- package;
- /*
- * -*- mode: java; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
- */
- /*!
- * Copyright (C) 2020 Lakshmi Krishnamurthy
- * Copyright (C) 2019 Lakshmi Krishnamurthy
- * Copyright (C) 2018 Lakshmi Krishnamurthy
- * Copyright (C) 2017 Lakshmi Krishnamurthy
- * Copyright (C) 2016 Lakshmi Krishnamurthy
- * Copyright (C) 2015 Lakshmi Krishnamurthy
- * Copyright (C) 2014 Lakshmi Krishnamurthy
- * Copyright (C) 2013 Lakshmi Krishnamurthy
- *
- * This file is part of DROP, an open-source library targeting analytics/risk, transaction cost analytics,
- * asset liability management analytics, capital, exposure, and margin analytics, valuation adjustment
- * analytics, and portfolio construction analytics within and across fixed income, credit, commodity,
- * equity, FX, and structured products. It also includes auxiliary libraries for algorithm support,
- * numerical analysis, numerical optimization, spline builder, model validation, statistical learning,
- * and computational support.
- *
- *
- *
- * DROP is composed of three modules:
- *
- * - DROP Product Core -
- * - DROP Portfolio Core -
- * - DROP Computational Core -
- *
- * DROP Product Core implements libraries for the following:
- * - Fixed Income Analytics
- * - Loan Analytics
- * - Transaction Cost Analytics
- *
- * DROP Portfolio Core implements libraries for the following:
- * - Asset Allocation Analytics
- * - Asset Liability Management Analytics
- * - Capital Estimation Analytics
- * - Exposure Analytics
- * - Margin Analytics
- * - XVA Analytics
- *
- * DROP Computational Core implements libraries for the following:
- * - Algorithm Support
- * - Computation Support
- * - Function Analysis
- * - Model Validation
- * - Numerical Analysis
- * - Numerical Optimizer
- * - Spline Builder
- * - Statistical Learning
- *
- * Documentation for DROP is Spread Over:
- *
- * - Main =>
- * - Wiki =>
- * - GitHub =>
- * - Repo Layout Taxonomy =>
- * - Javadoc =>
- * - Technical Specifications =>
- * - Release Versions =>
- * - Community Credits =>
- * - Issues Catalog =>
- * - JUnit =>
- * - Jacoco =>
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- *
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- *
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- /**
- * <i>MergedDiscountForwardCurve</i> is the Stub for the Merged Discount and Forward Curve Functionality. It
- * extends the both the Curve and the DiscountFactorEstimator instances by implementing their functions, and
- * exposing the following:
- *
- * <br><br>
- * <ul>
- * <li>
- * Forward Rate to a specific date/tenor, and effective rate between a date interval
- * </li>
- * <li>
- * Discount Factor to a specific date/tenor, and effective discount factor between a date interval
- * </li>
- * <li>
- * Zero Rate to a specific date/tenor
- * </li>
- * <li>
- * Value Jacobian for Forward rate, discount factor, and zero rate
- * </li>
- * <li>
- * Cross Jacobian between each of Forward rate, discount factor, and zero rate
- * </li>
- * <li>
- * Quote Jacobian to Forward rate, discount factor, and zero rate
- * </li>
- * <li>
- * QM (DF/Zero/Forward) to Quote Jacobian
- * </li>
- * <li>
- * Latent State Quantification Metric, and the canonical truthness transformations
- * </li>
- * <li>
- * Implied/embedded ForwardRateEstimator
- * </li>
- * <li>
- * Turns set/unset/adjust
- * </li>
- * </ul>
- *
- * <br><br>
- * <ul>
- * <li><b>Module </b> = <a href = "">Product Core Module</a></li>
- * <li><b>Library</b> = <a href = "">Fixed Income Analytics</a></li>
- * <li><b>Project</b> = <a href = "">Latent State Inference and Creation Utilities</a></li>
- * <li><b>Package</b> = <a href = "">Discount Curve Spline Latent State</a></li>
- * </ul>
- * <br><br>
- *
- * @author Lakshmi Krishnamurthy
- */
- public abstract class MergedDiscountForwardCurve extends {
- private static final int NUM_DF_QUADRATURES = 5;
- protected java.lang.String _strCurrency = "";
- protected int _iEpochDate = java.lang.Integer.MIN_VALUE;
