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- j() - Method in class org.drip.execution.athl.IJK
The Almgren-Thum-Hauptmann-Li "J" Transaction Signal
- j() - Method in class org.drip.numerical.decomposition.JordanNormalVJ
Retrieve the Jordan Normal J Matrix
- Jabalpur - Class in org.drip.sample.bondeos
Jabalpur demonstrates EOS Fixed Coupon Multi-flavor Pricing and Relative Value Measure Generation for Jabalpur.
- Jabalpur() - Constructor for class org.drip.sample.bondeos.Jabalpur
- jackDCoeffDEdgeInputs() - Method in class org.drip.spline.segment.LatentStateResponseModel
Calculate the Jacobian of the Segment's Response Basis Function Coefficients to the Edge Inputs
- jackDCoeffDEdgeParams(double[], double[], double[], double[], SegmentBasisFlexureConstraint[], SegmentBestFitResponse) - Method in class org.drip.spline.segment.LatentStateResponseModel
Calibrate the segment and calculate the Jacobian of the Segment's Response Basis Function Coefficients to the Edge Parameters
- jackDCoeffDEdgeParams(double, double, double, SegmentBestFitResponse) - Method in class org.drip.spline.segment.LatentStateResponseModel
Calibrate the Coefficients from the Edge Response Values and the Left Edge Response Value Slope and calculate the Jacobian of the Segment's Response Basis Function Coefficients to the Edge Parameters
- jackDCoeffDEdgeParams(LatentStateResponseModel, String, double, SegmentBestFitResponse, double, SegmentBestFitResponse) - Method in class org.drip.spline.segment.LatentStateResponseModel
Calibrate the coefficients from the prior Segment and the Response Value at the Right Predictor Ordinate and calculate the Jacobian of the Segment's Response Basis Function Coefficients to the Edge Parameters
- jackDDFDManifestMeasure(int, String) - Method in class org.drip.state.curve.DeterministicCollateralChoiceDiscountCurve
- jackDDFDManifestMeasure(int, String) - Method in class org.drip.state.curve.DiscountFactorDiscountCurve
- jackDDFDManifestMeasure(int, String) - Method in class org.drip.state.curve.ForeignCollateralizedDiscountCurve
- jackDDFDManifestMeasure(int, String) - Method in class org.drip.state.curve.ZeroRateDiscountCurve
- jackDDFDManifestMeasure(int, String) - Method in class
Retrieve the Manifest Measure Jacobian of the Discount Factor to the given date
- jackDDFDManifestMeasure(int, String) - Method in class org.drip.state.nonlinear.FlatForwardDiscountCurve
- jackDDFDManifestMeasure(String, String) - Method in class
Retrieve the Manifest Measure Jacobian of the Discount Factor to the date implied by the given Tenor
- jackDDFDManifestMeasure(JulianDate, String) - Method in class
Retrieve the Manifest Measure Jacobian of the Discount Factor to the given date
- jackDDirtyPVDManifestMeasure(ValuationParams, CreditPricerParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams) - Method in class
- jackDDirtyPVDManifestMeasure(ValuationParams, CreditPricerParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams) - Method in class
- jackDDirtyPVDManifestMeasure(ValuationParams, CreditPricerParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams) - Method in class org.drip.product.definition.CalibratableComponent
Compute the Jacobian of the Dirty PV to the Calibrated Input Manifest Measures
- jackDDirtyPVDManifestMeasure(ValuationParams, CreditPricerParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams) - Method in class org.drip.product.fra.FRAStandardComponent
- jackDDirtyPVDManifestMeasure(ValuationParams, CreditPricerParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams) - Method in class org.drip.product.fx.FXForwardComponent
- jackDDirtyPVDManifestMeasure(ValuationParams, CreditPricerParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams) - Method in class org.drip.product.option.OptionComponent
- jackDDirtyPVDManifestMeasure(ValuationParams, CreditPricerParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams) - Method in class org.drip.product.rates.FixFloatComponent
- jackDDirtyPVDManifestMeasure(ValuationParams, CreditPricerParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams) - Method in class org.drip.product.rates.FloatFloatComponent
- jackDDirtyPVDManifestMeasure(ValuationParams, CreditPricerParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams) - Method in class org.drip.product.rates.RatesBasket
- jackDDirtyPVDManifestMeasure(ValuationParams, CreditPricerParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams) - Method in class org.drip.product.rates.SingleStreamComponent
- jackDDirtyPVDManifestMeasure(ValuationParams, CreditPricerParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams) - Method in class org.drip.product.rates.Stream
Generate the Jacobian of the Dirty PV to the Manifest Measure
- jackDForwardDManifestMeasure(int, int, String, double) - Method in class
Retrieve the Jacobian of the Forward Rate to the Manifest Measure between the given dates
- jackDForwardDManifestMeasure(String, int) - Method in class org.drip.state.basis.BasisCurve
Retrieve the Manifest Measure Jacobian of the Forward Rate to the given date
- jackDForwardDManifestMeasure(String, int) - Method in class org.drip.state.curve.BasisSplineBasisCurve
