Class NormedR1ToL1R1Finite

public class NormedR1ToL1R1Finite
extends NormedR1ToNormedR1Finite
NormedR1ToL1R1Finite implements the Class f E F : Normed R1 To L1 R1 Spaces of Finite Functions. The Reference we've used is:

  • Carl, B., and I. Stephani (1990): Entropy, Compactness, and the Approximation of Operators Cambridge University Press Cambridge UK
It provides the following Functionality:
  • Create Bounded R1 To Bounded L1 R1 Function Class for the specified Bounded Class of Finite Functions

Lakshmi Krishnamurthy
  • Method Details

    • BoundedPredictorBoundedResponse

      public static final NormedR1ToL1R1Finite BoundedPredictorBoundedResponse​(double maureyConstant, R1ToR1[] aR1ToR1, double dblPredictorSupport, double dblResponseBound)
      Create Bounded R1 To Bounded L1 R1 Function Class for the specified Bounded Class of Finite Functions
      maureyConstant - Maurey Constant
      aR1ToR1 - The Bounded R1 To Bounded R1 Function Set
      dblPredictorSupport - The Set Predictor Support
      dblResponseBound - The Set Response Bound
      The Bounded R1 To Bounded R1 Function Class for the specified Function Set
    • agnosticCoveringNumberBounds

      public FunctionClassCoveringBounds agnosticCoveringNumberBounds()
      Description copied from class: NormedRxToNormedRxFinite
      Retrieve the Agnostic Covering Number Upper/Lower Bounds for the Function Class
      agnosticCoveringNumberBounds in class NormedRxToNormedR1Finite
      The Agnostic Covering Number Upper/Lower Bounds for the Function Class