- protected _tldf = null;
- protected _ccis = null;
- protected MergedDiscountForwardCurve (
- final int iEpochDate,
- final java.lang.String strCurrency,
- final tldf)
- throws java.lang.Exception
- {
- if (null == (_strCurrency = strCurrency) || _strCurrency.isEmpty() ||
- !org.drip.numerical.common.NumberUtil.IsValid (_iEpochDate = iEpochDate))
- throw new java.lang.Exception ("MergedDiscountForwardCurve ctr: Invalid Inputs");
- _tldf = tldf;
- }
- @Override public org.drip.state.identifier.LatentStateLabel label()
- {
- return org.drip.state.identifier.FundingLabel.Standard (_strCurrency);
- }
- @Override public java.lang.String currency()
- {
- return _strCurrency;
- }
- @Override public epoch()
- {
- try {
- return new (_iEpochDate);
- } catch (java.lang.Exception e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * Set the Discount Curve Turns'
- *
- * @param tldf Turn List Discount Factor
- *
- * @return TRUE - Valid Turn List Discount Factor Set
- */
- public boolean setTurns (
- final tldf)
- {
- return null != (_tldf = tldf);
- }
- /**
- * Apply the Turns' DF Adjustment
- *
- * @param iStartDate Turn Start Date
- * @param iFinishDate Turn Finish Date
- *
- * @return Turns' DF Adjustment
- *
- * @throws java.lang.Exception Thrown if the Inputs are invalid
- */
- public double turnAdjust (
- final int iStartDate,
- final int iFinishDate)
- throws java.lang.Exception
- {
- return null == _tldf ? 1. : _tldf.turnAdjust (iStartDate, iFinishDate);
- }
- /**
- * Apply the Turns' DF Adjustment
- *
- * @param iFinishDate Turn Finish Date
- *
- * @return Turns' DF Adjustment
- *
- * @throws java.lang.Exception Thrown if the Inputs are invalid
- */
- protected double turnAdjust (
- final int iFinishDate)
- throws java.lang.Exception
- {
- return turnAdjust (epoch().julian(), iFinishDate);
- }
- /**
- * Construct the Native Forward Curve for the given Tenor from the Discount Curve
- *
- * @param strTenor The Tenor
- *
- * @return The Tenor-Native Forward Curve
- */
- public org.drip.state.forward.ForwardCurve nativeForwardCurve (
- final java.lang.String strTenor)
- {
- if (null == strTenor || strTenor.isEmpty()) return null;
- try {
- org.drip.state.forward.ForwardCurve fcNative = new org.drip.state.forward.ForwardCurve
- (epoch().julian(), org.drip.state.identifier.ForwardLabel.Standard (_strCurrency + "-" +
- strTenor)) {
- @Override public double forward (
- final int iDate)
- throws java.lang.Exception
- {
- return forward (new (iDate));
- }
- @Override public double forward (
- final dt)
- throws java.lang.Exception
- {
- if (null == dt)
- throw new java.lang.Exception
- ("MergedDiscountForwardCurve::nativeForwardCurve => Invalid Input");
- return libor (dt.subtractTenor (strTenor).julian(), strTenor);
- }
- @Override public double forward (
- final java.lang.String strTenor)
- throws java.lang.Exception
- {
- if (null == strTenor || strTenor.isEmpty())
- throw new java.lang.Exception
- ("MergedDiscountForwardCurve::nativeForwardCurve => Invalid Input");
- return forward (epoch().addTenor (strTenor));
- }
- @Override public org.drip.numerical.differentiation.WengertJacobian jackDForwardDManifestMeasure (
- final java.lang.String strManifestMeasure,
- final int iDate)
- {
- return null;
- }
- };
- return fcNative;
- } catch (java.lang.Exception e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- return null;
- }
- @Override public double df (
- final dt)
- throws java.lang.Exception
- {
- if (null == dt) throw new java.lang.Exception ("MergedDiscountForwardCurve::df got null for date");
- return df (dt.julian());
- }
- @Override public double df (
- final java.lang.String strTenor)
- throws java.lang.Exception
- {
- if (null == strTenor || strTenor.isEmpty())
- throw new java.lang.Exception ("MergedDiscountForwardCurve::df got bad tenor");
- return df (epoch().addTenor (strTenor));
- }
- @Override public double effectiveDF (
- final int iDate1,
- final int iDate2)