- jackDForwardDManifestMeasure(String, int) - Method in class org.drip.state.curve.BasisSplineForwardRate
- jackDForwardDManifestMeasure(String, int) - Method in class org.drip.state.curve.BasisSplineFXForward
- jackDForwardDManifestMeasure(String, int) - Method in class org.drip.state.curve.BasisSplineGovvieYield
- jackDForwardDManifestMeasure(String, int) - Method in class org.drip.state.forward.ForwardCurve
Retrieve the Manifest Measure Jacobian of the Forward Rate to the given date
- jackDForwardDManifestMeasure(String, int) - Method in class org.drip.state.fx.FXCurve
Retrieve the Manifest Measure Jacobian of the Forward Rate to the given date
- jackDForwardDManifestMeasure(String, int) - Method in class org.drip.state.govvie.GovvieCurve
Retrieve the Manifest Measure Jacobian of the Forward Rate to the given date
- jackDForwardDManifestMeasure(String, int) - Method in class org.drip.state.nonlinear.FlatForwardForwardCurve
- jackDForwardDManifestMeasure(String, int) - Method in class org.drip.state.nonlinear.FlatForwardFXCurve
- jackDForwardDManifestMeasure(String, int) - Method in class org.drip.state.nonlinear.FlatForwardGovvieCurve
- jackDForwardDManifestMeasure(String, int) - Method in class org.drip.state.nonlinear.FlatYieldGovvieCurve
- jackDForwardDManifestMeasure(String, String) - Method in class org.drip.state.basis.BasisCurve
Retrieve the Manifest Measure Jacobian of the Forward Rate to the date implied by the given Tenor
- jackDForwardDManifestMeasure(String, String) - Method in class org.drip.state.forward.ForwardCurve
Retrieve the Manifest Measure Jacobian of the Forward Rate to the date implied by the given Tenor
- jackDForwardDManifestMeasure(String, String) - Method in class org.drip.state.fx.FXCurve
Retrieve the Manifest Measure Jacobian of the Forward Rate to the date implied by the given Tenor
- jackDForwardDManifestMeasure(String, String) - Method in class org.drip.state.govvie.GovvieCurve
Retrieve the Manifest Measure Jacobian of the Forward Rate to the date implied by the given Tenor
- jackDForwardDManifestMeasure(String, JulianDate) - Method in class org.drip.state.basis.BasisCurve
Retrieve the Manifest Measure Jacobian of the Forward Rate to the given date
- jackDForwardDManifestMeasure(String, JulianDate) - Method in class org.drip.state.forward.ForwardCurve
Retrieve the Manifest Measure Jacobian of the Forward Rate to the given date
- jackDForwardDManifestMeasure(String, JulianDate) - Method in class org.drip.state.fx.FXCurve
Retrieve the Manifest Measure Jacobian of the Forward Rate to the given date
- jackDForwardDManifestMeasure(String, JulianDate) - Method in class org.drip.state.govvie.GovvieCurve
Retrieve the Manifest Measure Jacobian of the Forward Rate to the given date
- jackDForwardDManifestMeasure(JulianDate, String, String, double) - Method in class
Retrieve the Jacobian of the Forward Rate to the Manifest Measure at the given date
- jackDForwardDManifestMeasure(JulianDate, JulianDate, String, double) - Method in class
Retrieve the Jacobian of the Forward Rate to the Manifest Measure between the given dates
- jackDResponseDBasisCoeff(double, int) - Method in class org.drip.spline.segment.LatentStateResponseModel
Calculate the Jacobian of the Response to the Basis Coefficients at the given Predictor Ordinate
- jackDResponseDCalibrationInput(double, int) - Method in class org.drip.spline.stretch.CalibratableMultiSegmentSequence
- jackDResponseDCalibrationInput(double, int) - Method in class org.drip.spline.stretch.SingleSegmentLagrangePolynomial
- jackDResponseDCalibrationInput(double, int) - Method in interface org.drip.spline.stretch.SingleSegmentSequence
Calculate the Response Derivative to the Calibration Inputs at the specified Ordinate
- jackDResponseDEdgeInput(double, int) - Method in class org.drip.spline.segment.LatentStateResponseModel
Calculate the Jacobian of the Response to the Edge Inputs at the given Predictor Ordinate
- jackDResponseDManifestMeasure(String, double, int) - Method in class org.drip.spline.grid.AggregatedSpan
- jackDResponseDManifestMeasure(String, double, int) - Method in class org.drip.spline.grid.OverlappingStretchSpan
- jackDResponseDManifestMeasure(String, double, int) - Method in interface org.drip.spline.grid.Span
Calculate the Response Derivative to the Manifest Measure at the specified Ordinate
- jackDResponseDManifestMeasure(String, double, int) - Method in class org.drip.spline.stretch.CalibratableMultiSegmentSequence
- jackDResponseDManifestMeasure(String, double, int) - Method in class org.drip.spline.stretch.SingleSegmentLagrangePolynomial
- jackDResponseDManifestMeasure(String, double, int) - Method in interface org.drip.spline.stretch.SingleSegmentSequence
Calculate the Response Derivative to the Manifest Measure at the specified Ordinate
- jacobi(double) - Method in class org.drip.specialfunction.definition.JacobiEstimator
Evaluate The Jacobi Function
- jacobi(double) - Method in class org.drip.specialfunction.derived.Jacobi
- Jacobi - Class in org.drip.specialfunction.derived
Jacobi implements the Jacobian Function from the 2F1 Hyper-geometric Function.
