Class ScenarioFXCurveBuilder


public class ScenarioFXCurveBuilder
extends java.lang.Object
ScenarioFXCurveBuilder implements the construction of the scenario FX Curve using the input FX Curve instruments. It implements the following Functions:
  • Build the Shape Preserving FX Curve using the Custom Parameters
  • Construct an instance of the Shape Preserver of the desired basis type, using the specified basis set builder parameters
  • Construct an Instance of the Shape Preserver of the Cubic Polynomial Type, using the Specified Basis Set Builder Parameters
  • Create an Instance of the Custom Splined FX Forward Curve
  • Create an Instance of the Cubic Polynomial Splined FX Forward Curve
  • Create an Instance of the Quartic Polynomial Splined FX Forward Curve
  • Create an Instance of the Kaklis-Pandelis Splined FX Forward Curve
  • Create an Instance of the KLK Hyperbolic Splined FX Forward Curve
  • Create an Instance of the KLK Rational Linear Splined FX Forward Curve
  • Create an Instance of the KLK Rational Quadratic Splined FX Forward Curve

Module Product Core Module
Library Fixed Income Analytics
Project Latent State Inference and Creation Utilities
Package Scenario State Curve/Surface Builders
Lakshmi Krishnamurthy
  • Constructor Details

    • ScenarioFXCurveBuilder

      public ScenarioFXCurveBuilder()
  • Method Details

    • ShapePreservingFXCurve

      public static final FXCurve ShapePreservingFXCurve​(LinearLatentStateCalibrator linearLatentStateCalibrator, LatentStateStretchSpec[] latentStateStretchSpecArray, CurrencyPair currencyPair, ValuationParams valuationParams, CreditPricerParams creditPricerParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer curveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams valuationCustomizationParams, double epochResponse)
      Build the Shape Preserving FX Curve using the Custom Parameters
      linearLatentStateCalibrator - The Linear Latent State Calibrator Instance
      latentStateStretchSpecArray - Array of the Latent State Stretches
      currencyPair - The FX Currency Pair
      valuationParams - Valuation Parameters
      creditPricerParams - Pricer Parameters
      curveSurfaceQuoteContainer - Market Parameters
      valuationCustomizationParams - Quoting Parameters
      epochResponse - The Starting Response Value
      Instance of the Shape Preserving Discount Curve
    • ShapePreservingFXCurve

      public static final FXCurve ShapePreservingFXCurve​(java.lang.String name, CurrencyPair currencyPair, ValuationParams valuationParams, CreditPricerParams creditPricerParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer curveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams valuationCustomizationParams, CalibratableComponent[] calibratableComponentArray, java.lang.String manifestMeasure, double[] quoteArray, double epochResponse, SegmentCustomBuilderControl segmentCustomBuilderControl)
      Construct an instance of the Shape Preserver of the desired basis type, using the specified basis set builder parameters.
      name - Curve Name
      currencyPair - The FX Currency Pair
      valuationParams - Valuation Parameters
      creditPricerParams - Pricer Parameters
      curveSurfaceQuoteContainer - Market Parameters
      valuationCustomizationParams - Quoting Parameters
      calibratableComponentArray - Array of Calibration Components
      manifestMeasure - The Calibration Manifest Measure
      quoteArray - Array of Calibration Quotes
      epochResponse - The Stretch Start DF
      segmentCustomBuilderControl - Segment Custom Builder Control Parameters
      Instance of the Shape Preserver of the desired basis type
    • ShapePreservingFXCurve

      public static final FXCurve ShapePreservingFXCurve​(java.lang.String name, CurrencyPair currencyPair, ValuationParams valuationParams, CreditPricerParams creditPricerParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer curveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams valuationCustomizationParams, java.lang.String basisType, FunctionSetBuilderParams functionSetBuilderParams, CalibratableComponent[] calibratableComponentArray, java.lang.String manifestMeasure, double[] quoteArray, double epochResponse)
      Construct an instance of the Shape Preserver of the desired basis type, using the specified basis set builder parameters.
      name - Curve Name
      currencyPair - The FX Currency Pair
      valuationParams - Valuation Parameters
      creditPricerParams - Pricer Parameters
      curveSurfaceQuoteContainer - Market Parameters
      valuationCustomizationParams - Quoting Parameters
      basisType - The Basis Type
      functionSetBuilderParams - The Function Set Basis Parameters
      calibratableComponentArray - Array of Calibration Components
      manifestMeasure - The Calibration Manifest Measure
      quoteArray - Array of Calibration Quotes
      epochResponse - The Stretch Start DF
      Instance of the Shape Preserver of the desired basis type
    • CubicPolyShapePreserver