- throws java.lang.Exception
- {
- if (iDate1 == iDate2) return df (iDate1);
- int iNumQuadratures = 0;
- double dblEffectiveDF = 0.;
- int iQuadratureWidth = (iDate2 - iDate1) / NUM_DF_QUADRATURES;
- if (0 == iQuadratureWidth) iQuadratureWidth = 1;
- for (int iDate = iDate1; iDate <= iDate2; iDate += iQuadratureWidth) {
- ++iNumQuadratures;
- dblEffectiveDF += (df (iDate) + df (iDate + iQuadratureWidth));
- }
- return dblEffectiveDF / (2. * iNumQuadratures);
- }
- @Override public double effectiveDF (
- final dt1,
- final dt2)
- throws java.lang.Exception
- {
- if (null == dt1 || null == dt2)
- throw new java.lang.Exception ("MergedDiscountForwardCurve::effectiveDF => Got null for date");
- return effectiveDF (dt1.julian(), dt2.julian());
- }
- @Override public double effectiveDF (
- final java.lang.String strTenor1,
- final java.lang.String strTenor2)
- throws java.lang.Exception
- {
- if (null == strTenor1 || strTenor1.isEmpty() || null == strTenor2 || strTenor2.isEmpty())
- throw new java.lang.Exception ("MergedDiscountForwardCurve::effectiveDF => Got bad tenor");
- dtStart = epoch();
- return effectiveDF (dtStart.addTenor (strTenor1), dtStart.addTenor (strTenor2));
- }
- /**
- * Compute the Forward Rate between two Dates
- *
- * @param iDate1 First Date
- * @param iDate2 Second Date
- *
- * @return The Forward Rate
- *
- * @throws java.lang.Exception Thrown if the Forward Rate cannot be calculated
- */
- public abstract double forward (
- final int iDate1,
- final int iDate2)
- throws java.lang.Exception;
- /**
- * Compute the Forward Rate between two Tenors
- *
- * @param strTenor1 Tenor Start
- * @param strTenor2 Tenor End
- *
- * @return The Forward Rate
- *
- * @throws java.lang.Exception Thrown if the Forward Rate cannot be calculated
- */
- public double forward (
- final java.lang.String strTenor1,
- final java.lang.String strTenor2)
- throws java.lang.Exception
- {
- if (null == strTenor1 || strTenor1.isEmpty() || null == strTenor2 || strTenor2.isEmpty())
- throw new java.lang.Exception ("MergedDiscountForwardCurve::forward => Invalid Date");
- dtStart = epoch();
- return forward (dtStart.addTenor (strTenor1).julian(), dtStart.addTenor (strTenor2).julian());
- }
- /**
- * Calculate the implied rate to the given date
- *
- * @param iDate Date
- *
- * @return Implied rate
- *
- * @throws java.lang.Exception Thrown if the discount factor cannot be calculated
- */
- public abstract double zero (
- final int iDate)
- throws java.lang.Exception;
- /**
- * Calculate the implied rate to the given tenor
- *
- * @param strTenor Tenor
- *
- * @return Implied rate
- *
- * @throws java.lang.Exception Thrown if the discount factor cannot be calculated
- */
- public double zero (
- final java.lang.String strTenor)
- throws java.lang.Exception
- {
- if (null == strTenor || strTenor.isEmpty())
- throw new java.lang.Exception ("MergedDiscountForwardCurve::zero => Invalid date");
- dtStart = epoch();
- return forward (dtStart.julian(), dtStart.addTenor (strTenor).julian());
- }
- /**
- * Compute the LIBOR between 2 dates given the Day Count
- *
- * @param iDate1 First Date
- * @param iDate2 Second Date
- * @param dblDCF Day Count Fraction
- *
- * @return LIBOR
- *
- * @throws java.lang.Exception Thrown if the discount factor cannot be calculated
- */
- public double libor (
- final int iDate1,
- final int iDate2,
- final double dblDCF)
- throws java.lang.Exception
- {
- if (iDate1 == iDate2 || !org.drip.numerical.common.NumberUtil.IsValid (dblDCF) || 0. == dblDCF)
- throw new java.lang.Exception ("MergedDiscountForwardCurve::libor => Invalid input dates");
- return ((df (iDate1) / df (iDate2)) - 1.) / dblDCF;
- }
- /**
- * Compute the LIBOR between 2 dates
- *
- * @param iDate1 First Date
- * @param iDate2 Second Date
- *
- * @return LIBOR
- *
- * @throws java.lang.Exception Thrown if the discount factor cannot be calculated
- */
- public double libor (
- final int iDate1,
- final int iDate2)
- throws java.lang.Exception