- Jacobi(double, double, int, R2ToR1, int) - Constructor for class org.drip.specialfunction.derived.Jacobi
Jacobi Constructor
- Jacobi(double, double) - Static method in class org.drip.numerical.quadrature.WeightFunctionBuilder
Generate the Jacobi Polynomial Weight Function
- jacobian() - Method in class org.drip.execution.hjb.NonDimensionalCostSystemic
Retrieve the Realized Non Dimensional Cost Value Function Jacobian to the Systemic Market State
- jacobian() - Method in class org.drip.execution.sensitivity.ControlNodesGreek
Retrieve the Objective Function Penalty Jacobian
- jacobian() - Method in class org.drip.function.rdtor1solver.ObjectiveFunctionPointMetrics
Retrieve the Jacobian Array
- jacobian(double[]) - Method in class org.drip.function.definition.RdToR1
Evaluate the Jacobian for the given Input Variates
- jacobian(double[]) - Method in class org.drip.function.rdtor1.AffineBoundMultivariate
- jacobian(double[]) - Method in class org.drip.function.rdtor1.AffineMultivariate
- jacobian(double[]) - Method in class org.drip.function.rdtor1.CovarianceEllipsoidMultivariate
- jacobian(double[]) - Method in class org.drip.function.rdtor1.LagrangianMultivariate
- jacobian(double[]) - Method in class org.drip.function.rdtor1.RiskObjectiveUtilityMultivariate
- jacobian(double, double) - Method in class org.drip.specialfunction.definition.BetaEstimator
Calculate the Jacobian
- JacobianEstimate - Class in org.drip.sample.beta
JacobianEstimate illustrates the Beta Function Jacobian Estimation using Integrand Schemes.
- JacobianEstimate() - Constructor for class org.drip.sample.beta.JacobianEstimate
- JacobiEstimate - Class in org.drip.sample.hypergeometric
JacobiEstimate estimates the Jacobi Hyper-geometric Function.
- JacobiEstimate() - Constructor for class org.drip.sample.hypergeometric.JacobiEstimate
- JacobiEstimator - Class in org.drip.specialfunction.definition
JacobiEstimator exposes the Stubs for estimating the Jacobi Function and its Jacobian using the 2F1 Hyper-geometric Function.
- JacobiIteration(double[][]) - Static method in class org.drip.numerical.linearalgebra.R1MatrixUtil
Construct a Jacobi Iteration Matrix from the Square Matrix
- jacobiIterationMatrix() - Method in class org.drip.numerical.iterativesolver.SuccessiveOverRelaxationConvergenceAnalyzer
Retrieve the Jacobi Iteration Matrix
- JacobiIterationMatrix - Class in org.drip.sample.sor
JacobiIterationMatrix illustrates the Construction of the Jacobi Iteration Matrix for SOR Convergence.
- JacobiIterationMatrix() - Constructor for class org.drip.sample.sor.JacobiIterationMatrix
- jacobiIterationMatrixRealEigenvalues() - Method in class org.drip.numerical.iterativesolver.SuccessiveOverRelaxationConvergenceAnalyzer
Indicate if the Jacobi Iteration Matrix has Real Eigenvalues
- jacobiIterationMatrixRealEigenvalues() - Method in class org.drip.numerical.iterativesolver.SuccessiveOverRelaxationConvergenceCheck
Indicate if the Jacobi Iteration Matrix has Real Eigenvalues
- jacobiIterationMatrixSpectralRadius() - Method in class org.drip.numerical.iterativesolver.SuccessiveOverRelaxationConvergenceAnalyzer
Retrieve the Jacobi Iteration Matrix Spectral Radius
- jacobiSpectralRadiusVerification() - Method in class org.drip.numerical.iterativesolver.SuccessiveOverRelaxationConvergenceAnalyzer
Indicate if the Jacobi Spectral Radius satisfies Convergence Check
- jacobiSpectralRadiusVerification() - Method in class org.drip.numerical.iterativesolver.SuccessiveOverRelaxationConvergenceCheck
Indicate if the Jacobi Spectral Radius satisfies Convergence Check
- Jaipur - Class in org.drip.sample.bondmetrics
Jaipur generates the Full Suite of Replication Metrics for Bond Jaipur.