      public static final FXCurve CubicPolyShapePreserver​(java.lang.String name, CurrencyPair currencyPair, int spotDate, CalibratableComponent[] calibratableComponentArray, double[] quoteArray, java.lang.String manifestMeasure, double fxSpot)
      Construct an Instance of the Shape Preserver of the Cubic Polynomial Type, using the Specified Basis Set Builder Parameters.
      name - Curve Name
      currencyPair - The FX Currency Pair
      spotDate - Spot Date
      calibratableComponentArray - Array of Calibration Components
      quoteArray - Array of Calibration Quotes
      manifestMeasure - The Calibration Manifest Measure
      fxSpot - The FX Spot
      Instance of the Shape Preserver of the Cubic Polynomial Type
    • CustomSplineCurve

      public static final FXCurve CustomSplineCurve​(java.lang.String name, JulianDate startDate, CurrencyPair currencyPair, java.lang.String[] tenorArray, double[] fxForwardArray, SegmentCustomBuilderControl segmentCustomBuilderControl, double fxSpot)
      Create an Instance of the Custom Splined FX Forward Curve
      name - Curve Name
      startDate - The Tenor Start Date
      currencyPair - The FX Currency Pair
      tenorArray - Array of the Tenors
      fxForwardArray - Array of the FX Forwards
      segmentCustomBuilderControl - The Segment Custom Builder Control
      fxSpot - The FX Spot
      The Instance of the FX Forward Curve
    • CubicPolynomialCurve

      public static final FXCurve CubicPolynomialCurve​(java.lang.String name, JulianDate startDate, CurrencyPair currencyPair, java.lang.String[] tenorArray, double[] fxForwardArray, double fxSpot)
      Create an Instance of the Cubic Polynomial Splined FX Forward Curve
      name - Curve Name
      startDate - The Tenor Start Date
      currencyPair - The FX Currency Pair
      tenorArray - Array of the Tenors
      fxForwardArray - Array of the FX Forwards
      fxSpot - The FX Spot
      The Instance of the FX Forward Curve
    • QuarticPolynomialCurve

      public static final FXCurve QuarticPolynomialCurve​(java.lang.String name, JulianDate startDate, CurrencyPair currencyPair, java.lang.String[] tenorArray, double[] fxForwardArray, double fxSpot)
      Create an Instance of the Quartic Polynomial Splined FX Forward Curve
      name - Curve Name
      startDate - The Tenor Start Date
      currencyPair - The FX Currency Pair
      tenorArray - Array of the Tenors
      fxForwardArray - Array of the FX Forwards
      fxSpot - The FX Spot
      The Instance of the FX Forward Curve
    • KaklisPandelisCurve

      public static FXCurve KaklisPandelisCurve​(java.lang.String name, JulianDate startDate, CurrencyPair currencyPair, java.lang.String[] tenorArray, double[] fxForwardArray, double fxSpot)
      Create an Instance of the Kaklis-Pandelis Splined FX Forward Curve
      name - Curve Name
      startDate - The Tenor Start Date
      currencyPair - The FX Currency Pair
      tenorArray - Array of the Tenors
      fxForwardArray - Array of the FX Forwards
      fxSpot - The FX Spot
      The Instance of the FX Forward Curve
    • KLKHyperbolicCurve

      public static final FXCurve KLKHyperbolicCurve​(java.lang.String name, JulianDate startDate, CurrencyPair currencyPair, java.lang.String[] tenorArray, double[] fxForwardArray, double fxSpot, double tension)
      Create an Instance of the KLK Hyperbolic Splined FX Forward Curve
      name - Curve Name
      startDate - The Tenor Start Date
      currencyPair - The FX Currency Pair
      tenorArray - Array of the Tenors
      fxForwardArray - Array of the FX Forwards
      fxSpot - The FX Spot
      tension - The Tension Parameter
      The Instance of the FX Forward Curve
    • KLKRationalLinearCurve

      public static final FXCurve KLKRationalLinearCurve​(java.lang.String name, JulianDate startDate, CurrencyPair currencyPair, java.lang.String[] tenorArray, double[] fxForwardArray, double fxSpot, double tension)
      Create an Instance of the KLK Rational Linear Splined FX Forward Curve
      name - Curve Name
      startDate - The Tenor Start Date
      currencyPair - The FX Currency Pair
      tenorArray - Array of the Tenors
      fxForwardArray - Array of the FX Forwards
      fxSpot - The FX Spot
      tension - The Tension Parameter
      The Instance of the FX Forward Curve
    • KLKRationalQuadraticCurve

      public static final FXCurve KLKRationalQuadraticCurve​(java.lang.String name, JulianDate startDate, CurrencyPair currencyPair, java.lang.String[] tenorArray, double[] fxForwardArray, double fxSpot, double tension)
      Create an Instance of the KLK Rational Quadratic Splined FX Forward Curve
      name - Curve Name
      startDate - The Tenor Start Date
      currencyPair - The FX Currency Pair
      tenorArray - Array of the Tenors
      fxForwardArray - Array of the FX Forwards
      fxSpot - The FX Spot
      tension - The Tension Parameter
      The Instance of the FX Forward Curve