- {
- if (iDate1 == iDate2)
- throw new java.lang.Exception ("MergedDiscountForwardCurve::libor => Invalid input dates");
- return libor (iDate1, iDate2, (iDate1, iDate2,
- "Act/360", false, null, ""));
- }
- /**
- * Calculate the LIBOR to the given tenor at the specified date
- *
- * @param iStartDate Start Date
- * @param strTenor Tenor
- *
- * @return LIBOR
- *
- * @throws java.lang.Exception Thrown if LIBOR cannot be calculated
- */
- public double libor (
- final int iStartDate,
- final java.lang.String strTenor)
- throws java.lang.Exception
- {
- if (!org.drip.numerical.common.NumberUtil.IsValid (iStartDate) || null == strTenor || strTenor.isEmpty())
- throw new java.lang.Exception ("MergedDiscountForwardCurve::libor => Invalid Inputs");
- return libor (iStartDate, new (iStartDate).addTenor
- (strTenor).julian());
- }
- /**
- * Calculate the LIBOR to the given tenor at the specified Julian Date
- *
- * @param dt Julian Date
- * @param strTenor Tenor
- *
- * @return LIBOR
- *
- * @throws java.lang.Exception Thrown if LIBOR cannot be calculated
- */
- public double libor (
- final dt,
- final java.lang.String strTenor)
- throws java.lang.Exception
- {
- if (null == dt)
- throw new java.lang.Exception ("MergedDiscountForwardCurve::libor => Invalid Inputs");
- return libor (dt.julian(), strTenor);
- }
- /**
- * Calculate the DV01 of the Par Swap that Matures at the given date
- *
- * @param iDate Date
- *
- * @return DV01 of the Par Swap that Matures at the given date
- *
- * @throws java.lang.Exception Thrown if DV01 cannot be calculated
- */
- public double parSwapDV01 (
- final int iDate)
- throws java.lang.Exception
- {
- java.lang.String strCurrency = currency();
- dtStart = epoch().addDays (2);
- org.drip.param.period.UnitCouponAccrualSetting ucasFixed = new
- org.drip.param.period.UnitCouponAccrualSetting (2, "Act/360", false, "Act/360", false,
- strCurrency, true,
- org.drip.param.period.ComposableFixedUnitSetting cfusFixed = new
- org.drip.param.period.ComposableFixedUnitSetting ("6M",
-, null, 0., 0.,
- strCurrency);
- org.drip.param.period.CompositePeriodSetting cpsFixed = new
- org.drip.param.period.CompositePeriodSetting (2, "6M", strCurrency, null, 1., null, null, null,
- null);
- java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> lsFixedStreamEdgeDate =
- (dtStart, new
- (iDate), "6M", null,
- org.drip.product.rates.Stream fixedStream = new org.drip.product.rates.Stream
- ( (lsFixedStreamEdgeDate,
- cpsFixed, ucasFixed, cfusFixed));
- csqs =
- org.drip.param.creator.MarketParamsBuilder.Create (this, null, null, null, null, null, null,
- null);
- java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.Double> mapFixStream = fixedStream.value
- (org.drip.param.valuation.ValuationParams.Spot (dtStart, 0, "",
-, null, csqs, null);
- return mapFixStream.get ("DV01");
- }
- /**
- * Estimate the manifest measure value for the given date
- *
- * @param strManifestMeasure The Manifest Measure to be Estimated
- * @param iDate Date
- *
- * @return The estimated calibrated measure value
- *
- * @throws java.lang.Exception Thrown if the estimated manifest measure cannot be computed
- */
- public double estimateManifestMeasure (
- final java.lang.String strManifestMeasure,
- final int iDate)
- throws java.lang.Exception
- {
- if (null == strManifestMeasure || strManifestMeasure.isEmpty())
- throw new java.lang.Exception
- ("MergedDiscountForwardCurve::estimateManifestMeasure => Invalid input");
- org.drip.product.definition.CalibratableComponent[] aCalibComp = calibComp();
- if (null == aCalibComp)
- throw new java.lang.Exception
- ("MergedDiscountForwardCurve::estimateManifestMeasure => Calib Components not available");
- int iNumComponent = aCalibComp.length;
- if (0 == iNumComponent)
- throw new java.lang.Exception
- ("MergedDiscountForwardCurve::estimateManifestMeasure => Calib Components not available");
- java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> lsDate = new java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Integer>();