- Jaipur() - Constructor for class org.drip.sample.bondmetrics.Jaipur
- Jalgaon - Class in org.drip.sample.bondmetrics
Jalgaon generates the Full Suite of Replication Metrics for Bond Jalgaon.
- Jalgaon() - Constructor for class org.drip.sample.bondmetrics.Jalgaon
- Jammu - Class in org.drip.sample.bondmetrics
Jammu demonstrates the Analytics Calculation/Reconciliation for the Bond Jammu.
- Jammu() - Constructor for class org.drip.sample.bondmetrics.Jammu
- Jamnagar - Class in org.drip.sample.bondmetrics
Jamnagar demonstrates the Analytics Calculation/Reconciliation for the Bond Jamnagar.
- Jamnagar() - Constructor for class org.drip.sample.bondmetrics.Jamnagar
- Jamshedpur - Class in org.drip.sample.bondeos
Jamshedpur demonstrates EOS Fixed Coupon Multi-flavor Pricing and Relative Value Measure Generation for Jamshedpur.
- Jamshedpur() - Constructor for class org.drip.sample.bondeos.Jamshedpur
- JANUARY - Static variable in class
Integer Month - January
- JavaDateFromJulianDate(JulianDate) - Static method in class
Retrieve a Java Date Instance from the Julian Date Instance
- javaVersion() - Method in class org.drip.service.env.BuildRecord
Retrieve the Java Build Version
- JB1 - Class in org.drip.sample.treasuryfuturesapi
JB1 demonstrates the Invocation and Examination of the JB1 10Y JGB Treasury Futures.
- JB1() - Constructor for class org.drip.sample.treasuryfuturesapi.JB1
- JB1Attribution - Class in org.drip.sample.treasuryfuturespnl
JB1Attribution demonstrates the Invocation of the Historical PnL Horizon PnL Attribution analysis for the JB1 Series.
- JB1Attribution() - Constructor for class org.drip.sample.treasuryfuturespnl.JB1Attribution
- JB1ClosesReconstitutor - Class in org.drip.sample.treasuryfuturesfeed
JB1ClosesReconstitutor Cleanses, Transforms, and Re-constitutes the Formated JB1 Closes Feed.
- JB1ClosesReconstitutor() - Constructor for class org.drip.sample.treasuryfuturesfeed.JB1ClosesReconstitutor
- JB1KeyRateDuration - Class in org.drip.sample.treasuryfuturesrisk
JB1KeyRateDuration demonstrates the Computation of the Key Rate Duration for the JB1 Treasury Futures.
- JB1KeyRateDuration() - Constructor for class org.drip.sample.treasuryfuturesrisk.JB1KeyRateDuration
- JensenConvexProperty - Class in org.drip.sample.gamma
JensenConvexProperty demonstrates the Verification of the Jensen Multi-Point Interpolant Convex Property of the Gamma Function.
- JensenConvexProperty() - Constructor for class org.drip.sample.gamma.JensenConvexProperty
- JensenMultiPointInterpolant(Array2D) - Static method in class
Generate the Jensen Multi-Point Interpolant Convexity Verification
- JGB(JulianDate, JulianDate, double) - Static method in class org.drip.service.template.TreasuryBuilder
Construct an Instance of the Japanese Treasury JPY JGB Bond
- JGBBenchmarkAttribution - Class in org.drip.sample.treasurypnl
JGBBenchmarkAttribution demonstrates the Computation of the PnL Time Series Metrics for the JGB Benchmark Bond Series.
- JGBBenchmarkAttribution() - Constructor for class org.drip.sample.treasurypnl.JGBBenchmarkAttribution
- JGBReconstitutor - Class in org.drip.sample.treasuryfeed
JGBReconstitutor demonstrates the Cleansing and Re-constitution of the JGB Yield Marks obtained from Historical Yield Curve Prints.
- JGBReconstitutor() - Constructor for class org.drip.sample.treasuryfeed.JGBReconstitutor
- JGREG - Static variable in class
JGREG Constant for Julian Date Construction
- Jhansi - Class in org.drip.sample.bondmetrics
Jhansi demonstrates the Analytics Calculation/Reconciliation for the Bond Jhansi.
- Jhansi() - Constructor for class org.drip.sample.bondmetrics.Jhansi
- Jiamusi - Class in org.drip.sample.bondeos
Jiamusi demonstrates EOS Fixed Coupon Multi-flavor Pricing and Relative Value Measure Generation for Jiamusi.
- Jiamusi() - Constructor for class org.drip.sample.bondeos.Jiamusi
- Jiangmen - Class in org.drip.sample.bondeos
Jiangmen demonstrates EOS Fixed Coupon Multi-flavor Pricing and Relative Value Measure Generation for Jiangmen.
- Jiangmen() - Constructor for class org.drip.sample.bondeos.Jiangmen
- Jiangyin - Class in org.drip.sample.bondeos
Jiangyin demonstrates EOS Fixed Coupon Multi-flavor Pricing and Relative Value Measure Generation for Jiangyin.
