Class IndependentLinearSolutionList2F1ZInfinity


public class IndependentLinearSolutionList2F1ZInfinity
extends java.lang.Object
IndependentLinearSolutionList2F1ZInfinity holds the Array of Linearly Independent Solutions at the Regular Singularity z = Infinity for the 2F1 Hyper-geometric Function. The References are:

  • Gessel, I., and D. Stanton (1982): Strange Evaluations of Hyper-geometric Series SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 13 (2) 295-308
  • Koepf, W (1995): Algorithms for m-fold Hyper-geometric Summation Journal of Symbolic Computation 20 (4) 399-417
  • Lavoie, J. L., F. Grondin, and A. K. Rathie (1996): Generalization of Whipple’s Theorem on the Sum of a (_2^3)F(a,b;c;z) Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 72 293-300
  • National Institute of Standards and Technology (2019): Hyper-geometric Function
  • Wikipedia (2019): Hyper-geometric Function
It provides the following functionality:
  • Generate the 2F1 Instance of IndependentLinearSolutionList at z = Infinity

Module Computational Core Module
Library Function Analysis Library
Project Special Function Implementation and Analysis
Package Special Function Ordinary Differential Equations
Lakshmi Krishnamurthy
  • Constructor Details

    • IndependentLinearSolutionList2F1ZInfinity

      public IndependentLinearSolutionList2F1ZInfinity()
  • Method Details

    • Generate

      public static final IndependentLinearSolutionList Generate​(RegularHypergeometricEstimator regularHypergeometricEstimator)
      Generate the 2F1 Instance of IndependentLinearSolutionList at z = Infinity
      regularHypergeometricEstimator - 2F1 Regular Hyper-geometric Estimator
      The 2F1 Instance of IndependentLinearSolutionList at z = Infinity