- java.util.List<java.lang.Double> lsQuote = new java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Double>();
- for (int i = 0; i < iNumComponent; ++i) {
- if (null == aCalibComp[i])
- throw new java.lang.Exception
- ("MergedDiscountForwardCurve::estimateManifestMeasure => Cannot locate a component");
-<java.lang.Double> mapManifestMeasure =
- manifestMeasure (aCalibComp[i].primaryCode());
- if (mapManifestMeasure.containsKey (strManifestMeasure)) {
- lsDate.add (aCalibComp[i].maturityDate().julian());
- lsQuote.add (mapManifestMeasure.get (strManifestMeasure));
- }
- }
- int iNumEstimationComponent = lsDate.size();
- if (0 == iNumEstimationComponent)
- throw new java.lang.Exception
- ("MergedDiscountForwardCurve::estimateManifestMeasure => Estimation Components not available");
- int[] aiDate = new int[iNumEstimationComponent];
- double[] adblQuote = new double[iNumEstimationComponent];
- org.drip.spline.params.SegmentCustomBuilderControl[] aSBP = new
- org.drip.spline.params.SegmentCustomBuilderControl[iNumEstimationComponent - 1];
- if (1 == iNumEstimationComponent) return lsQuote.get (0);
- org.drip.spline.params.SegmentCustomBuilderControl sbp = new
- org.drip.spline.params.SegmentCustomBuilderControl
- (org.drip.spline.stretch.MultiSegmentSequenceBuilder.BASIS_SPLINE_POLYNOMIAL, new
- org.drip.spline.basis.PolynomialFunctionSetParams (4),
- org.drip.spline.params.SegmentInelasticDesignControl.Create (2, 2), null, null);
- for (int i = 0; i < iNumEstimationComponent; ++i) {
- if (0 != i) aSBP[i - 1] = sbp;
- aiDate[i] = lsDate.get (i);
- adblQuote[i] = lsQuote.get (i);
- }
- org.drip.spline.stretch.MultiSegmentSequence regime =
- org.drip.spline.stretch.MultiSegmentSequenceBuilder.CreateCalibratedStretchEstimator
- ("DISC_CURVE_REGIME", aiDate, adblQuote, aSBP, null,
- org.drip.spline.stretch.BoundarySettings.NaturalStandard(),
- org.drip.spline.stretch.MultiSegmentSequence.CALIBRATE);
- if (null == regime)
- throw new java.lang.Exception
- ("MergedDiscountForwardCurve::estimateManifestMeasure => Cannot create Spline Stretch");
- double dblRegimeLeftExtreme = regime.getLeftPredictorOrdinateEdge();
- if (iDate <= dblRegimeLeftExtreme) return regime.responseValue (dblRegimeLeftExtreme);
- double dblRegimeRightExtreme = regime.getRightPredictorOrdinateEdge();
- if (iDate >= dblRegimeRightExtreme) return regime.responseValue (dblRegimeRightExtreme);
- return regime.responseValue (iDate);
- }
- /**
- * Proxy the Manifest Measure Value using the Closest Node for the given Date
- *
- * @param strManifestMeasure The Manifest Measure to be Proxied
- * @param iDate Date
- *
- * @return The Measure Value Proxy
- *
- * @throws java.lang.Exception Thrown if the Manifest Measure Proxy cannot be computed
- */
- public double proxyManifestMeasure (
- final java.lang.String strManifestMeasure,
- final int iDate)
- throws java.lang.Exception
- {
- if (null == strManifestMeasure || strManifestMeasure.isEmpty())
- throw new java.lang.Exception
- ("MergedDiscountForwardCurve::proxyManifestMeasure => Invalid input");
- org.drip.product.definition.CalibratableComponent[] aCalibComp = calibComp();
- if (null == aCalibComp)
- throw new java.lang.Exception
- ("MergedDiscountForwardCurve::proxyManifestMeasure => Calib Components not available");
- int iNumComponent = aCalibComp.length;
- if (0 == iNumComponent)
- throw new java.lang.Exception
- ("MergedDiscountForwardCurve::proxyManifestMeasure => Calib Components not available");
- java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> lsDate = new java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Integer>();
- java.util.List<java.lang.Double> lsQuote = new java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Double>();
- for (int i = 0; i < iNumComponent; ++i) {
- if (null == aCalibComp[i])
- throw new java.lang.Exception
- ("MergedDiscountForwardCurve::proxyManifestMeasure => Cannot locate a component");