- Jiangyin() - Constructor for class org.drip.sample.bondeos.Jiangyin
- Jiaozuo - Class in org.drip.sample.bondeos
Jiaozuo demonstrates EOS Fixed Coupon Multi-flavor Pricing and Relative Value Measure Generation for Jiaozuo.
- Jiaozuo() - Constructor for class org.drip.sample.bondeos.Jiaozuo
- Jiaxing - Class in org.drip.sample.bondeos
Jiaxing demonstrates EOS Fixed Coupon Multi-flavor Pricing and Relative Value Measure Generation for Jiaxing.
- Jiaxing() - Constructor for class org.drip.sample.bondeos.Jiaxing
- Jilin - Class in org.drip.sample.bondeos
Jilin demonstrates EOS Fixed Coupon Multi-flavor Pricing and Relative Value Measure Generation for Jilin.
- Jilin() - Constructor for class org.drip.sample.bondeos.Jilin
- Jinan - Class in org.drip.sample.bondeos
Jinan demonstrates EOS Fixed Coupon Multi-flavor Pricing and Relative Value Measure Generation for Jinan.
- Jinan() - Constructor for class org.drip.sample.bondeos.Jinan
- Jingjiang - Class in org.drip.sample.bondeos
Jingjiang demonstrates EOS Fixed Coupon Multi-flavor Pricing and Relative Value Measure Generation for Jingjiang.
- Jingjiang() - Constructor for class org.drip.sample.bondeos.Jingjiang
- Jingzhou - Class in org.drip.sample.bondeos
Jingzhou demonstrates EOS Fixed Coupon Multi-flavor Pricing and Relative Value Measure Generation for Jingzhou.
- Jingzhou() - Constructor for class org.drip.sample.bondeos.Jingzhou
- Jinhua - Class in org.drip.sample.bondeos
Jinhua demonstrates EOS Fixed Coupon Multi-flavor Pricing and Relative Value Measure Generation for Jinhua.
- Jinhua() - Constructor for class org.drip.sample.bondeos.Jinhua
- Jining - Class in org.drip.sample.bondeos
Jining demonstrates EOS Fixed Coupon Multi-flavor Pricing and Relative Value Measure Generation for Jining.
- Jining() - Constructor for class org.drip.sample.bondeos.Jining
- Jinzhou - Class in org.drip.sample.bondeos
Jinzhou demonstrates EOS Fixed Coupon Multi-flavor Pricing and Relative Value Measure Generation for Jinzhou.
- Jinzhou() - Constructor for class org.drip.sample.bondeos.Jinzhou
- Jiujiang - Class in org.drip.sample.bondeos
Jiujiang demonstrates EOS Fixed Coupon Multi-flavor Pricing and Relative Value Measure Generation for Jiujiang.
- Jiujiang() - Constructor for class org.drip.sample.bondeos.Jiujiang
- JMDHoliday - Class in
JMDHoliday holds the JMD Holidays.
- JMDHoliday() - Constructor for class
JMDHoliday Constructor
- JohnsonPathGenerator<V> - Class in org.drip.graph.bellmanford
JohnsonPathGenerator generates the Shortest Path for a Directed Graph using the Johnson Algorithm.
- JohnsonPathGenerator(Directed<?>, boolean, FHeuristic) - Constructor for class org.drip.graph.bellmanford.JohnsonPathGenerator
JohnsonPathGenerator Constructor
- JohnsonSinglePair - Class in org.drip.sample.shortestpath
JohnsonSinglePair illustrates the Shortest Path Generation for a Directed Graph using the Johnson Algorithm for a given Source Destination Pair.
- JohnsonSinglePair() - Constructor for class org.drip.sample.shortestpath.JohnsonSinglePair
- JohnsonSingleSource - Class in org.drip.sample.shortestpath
JohnsonSingleSource illustrates the Shortest Path Generation for a Directed Graph using the Johnson Algorithm for a given Source.
- JohnsonSingleSource() - Constructor for class org.drip.sample.shortestpath.JohnsonSingleSource
- JohnsonSingleSourceNegativeWeight - Class in org.drip.sample.shortestpath
JohnsonSingleSourceNegativeWeight illustrates the Shortest Path Generation for a Directed Graph using the Johnson Algorithm for a given Source with Negative Weight.
