Class PowerImpactContinuous

All Implemented Interfaces:
EfficientTradingTrajectory, TradingTrajectory

public class PowerImpactContinuous
extends EfficientTradingTrajectoryContinuous
PowerImpactContinuous contains the Trading Trajectory generated by the Almgren (2003) Power Impact Scheme under the Criterion of No-Drift. The References are:

  • Almgren, R., and N. Chriss (1999): Value under Liquidation Risk 12 (12)
  • Almgren, R. F., and N. Chriss (2000): Optimal Execution of Portfolio Transactions Journal of Risk 3 (2) 5-39
  • Almgren, R. (2003): Optimal Execution with Nonlinear Impact Functions and Trading-Enhanced Risk Applied Mathematical Finance 10 (1) 1-18
  • Almgren, R., and N. Chriss (2003): Bidding Principles Risk 97-102
  • Bertsimas, D., and A. W. Lo (1998): Optimal Control of Execution Costs Journal of Financial Markets 1 1-50

Lakshmi Krishnamurthy
  • Constructor Details

    • PowerImpactContinuous

      public PowerImpactContinuous​(double dblExecutionTime, double dblTransactionCostExpectation, double dblTransactionCostVariance, double dblCharacteristicTime, double dblExecutionTimeUpperBound, double dblHyperboloidBoundaryValue, double dblMarketPower, R1ToR1 r1ToR1Holdings, R1ToR1 r1ToR1TradeRate, R1ToR1 r1ToR1TransactionCostExpectation, R1ToR1 r1ToR1TransactionCostVariance) throws java.lang.Exception
      PowerImpactContinuous Constructor
      dblExecutionTime - The Execution Time
      dblTransactionCostExpectation - The Expected Transaction Cost
      dblTransactionCostVariance - The Variance of the Transaction Cost
      dblCharacteristicTime - The Optimal Trajectory's "Characteristic" Time
      dblExecutionTimeUpperBound - The Optimal Trajectory's Execution Time Upper Bound (if it exists)
      dblHyperboloidBoundaryValue - The Hyperboloid Boundary Value
      dblMarketPower - The Dimension-less Relative Market Impact
      r1ToR1Holdings - The Optimal Trajectory R^1 To R^1 Holdings Function
      r1ToR1TradeRate - The Optimal Trajectory R^1 To R^1 Trade Rate Function
      r1ToR1TransactionCostExpectation - The Transaction Cost Expectation Function
      r1ToR1TransactionCostVariance - The Transaction Cost Variance Function
      java.lang.Exception - Thrown if the Inputs are Invalid
  • Method Details

    • Standard

      public static PowerImpactContinuous Standard​(double dblExecutionTime, double dblTransactionCostExpectation, double dblTransactionCostVariance, double dblCharacteristicTime, double dblExecutionTimeUpperBound, double dblHyperboloidBoundaryValue, double dblMarketPower, R1ToR1 r1ToR1Holdings, R1ToR1 r1ToR1TransactionCostExpectation, R1ToR1 r1ToR1TransactionCostVariance)
      Construct the Standard PowerImpactContinuous Instance
      dblExecutionTime - The Execution Time
      dblTransactionCostExpectation - The Expected Transaction Cost
      dblTransactionCostVariance - The Variance of the Transaction Cost
      dblCharacteristicTime - The Optimal Trajectory's "Characteristic" Time
      dblExecutionTimeUpperBound - The Optimal Trajectory's Execution Time Upper Bound (if it exists)
      dblHyperboloidBoundaryValue - The Hyperboloid Boundary Value
      dblMarketPower - The Dimension-less Relative Market Impact
      r1ToR1Holdings - The Optimal Trajectory R^1 To R^1 Holdings Function
      r1ToR1TransactionCostExpectation - The Transaction Cost Expectation Function
      r1ToR1TransactionCostVariance - The Transaction Cost Variance Function
      The Standard PowerImpactContinuous Instance
    • executionTimeUpperBound

      public double executionTimeUpperBound()
      Retrieve the Optimal Trajectory Execution Time Upper Bound (if it exists)
      The Optimal Trajectory Execution Time Upper Bound (if it exists)
    • hyperboloidBoundaryValue

      public double hyperboloidBoundaryValue()
      Retrieve the Optimal Trajectory Hyperboloid Boundary Value
      The Optimal Trajectory Hyperboloid Boundary Value