Class NonDimensionalCostEvolverSystemic


public class NonDimensionalCostEvolverSystemic
extends NonDimensionalCostEvolver
NonDimensionalCostEvolverSystemic implements the 1D HJB-based Single Step Optimal Trajectory Cost Step Evolver using the Systemic Coordinated Variation Version of the Stochastic Volatility and the Transaction Function arising from the Realization of the Market State Variable as described in the "Trading Time" Model. The References are:

  • Almgren, R. F., and N. Chriss (2000): Optimal Execution of Portfolio Transactions Journal of Risk 3 (2) 5-39
  • Almgren, R. F. (2009): Optimal Trading in a Dynamic Market
  • Almgren, R. F. (2012): Optimal Trading with Stochastic Liquidity and Volatility SIAM Journal of Financial Mathematics 3 (1) 163-181
  • Geman, H., D. B. Madan, and M. Yor (2001): Time Changes for Levy Processes Mathematical Finance 11 (1) 79-96
  • Jones, C. M., G. Kaul, and M. L. Lipson (1994): Transactions, Volume, and Volatility Review of Financial Studies 7 (4) 631-651

Lakshmi Krishnamurthy
  • Constructor Details

    • NonDimensionalCostEvolverSystemic

      public NonDimensionalCostEvolverSystemic​(OrnsteinUhlenbeck ou, double dblAsymptoticEulerUrgencyThreshold, boolean bAsymptoticEnhancedEulerCorrection) throws java.lang.Exception
      NonDimensionalCostEvolverSystemic Constructor
      ou - The Underlying Ornstein-Unlenbeck Reference Process
      bAsymptoticEnhancedEulerCorrection - Asymptotic Enhanced Euler Correction Application Flag
      dblAsymptoticEulerUrgencyThreshold - The Asymptotic Euler Urgency Threshold
      java.lang.Exception - Thrown if the Inputs are Invalid
  • Method Details

    • Standard

      public static final NonDimensionalCostEvolverSystemic Standard​(OrnsteinUhlenbeck ou)
      Construct a Standard NonDimensionalCostEvolverSystemic Instance
      ou - The Underlying Ornstein-Unlenbeck Reference Process
      The Standard NonDimensionalCostEvolverSystemic Instance
    • evolve

      public NonDimensionalCost evolve​(NonDimensionalCost ndc, MarketState ms, double dblNonDimensionalRiskAversion, double dblNonDimensionalTime, double dblNonDimensionalTimeIncrement)
      Description copied from class: NonDimensionalCostEvolver
      Evolve a Single Time Step of the Optimal Trajectory
      Specified by:
      evolve in class NonDimensionalCostEvolver
      ndc - The Initial Non Dimensional Cost Value Function
      ms - The Market State
      dblNonDimensionalRiskAversion - The Non Dimensional Risk Aversion Parameter
      dblNonDimensionalTime - The Non Dimensional Time Node
      dblNonDimensionalTimeIncrement - The Non Dimensional Time Increment
      The Post Evolved Non-dimensional Cost Value Function