- JohnsonSingleSourceNegativeWeight() - Constructor for class org.drip.sample.shortestpath.JohnsonSingleSourceNegativeWeight
- joint() - Method in class org.drip.measure.bayesian.R1MultivariateConvolutionMetrics
Retrieve the Joint Distribution
- joint() - Method in class org.drip.measure.bayesian.R1UnivariateConvolutionMetrics
Retrieve the R1 Univariate Joint Distribution
- jointPosteriorMetrics() - Method in class org.drip.portfolioconstruction.bayesian.BlackLittermanCustomConfidenceOutput
Retrieve the Bayesian Joint/Posterior Metrics
- jointPriceDistribution() - Method in class org.drip.execution.bayesian.PriorConditionalCombiner
Generate the Joint Price Distribution
- jordanNormalCenter() - Method in class org.drip.numerical.complex.C1CartesianFuhrRzeszotnik
Retrieve the Jordan Normal Center Part of C1CartesianPhiPsiThetaDelta
- jordanNormalCenter() - Method in class org.drip.numerical.complex.C1CartesianPhiPsiThetaDelta
Retrieve the Jordan Normal Center Part of C1CartesianPhiPsiThetaDelta
- JordanNormalJ - Class in org.drip.numerical.decomposition
JordanNormalJ implements the J in the Jordan Normal Form Matrix VJV-1.
- JordanNormalJ(JordanNormalJSubM[]) - Constructor for class org.drip.numerical.decomposition.JordanNormalJ
JordanNormalJ Constructor
- JordanNormalJSubM - Class in org.drip.numerical.decomposition
JordanNormalJSubM implements the Jmi Jordan Normal Form Matrix.
- JordanNormalJSubM(double, int) - Constructor for class org.drip.numerical.decomposition.JordanNormalJSubM
JordanNormalJSubM Constructor
- jordanNormalLeft() - Method in class org.drip.numerical.complex.C1CartesianFuhrRzeszotnik
Retrieve the Jordan Normal Left Part of C1CartesianPhiPsiThetaDelta
- jordanNormalLeft() - Method in class org.drip.numerical.complex.C1CartesianPhiPsiThetaDelta
Retrieve the Jordan Normal Left Part of C1CartesianPhiPsiThetaDelta
- jordanNormalRight() - Method in class org.drip.numerical.complex.C1CartesianFuhrRzeszotnik
Retrieve the Jordan Normal Right Part of C1CartesianPhiPsiThetaDelta
- jordanNormalRight() - Method in class org.drip.numerical.complex.C1CartesianPhiPsiThetaDelta
Retrieve the Jordan Normal Right Part of C1CartesianPhiPsiThetaDelta
- JordanNormalVJ - Class in org.drip.numerical.decomposition
JordanNormalVJ holds the V and the J components of the Jordan Normal Form Matrix.
- JordanNormalVJ(JordanNormalJ, double[][]) - Constructor for class org.drip.numerical.decomposition.JordanNormalVJ
JordanNormalVJ Constructor
- JPY3M6MUSD3M6M - Class in org.drip.sample.dual
JPY3M6MUSD3M6M demonstrates the setup and construction of the USD 3M Forward Curve from JPY3M6MUSD3M6M CCBS, JPY 3M, JPY 6M, and USD 6M Quotes.
- JPY3M6MUSD3M6M() - Constructor for class org.drip.sample.dual.JPY3M6MUSD3M6M
- JPYHoliday - Class in
JPYHoliday holds the JPY Holidays.
- JPYHoliday() - Constructor for class
JPYHoliday Constructor
- JPYIRSAttribution - Class in org.drip.sample.fixfloatpnl
JPYIRSAttribution generates the Historical PnL Attribution for JPY IRS.
- JPYIRSAttribution() - Constructor for class org.drip.sample.fixfloatpnl.JPYIRSAttribution
- JPYLIBOR - Class in org.drip.template.irs
JPYLIBOR contains a Templated Pricing of the OTC Fix-LIBOR Float JPY IRS Instrument.
- JPYLIBOR() - Constructor for class org.drip.template.irs.JPYLIBOR
- JPYLIBOR3M - Class in org.drip.template.forwardratefutures
JPYLIBOR3M contains a Templated Pricing of the LIBOR 3M JPY Futures Instrument.
- JPYLIBOR3M() - Constructor for class org.drip.template.forwardratefutures.JPYLIBOR3M
- JPYOISSmoothReconstitutor - Class in org.drip.sample.overnightfeed
JPYOISSmoothReconstitutor Demonstrates the Cleansing and the Smooth Re-constitution of the JPY Input OIS Marks.
- JPYOISSmoothReconstitutor() - Constructor for class org.drip.sample.overnightfeed.JPYOISSmoothReconstitutor
- JPYShapePreserving1YForward - Class in org.drip.sample.fundinghistorical
JPYShapePreserving1YForward Generates the Historical JPY Shape Preserving Funding Curve Native 1Y Compounded Forward Rate.
- JPYShapePreserving1YForward() - Constructor for class org.drip.sample.fundinghistorical.JPYShapePreserving1YForward
- JPYShapePreserving1YStart - Class in org.drip.sample.fundinghistorical
JPYShapePreserving1YStart Generates the Historical JPY Shape Preserving Funding Curve Native Compounded Forward Rate starting at 1Y Tenor.
- JPYShapePreserving1YStart() - Constructor for class org.drip.sample.fundinghistorical.JPYShapePreserving1YStart
- JPYShapePreservingReconstitutor - Class in org.drip.sample.fundingfeed
JPYShapePreservingReconstitutor Demonstrates the Cleansing and the Shape Preserving Re-constitution of the JPY Input Marks.
