Class NormedRxToNormedRxFinite

Direct Known Subclasses:
NormedRxToNormedR1Finite, NormedRxToNormedRdFinite

public abstract class NormedRxToNormedRxFinite
extends java.lang.Object
NormedRxToNormedRxFinite exposes the Space of Functions that are a Transform from the Normed Rx To Normed Rd Spaces. The References are:

  • Carl, B. (1985): Inequalities of the Bernstein-Jackson type and the Degree of Compactness of Operators in Banach Spaces Annals of the Fourier Institute 35 (3) 79-118
  • Carl, B., and I. Stephani (1990): Entropy, Compactness, and the Approximation of Operators Cambridge University Press Cambridge UK
  • Williamson, R. C., A. J. Smola, and B. Scholkopf (2000): Entropy Numbers of Linear Function Classes, in: Proceedings of the 13th Annual Conference on Computational Learning Theory ACM New York
It provides the following Functionality:
  • Retrieve the Input Vector Space
  • Retrieve the Output Vector Space
  • Compute the Operator Population Metric Norm
  • Compute the Operator Population Supremum Norm
  • Compute the Operator Sample Metric Norm
  • Compute the Operator Sample Supremum Norm
  • Retrieve the Agnostic Covering Number Upper/Lower Bounds for the Function Class
  • Retrieve the Maurey Constant
  • Retrieve the Scale-Sensitive Covering Number Upper/Lower Bounds given the Specified Sample for the Function Class
  • Compute the Output Dimension
  • Compute the Maurey Covering Number Upper Bounds for Operator Population Metric Norm
  • Compute the Maurey Covering Number Upper Bounds for Operator Population Supremum Norm
  • Compute the Maurey Covering Number Upper Bounds for Operator Sample Metric Norm
  • Compute the Maurey Covering Number Upper Bounds for Operator Sample Supremum Norm

Module Computational Core Module
Library Statistical Learning Library
Project R1 and Rd Vector/Tensor Spaces (Validated and/or Normed), and Function Classes
Package Normed Finite Spaces Function Class
Lakshmi Krishnamurthy
  • Method Details

    • inputMetricVectorSpace

      public abstract GeneralizedMetricVectorSpace inputMetricVectorSpace()
      Retrieve the Input Vector Space
      The Input Vector Space
    • outputMetricVectorSpace

      public abstract GeneralizedMetricVectorSpace outputMetricVectorSpace()
      Retrieve the Output Vector Space
      The Output Vector Space
    • operatorPopulationMetricNorm

      public abstract double operatorPopulationMetricNorm() throws java.lang.Exception
      Compute the Operator Population Metric Norm
      The Operator Population Metric Norm
      java.lang.Exception - Thrown if the Operator Norm cannot be computed
    • operatorPopulationSupremumNorm

      public abstract double operatorPopulationSupremumNorm() throws java.lang.Exception
      Compute the Operator Population Supremum Norm
      The Operator Population Supremum Norm
      java.lang.Exception - Thrown if the Operator Population Supremum Norm cannot be computed
    • operatorSampleMetricNorm

      public abstract double operatorSampleMetricNorm​(GeneralizedValidatedVector generalizedValidatedVector) throws java.lang.Exception
      Compute the Operator Sample Metric Norm
      generalizedValidatedVector - The Validated Vector Space Instance
      The Operator Sample Metric Norm
      java.lang.Exception - Thrown if the Operator Norm cannot be computed
    • operatorSampleSupremumNorm

      public abstract double operatorSampleSupremumNorm​(GeneralizedValidatedVector generalizedValidatedVector) throws java.lang.Exception
      Compute the Operator Sample Supremum Norm
      generalizedValidatedVector - The Validated Vector Space Instance
      The Operator Sample Supremum Norm
      java.lang.Exception - Thrown if the Operator Sample Supremum Norm cannot be computed
    • agnosticCoveringNumberBounds

      public abstract FunctionClassCoveringBounds agnosticCoveringNumberBounds()
      Retrieve the Agnostic Covering Number Upper/Lower Bounds for the Function Class
      The Agnostic Covering Number Upper/Lower Bounds for the Function Class
    • maureyConstant

      public double maureyConstant()
      Retrieve the Maurey Constant
      The Maurey Constant
    • scaleSensitiveCoveringBounds

      public FunctionClassCoveringBounds scaleSensitiveCoveringBounds​(GeneralizedValidatedVector generalizedValidatedVector, R1ToR1 r1ToR1FatShatteringFunction)
      Retrieve the Scale-Sensitive Covering Number Upper/Lower Bounds given the Specified Sample for the Function Class
      generalizedValidatedVector - The Validated Instance Vector Sequence
      r1ToR1FatShatteringFunction - The Cover Fat Shattering Coefficient R1 To R1
      The Scale-Sensitive Covering Number Upper/Lower Bounds given the Specified Sample for the Function Class
    • outputDimension

      public int outputDimension() throws java.lang.Exception
      Compute the Output Dimension
      The Output Dimension
      java.lang.Exception - Thrown if the Output Dimension is Invalid
    • populationMetricCoveringBounds

      public MaureyOperatorCoveringBounds populationMetricCoveringBounds()
      Compute the Maurey Covering Number Upper Bounds for Operator Population Metric Norm
      The Maurey Operator Covering Number Upper Bounds Instance Corresponding to the Operator Population Metric Norm
    • populationSupremumCoveringBounds

      public MaureyOperatorCoveringBounds populationSupremumCoveringBounds()
      Compute the Maurey Covering Number Upper Bounds for Operator Population Supremum Norm
      The Maurey Operator Covering Number Upper Bounds Instance Corresponding to the Operator Population Supremum Norm
    • sampleMetricCoveringBounds

      public MaureyOperatorCoveringBounds sampleMetricCoveringBounds​(GeneralizedValidatedVector generalizedValidatedVector)
      Compute the Maurey Covering Number Upper Bounds for Operator Sample Metric Norm
      generalizedValidatedVector - The Validated Vector Space Instance
      The Maurey Operator Covering Number Upper Bounds Instance Corresponding to the Operator Sample Metric Norm
    • sampleSupremumCoveringBounds

      public MaureyOperatorCoveringBounds sampleSupremumCoveringBounds​(GeneralizedValidatedVector generalizedValidatedVector)
      Compute the Maurey Covering Number Upper Bounds for Operator Sample Supremum Norm
      generalizedValidatedVector - The Validated Vector Space Instance
      The Maurey Operator Covering Number Upper Bounds Instance Corresponding to the Operator Sample Supremum Norm