Class MalikAllardCompositeHeuristic


public class MalikAllardCompositeHeuristic
extends java.lang.Object
MalikAllardCompositeHeuristic implements the Composite Malik and Allard (1983) A* F-Heuristic Value at a Vertex. The References are:

  • Dechter, R., and J. Pearl (1985): Generalized Best-first Search Strategies and the Optimality of A* Journal of the ACM 32 (3) 505-536
  • Hart, P. E., N. J. Nilsson, and B. Raphael (1968): A Formal Basis for the Heuristic Determination of the Minimum Cost Paths IEEE Transactions on Systems Sciences and Cybernetics 4 (2) 100-107
  • Kagan, E., and I. Ben-Gal (2014): A Group Testing Algorithm with Online Informational Learning IIE Transactions 46 (2) 164-184
  • Russell, S. J. and P. Norvig (2018): Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach 4th Edition Pearson
  • Wikipedia (2020): A* Search Algorithm*_search_algorithm

Lakshmi Krishnamurthy
  • Constructor Details

    • MalikAllardCompositeHeuristic

      public MalikAllardCompositeHeuristic​(MalikAllardFHeuristic primary, MalikAllardFHeuristic backtracking) throws java.lang.Exception
      MalikAllardCompositeHeuristic Constructor
      primary - Primary Malik-Allard Heuristic
      backtracking - Back-tracking Malik-Allard Heuristic
      java.lang.Exception - Thrown if the Inputs are Invalid
  • Method Details

    • NearAdmissible

      public static final MalikAllardCompositeHeuristic NearAdmissible​(FHeuristic foundationFHeuristic, VertexFunction nearAdmissibleHFHeuristic, double primaryFoundationFLoading, double primaryNearAdmissibleHFLoading, double backTrackingFoundationFLoading, double backTrackingNearAdmissibleHFLoading)
      Construct a Near-Admissible MalikAllardCompositeHeuristic Instance
      foundationFHeuristic - Foundation F Heuristic
      nearAdmissibleHFHeuristic - Near-admissible HF Heuristic
      primaryFoundationFLoading - Primary Loading for the Foundation F Heuristic
      primaryNearAdmissibleHFLoading - Primary Loading for the Near-Admissible HF Heuristic
      backTrackingFoundationFLoading - Back-tracking Loading for the Foundation F Heuristic
      backTrackingNearAdmissibleHFLoading - Back-tracking Loading for the Near-Admissible HF Heuristic
      The Near-Admissible MalikAllardCompositeHeuristic Instance
    • primary

      public MalikAllardFHeuristic primary()
      Retrieve the Primary Malik-Allard (1983) Primary Heuristic
      The Primary Malik-Allard (1983) Primary Heuristic
    • backtracking

      public MalikAllardFHeuristic backtracking()
      Retrieve the Primary Malik-Allard (1983) Back-tracking Heuristic
      The Primary Malik-Allard (1983) Back-tracking Heuristic