- JPYShapePreservingReconstitutor() - Constructor for class org.drip.sample.fundingfeed.JPYShapePreservingReconstitutor
- JPYSmooth1MForward - Class in org.drip.sample.overnighthistorical
JPYSmooth1MForward Generates the Historical JPY Smoothened Overnight Curve Native 1M Compounded Forward Rate.
- JPYSmooth1MForward() - Constructor for class org.drip.sample.overnighthistorical.JPYSmooth1MForward
- JPYSmooth1YForward - Class in org.drip.sample.fundinghistorical
JPYSmooth1YForward Generates the Historical JPY Smoothened Funding Curve Native 1Y Compounded Forward Rate.
- JPYSmooth1YForward() - Constructor for class org.drip.sample.fundinghistorical.JPYSmooth1YForward
- JPYSmoothReconstitutor - Class in org.drip.sample.fundingfeed
JPYSmoothReconstitutor Demonstrates the Cleansing and the Smooth Re-constitution of the JPY Input Marks.
- JPYSmoothReconstitutor() - Constructor for class org.drip.sample.fundingfeed.JPYSmoothReconstitutor
- JPYTIBOR - Class in org.drip.template.irs
JPY TIBOR contains a Templated Pricing of the OTC Fix-TIBOR Float JPY IRS Instrument.
- JPYTIBOR() - Constructor for class org.drip.template.irs.JPYTIBOR
- JSONArray - Class in org.drip.service.representation
JSONArray is an Adaptation of the JSONArray class from the RFC4627 compliant JSON Simple (
- JSONArray() - Constructor for class org.drip.service.representation.JSONArray
- JSONAware - Interface in org.drip.service.representation
JSONAware is an Adaptation of the JSONAware class from the RFC4627 compliant JSON Simple (
- JSONObject - Class in org.drip.service.representation
JSONObject is an Adaptation of the JSONObject Class from the RFC4627 compliant JSON Simple (
- JSONObject() - Constructor for class org.drip.service.representation.JSONObject
Empty JSONObject Constructor
- JSONObject(Map) - Constructor for class org.drip.service.representation.JSONObject
Allows creation of a JSONObject from a Map.
- JSONStreamAware - Interface in org.drip.service.representation
JSONStreamAware is an Adaptation of the JSONStreamAware class from the RFC4627 compliant JSON Simple (
- JSONValue - Class in org.drip.service.representation
JSONValue is an Adaptation of the JSONValue Class from the RFC4627 compliant JSON Simple (
- JSONValue() - Constructor for class org.drip.service.representation.JSONValue
- jSpreadFromASW(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, double) - Method in class
- jSpreadFromASW(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, double) - Method in class org.drip.product.definition.Bond
Calculate J Spread from ASW to Maturity
- jSpreadFromASW(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, int, double, double) - Method in class
- jSpreadFromASW(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, int, double, double) - Method in class org.drip.product.definition.Bond
Calculate J Spread from ASW to Work-out
- jSpreadFromASWToOptimalExercise(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, double) - Method in class
- jSpreadFromASWToOptimalExercise(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, double) - Method in class org.drip.product.definition.Bond
Calculate J Spread from ASW to Optimal Exercise
- jSpreadFromBondBasis(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, double) - Method in class
- jSpreadFromBondBasis(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, double) - Method in class org.drip.product.definition.Bond
Calculate J Spread from Bond Basis to Maturity
- jSpreadFromBondBasis(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, int, double, double) - Method in class
- jSpreadFromBondBasis(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, int, double, double) - Method in class org.drip.product.definition.Bond
Calculate J Spread from Bond Basis to Work-out
- jSpreadFromBondBasisToOptimalExercise(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, double) - Method in class
- jSpreadFromBondBasisToOptimalExercise(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, double) - Method in class org.drip.product.definition.Bond
Calculate J Spread from Bond Basis to Optimal Exercise
- jSpreadFromCreditBasis(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, double) - Method in class
- jSpreadFromCreditBasis(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, double) - Method in class org.drip.product.definition.Bond
Calculate J Spread from Credit Basis to Maturity
- jSpreadFromCreditBasis(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, int, double, double) - Method in class
- jSpreadFromCreditBasis(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, int, double, double) - Method in class org.drip.product.definition.Bond
Calculate J Spread from Credit Basis to Work-out
- jSpreadFromCreditBasisToOptimalExercise(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, double) - Method in class
- jSpreadFromCreditBasisToOptimalExercise(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, double) - Method in class org.drip.product.definition.Bond
Calculate J Spread from Credit Basis to Optimal Exercise
- jSpreadFromDiscountMargin(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, double) - Method in class
- jSpreadFromDiscountMargin(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, double) - Method in class org.drip.product.definition.Bond
Calculate J Spread from Discount Margin to Maturity
- jSpreadFromDiscountMargin(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, int, double, double) - Method in class
- jSpreadFromDiscountMargin(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, int, double, double) - Method in class org.drip.product.definition.Bond
Calculate J Spread from Discount Margin to Work-out
- jSpreadFromDiscountMarginToOptimalExercise(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, double) - Method in class
- jSpreadFromDiscountMarginToOptimalExercise(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, double) - Method in class org.drip.product.definition.Bond
Calculate J Spread from Discount Margin to Optimal Exercise
- jSpreadFromESpread(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, double) - Method in class