-<java.lang.Double> mapManifestMeasure =
- manifestMeasure (aCalibComp[i].primaryCode());
- if (mapManifestMeasure.containsKey (strManifestMeasure)) {
- lsDate.add (aCalibComp[i].maturityDate().julian());
- lsQuote.add (mapManifestMeasure.get (strManifestMeasure));
- }
- }
- int iNumEstimationComponent = lsDate.size();
- if (0 == iNumEstimationComponent)
- throw new java.lang.Exception
- ("MergedDiscountForwardCurve::proxyManifestMeasure => Estimation Components not available");
- if (1 == iNumEstimationComponent) return lsQuote.get (0);
- int iDatePrev = lsDate.get (0);
- if (iDate <= iDatePrev) return lsQuote.get (0);
- for (int i = 1; i < iNumEstimationComponent; ++i) {
- int iDateCurr = lsDate.get (i);
- if (iDatePrev <= iDate && iDate < iDateCurr)
- return iDate - iDatePrev > iDateCurr - iDate ? lsQuote.get (i) : lsQuote.get (i - 1);
- iDatePrev = iDateCurr;
- }
- return lsQuote.get (iNumEstimationComponent - 1);
- }
- @Override public boolean setCCIS (
- final ccis)
- {
- if (null == ccis) return false;
- _ccis = ccis;
- return true;
- }
- /**
- * Retrieve the Forward Curve that might be implied by the Latent State of this Discount Curve Instance
- * corresponding to the specified Floating Rate Index
- *
- * @param iDate The Date
- * @param fri The Floating Rate Index
- *
- * @return The Forward Curve Implied by the Discount Curve Latent State
- */
- public abstract org.drip.state.forward.ForwardRateEstimator forwardRateEstimator (
- final int iDate,
- final org.drip.state.identifier.ForwardLabel fri);
- /**
- * Retrieve the Latent State Quantification Metric
- *
- * @return The Latent State Quantification Metric
- */
- public abstract java.lang.String latentStateQuantificationMetric();
- /**
- * Retrieve the Manifest Measure Jacobian of the Discount Factor to the given date
- *
- * @param iDate Date
- * @param strManifestMeasure Manifest Measure
- *
- * @return The Manifest Measure Jacobian of the Discount Factor to the given date
- */
- public abstract org.drip.numerical.differentiation.WengertJacobian jackDDFDManifestMeasure (
- final int iDate,
- final java.lang.String strManifestMeasure);
- /**
- * Retrieve the Manifest Measure Jacobian of the Discount Factor to the given date
- *
- * @param dt Date
- * @param strManifestMeasure Manifest Measure
- *
- * @return The Manifest Measure Jacobian of the Discount Factor to the given date
- */
- public org.drip.numerical.differentiation.WengertJacobian jackDDFDManifestMeasure (
- final dt,
- final java.lang.String strManifestMeasure)
- {
- if (null == dt) return null;
- return jackDDFDManifestMeasure (dt.julian(), strManifestMeasure);
- }
- /**
- * Retrieve the Manifest Measure Jacobian of the Discount Factor to the date implied by the given Tenor
- *
- * @param strTenor Tenor
- * @param strManifestMeasure Manifest Measure
- *
- * @return The Manifest Measure Jacobian of the Discount Factor to the date implied by the given Tenor
- */
- public org.drip.numerical.differentiation.WengertJacobian jackDDFDManifestMeasure (
- final java.lang.String strTenor,
- final java.lang.String strManifestMeasure)
- {
- if (null == strTenor || strTenor.isEmpty()) return null;
- try {
- return jackDDFDManifestMeasure (epoch().addTenor (strTenor), strManifestMeasure);
- } catch (java.lang.Exception e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * Calculate the Jacobian of PV at the given date to the Manifest Measure of each component in the
- * calibration set to the DF
- *
- * @param iDate Date for which the Jacobian is needed
- *
- * @return The Jacobian
- */
- public org.drip.numerical.differentiation.WengertJacobian compJackDPVDManifestMeasure (
- final int iDate)
- {
- if (!org.drip.numerical.common.NumberUtil.IsValid (iDate)) return null;
- org.drip.product.definition.CalibratableComponent[] aCalibComp = calibComp();
- if (null == aCalibComp || 0 == aCalibComp.length) return null;
- int iNumParameters = 0;
- int iNumComponents = aCalibComp.length;
