ead.uncollateralizedExposurePV()
- );
- UDTDump (
- eaa.vertexDates(),
- ead.collateralizedPositiveExposure()
- );
- UDTDump (
- eaa.vertexDates(),
- ead.uncollateralizedPositiveExposure()
- );
- UDTDump (
- eaa.vertexDates(),
- ead.collateralizedNegativeExposure()
- );
- UDTDump (
- eaa.vertexDates(),
- ead.uncollateralizedNegativeExposure()
- );
- System.out.println();
- System.out.println ("\t||-----------------------------------------------------||");
- System.out.println ("\t||-----------------------------------------------------||");
- System.out.println ("\t|| L -> R: ||");
- System.out.println ("\t|| - Path Average ||");
- System.out.println ("\t|| - Path Maximum ||");
- System.out.println ("\t|| - Path Minimum ||");
- System.out.println ("\t|| - Monte Carlo Error ||");
- System.out.println ("\t||-----------------------------------------------------||");
- UDTDump (
- "\t|| UCVA => ",
- ead.ucva()
- );
- UDTDump (
- "\t|| FTDCVA => ",
- ead.ftdcva()
- );
- UDTDump (
- "\t|| CVA => ",
- ead.cva()
- );
- UDTDump (
- "\t|| CVACL => ",
- ead.cvacl()
- );
- UDTDump (
- "\t|| DVA => ",
- ead.dva()
- );
- UDTDump (
- "\t|| FVA => ",
- ead.fva()
- );
- UDTDump (
- "\t|| FDA => ",
- ead.fda()
- );
- UDTDump (
- "\t|| FCA => ",
- ead.fca()
- );
- UDTDump (
- "\t|| FBA => ",
- ead.fba()
- );
- UDTDump (
- "\t|| SFVA => ",
- ead.sfva()
- );
- System.out.println ("\t||-----------------------------------------------------||");
- UDTDump (
- "\t|| Total => ",
- ead.totalVA()
- );
- System.out.println ("\t||-----------------------------------------------------||");
- System.out.println();
- EnvManager.TerminateEnv();
- }
- }