Interface LatentStateLabel

All Known Implementing Classes:
CollateralLabel, CSALabel, CustomLabel, EntityCDSLabel, EntityCreditLabel, EntityDesignateLabel, EntityEquityLabel, EntityFundingLabel, EntityHazardLabel, EntityRecoveryLabel, FloaterLabel, ForwardLabel, FundingLabel, FXLabel, GovvieLabel, OTCFixFloatLabel, OvernightLabel, PaydownLabel, RatingLabel, RepoLabel, VolatilityLabel

public interface LatentStateLabel
LatentStateLabel is the interface that contains the labels inside the sub-stretch of the alternate state. The functionality its derivations implement provide fully qualified label names and their matches. It exposes the following Functionality.
  • Retrieve the Fully Qualified Name
  • Indicate whether this Label matches the supplied.

Module Product Core Module
Library Fixed Income Analytics
Project Latent State Inference and Creation Utilities
Package Latent State Identifier Labels
Lakshmi Krishnamurthy
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    java.lang.String fullyQualifiedName()
    Retrieve the Fully Qualified Name
    boolean match​(LatentStateLabel latentStateLabelOther)
    Indicate whether this Label matches the supplied.
  • Method Details

    • fullyQualifiedName

      java.lang.String fullyQualifiedName()
      Retrieve the Fully Qualified Name
      The Fully Qualified Name
    • match

      boolean match​(LatentStateLabel latentStateLabelOther)
      Indicate whether this Label matches the supplied.
      latentStateLabelOther - The Supplied Label
      TRUE - The Supplied Label matches this.