- org.drip.numerical.differentiation.WengertJacobian wjCompPVDF = null;
- org.drip.param.valuation.ValuationParams valParams = org.drip.param.valuation.ValuationParams.Spot
- (iDate);
- csqs =
- org.drip.param.creator.MarketParamsBuilder.Create (this, null, null, null, null, null,
- null, null == _ccis ? null : _ccis.fixing());
- for (int i = 0; i < iNumComponents; ++i) {
- org.drip.numerical.differentiation.WengertJacobian wjCompDDirtyPVDManifestMeasure =
- aCalibComp[i].jackDDirtyPVDManifestMeasure (valParams, null, csqs, null);
- if (null == wjCompDDirtyPVDManifestMeasure) return null;
- iNumParameters = wjCompDDirtyPVDManifestMeasure.numParameters();
- if (null == wjCompPVDF) {
- try {
- wjCompPVDF = new org.drip.numerical.differentiation.WengertJacobian (iNumComponents,
- iNumParameters);
- } catch (java.lang.Exception e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- return null;
- }
- }
- for (int k = 0; k < iNumParameters; ++k) {
- if (!wjCompPVDF.accumulatePartialFirstDerivative (i, k,
- wjCompDDirtyPVDManifestMeasure.firstDerivative (0, k)))
- return null;
- }
- }
- return wjCompPVDF;
- }
- /**
- * Calculate the Jacobian of PV at the given date to the Manifest Measure of each component in the
- * calibration set to the DF
- *
- * @param dt Date for which the Jacobian is needed
- *
- * @return The Jacobian
- */
- public org.drip.numerical.differentiation.WengertJacobian compJackDPVDManifestMeasure (
- final dt)
- {
- return null == dt ? null : compJackDPVDManifestMeasure (dt.julian());
- }
- /**
- * Retrieve the Jacobian of the Forward Rate to the Manifest Measure between the given dates
- *
- * @param iDate1 Date 1
- * @param iDate2 Date 2
- * @param strManifestMeasure Manifest Measure
- * @param dblElapsedYear The Elapsed Year (in the appropriate Day Count) between dates 1 and 2
- *
- * @return The Jacobian
- */
- public org.drip.numerical.differentiation.WengertJacobian jackDForwardDManifestMeasure (
- final int iDate1,
- final int iDate2,
- final java.lang.String strManifestMeasure,
- final double dblElapsedYear)
- {
- if (iDate1 == iDate2) return null;
- org.drip.numerical.differentiation.WengertJacobian wjDDFDManifestMeasureDate1 = jackDDFDManifestMeasure
- (iDate1, strManifestMeasure);
- if (null == wjDDFDManifestMeasureDate1) return null;
- int iNumQuote = wjDDFDManifestMeasureDate1.numParameters();
- if (0 == iNumQuote) return null;
- org.drip.numerical.differentiation.WengertJacobian wjDDFDManifestMeasureDate2 = jackDDFDManifestMeasure
- (iDate2, strManifestMeasure);
- if (null == wjDDFDManifestMeasureDate2 || iNumQuote != wjDDFDManifestMeasureDate2.numParameters())
- return null;
- double dblDF1 = java.lang.Double.NaN;
- double dblDF2 = java.lang.Double.NaN;
- org.drip.numerical.differentiation.WengertJacobian wjDForwardDManifestMeasure = null;
- try {
- dblDF1 = df (iDate1);
- dblDF2 = df (iDate2);
- wjDForwardDManifestMeasure = new org.drip.numerical.differentiation.WengertJacobian (1, iNumQuote);
- } catch (java.lang.Exception e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- return null;
- }
- double dblDForwardDManifestMeasure1iScale = 1. / dblDF2;
- double dblDForwardDManifestMeasure2iScale = dblDF1 / (dblDF2 * dblDF2);
- double dblInverseAnnualizedTenorLength = 1. / dblElapsedYear;
- for (int i = 0; i < iNumQuote; ++i) {
- double dblDForwardDQManifestMeasurei = ((wjDDFDManifestMeasureDate1.firstDerivative (0, i) *
- dblDForwardDManifestMeasure1iScale) - (wjDDFDManifestMeasureDate2.firstDerivative (0, i) *
- dblDForwardDManifestMeasure2iScale)) * dblInverseAnnualizedTenorLength;
- if (!wjDForwardDManifestMeasure.accumulatePartialFirstDerivative (0, i,
- dblDForwardDQManifestMeasurei))
- return null;
- }
- return wjDForwardDManifestMeasure;
- }
- /**
- * Retrieve the Jacobian of the Forward Rate to the Manifest Measure between the given dates
- *
- * @param dt1 Julian Date 1
- * @param dt2 Julian Date 2
- * @param strManifestMeasure Manifest Measure
- * @param dblElapsedYear The Elapsed Year (in the appropriate Day Count) between dates 1 and 2
- *
- * @return The Jacobian
- */
- public org.drip.numerical.differentiation.WengertJacobian jackDForwardDManifestMeasure (
- final dt1,
- final dt2,
- final java.lang.String strManifestMeasure,
- final double dblElapsedYear)
- {
- if (null == dt1 || null == dt2) return null;
- return jackDForwardDManifestMeasure (dt1.julian(), dt2.julian(), strManifestMeasure, dblElapsedYear);
- }
- /**
- * Retrieve the Jacobian of the Forward Rate to the Manifest Measure at the given date
- *
- * @param dt Given Julian Date
- * @param strTenor Tenor
- * @param strManifestMeasure Manifest Measure
- * @param dblElapsedYear The Elapsed Year (in the appropriate Day Count) implied by the Tenor
- *
- * @return The Jacobian
- */
- public org.drip.numerical.differentiation.WengertJacobian jackDForwardDManifestMeasure (
- final dt,
- final java.lang.String strTenor,
- final java.lang.String strManifestMeasure,
- final double dblElapsedYear)
- {
- if (null == dt || null == strTenor || strTenor.isEmpty()) return null;
- return jackDForwardDManifestMeasure (dt.julian(), dt.addTenor (strTenor).julian(),
- strManifestMeasure, dblElapsedYear);
- }
- /**
- * Retrieve the Jacobian for the Zero Rate to the given date
- *
- * @param iDate Date
- * @param strManifestMeasure Manifest Measure
- *
- * @return The Jacobian
- */
- public org.drip.numerical.differentiation.WengertJacobian zeroRateJack (
- final int iDate,
- final java.lang.String strManifestMeasure)
- {
- int iEpochDate = epoch().julian();
- return jackDForwardDManifestMeasure (iEpochDate, iDate, strManifestMeasure, 1. * (iDate - iEpochDate) /
- 365.25);
- }
- /**
- * Retrieve the Jacobian for the Zero Rate to the given date
- *
- * @param dt Julian Date
- * @param strManifestMeasure Manifest Measure
- *
- * @return The Jacobian
- */
- public org.drip.numerical.differentiation.WengertJacobian zeroRateJack (
- final dt,
- final java.lang.String strManifestMeasure)
- {
- return null == dt? null : zeroRateJack (dt.julian(), strManifestMeasure);
- }
- /**
- * Convert the inferred Formulation Constraint into a "Truthness" Entity
- *
- * @param strLatentStateQuantificationMetric Latent State Quantification Metric
- *
- * @return Map of the Truthness Entities
- */
- public java.util.Map<java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Double> canonicalTruthness (
- final java.lang.String strLatentStateQuantificationMetric)
- {
- if (null == strLatentStateQuantificationMetric ||
- (!
- (strLatentStateQuantificationMetric) && !
- (strLatentStateQuantificationMetric)))
- return null;
- org.drip.product.definition.CalibratableComponent[] aCC = calibComp();
- if (null == aCC) return null;
- int iNumComp = aCC.length;
- boolean bFirstCashFlow = true;
- if (0 == iNumComp) return null;
- java.util.Map<java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Double> mapCanonicalTruthness = new
- java.util.TreeMap<java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Double>();
- if (
- (strLatentStateQuantificationMetric))
- mapCanonicalTruthness.put (_iEpochDate, 1.);
- for (org.drip.product.definition.CalibratableComponent cc : aCC) {
- if (null == cc) continue;
- java.util.List<> lsCouponPeriod = cc.couponPeriods();
- if (null == lsCouponPeriod || 0 == lsCouponPeriod.size()) continue;
- for ( cpnPeriod : lsCouponPeriod) {
- if (null == cpnPeriod) continue;
- int iPeriodPayDate = cpnPeriod.payDate();
- if (iPeriodPayDate >= _iEpochDate) {
- try {
- if (
- (strLatentStateQuantificationMetric))
- mapCanonicalTruthness.put (iPeriodPayDate, df (iPeriodPayDate));
- else if (
- (strLatentStateQuantificationMetric)) {
- if (bFirstCashFlow) {
- bFirstCashFlow = false;
- mapCanonicalTruthness.put (_iEpochDate, zero (iPeriodPayDate));
- }
- mapCanonicalTruthness.put (iPeriodPayDate, zero (iPeriodPayDate));
- }
- } catch (java.lang.Exception e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return mapCanonicalTruthness;
- }
- }