- jSpreadFromESpread(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, double) - Method in class org.drip.product.definition.Bond
Calculate J Spread from E Spread to Maturity
- jSpreadFromESpread(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, int, double, double) - Method in class
- jSpreadFromESpread(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, int, double, double) - Method in class org.drip.product.definition.Bond
Calculate J Spread from E Spread to Work-out
- jSpreadFromESpreadToOptimalExercise(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, double) - Method in class
- jSpreadFromESpreadToOptimalExercise(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, double) - Method in class org.drip.product.definition.Bond
Calculate J Spread from E Spread to Optimal Exercise
- jSpreadFromGSpread(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, double) - Method in class
- jSpreadFromGSpread(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, double) - Method in class org.drip.product.definition.Bond
Calculate J Spread from G Spread to Maturity
- jSpreadFromGSpread(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, int, double, double) - Method in class
- jSpreadFromGSpread(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, int, double, double) - Method in class org.drip.product.definition.Bond
Calculate J Spread from G Spread to Work-out
- jSpreadFromGSpreadToOptimalExercise(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, double) - Method in class
- jSpreadFromGSpreadToOptimalExercise(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, double) - Method in class org.drip.product.definition.Bond
Calculate J Spread from G Spread to Optimal Exercise
- jSpreadFromISpread(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, double) - Method in class
- jSpreadFromISpread(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, double) - Method in class org.drip.product.definition.Bond
Calculate J Spread from I Spread to Maturity
- jSpreadFromISpread(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, int, double, double) - Method in class
- jSpreadFromISpread(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, int, double, double) - Method in class org.drip.product.definition.Bond
Calculate J Spread from I Spread to Work-out
- jSpreadFromISpreadToOptimalExercise(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, double) - Method in class
- jSpreadFromISpreadToOptimalExercise(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, double) - Method in class org.drip.product.definition.Bond
Calculate J Spread from I Spread to Optimal Exercise
- jSpreadFromNSpread(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, double) - Method in class
- jSpreadFromNSpread(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, double) - Method in class org.drip.product.definition.Bond
Calculate J Spread from N Spread to Maturity
- jSpreadFromNSpread(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, int, double, double) - Method in class
- jSpreadFromNSpread(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, int, double, double) - Method in class org.drip.product.definition.Bond
Calculate J Spread from N Spread to Work-out
- jSpreadFromNSpreadToOptimalExercise(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, double) - Method in class
- jSpreadFromNSpreadToOptimalExercise(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, double) - Method in class org.drip.product.definition.Bond
Calculate J Spread from N Spread to Optimal Exercise
- jSpreadFromOAS(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, double) - Method in class
- jSpreadFromOAS(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, double) - Method in class org.drip.product.definition.Bond
Calculate J Spread from OAS to Maturity
- jSpreadFromOAS(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, int, double, double) - Method in class
- jSpreadFromOAS(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, int, double, double) - Method in class org.drip.product.definition.Bond
Calculate J Spread from OAS to Work-out
- jSpreadFromOASToOptimalExercise(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, double) - Method in class
- jSpreadFromOASToOptimalExercise(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, double) - Method in class org.drip.product.definition.Bond
Calculate J Spread from OAS to Optimal Exercise
- jSpreadFromPECS(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, double) - Method in class
- jSpreadFromPECS(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, double) - Method in class org.drip.product.definition.Bond
Calculate J Spread from PECS to Maturity
- jSpreadFromPECS(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, int, double, double) - Method in class
- jSpreadFromPECS(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, int, double, double) - Method in class org.drip.product.definition.Bond
Calculate J Spread from PECS to Work-out
- jSpreadFromPECSToOptimalExercise(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, double) - Method in class
- jSpreadFromPECSToOptimalExercise(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, double) - Method in class org.drip.product.definition.Bond
Calculate J Spread from PECS to Optimal Exercise
- jSpreadFromPrice(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, double) - Method in class
- jSpreadFromPrice(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, double) - Method in class org.drip.product.definition.Bond
Calculate J Spread from Price to Maturity
- jSpreadFromPrice(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, int, double, double) - Method in class
- jSpreadFromPrice(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, int, double, double) - Method in class org.drip.product.definition.Bond
Calculate J Spread from Price to Work-out
- jSpreadFromPriceToOptimalExercise(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, double) - Method in class
- jSpreadFromPriceToOptimalExercise(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, double) - Method in class org.drip.product.definition.Bond
Calculate J Spread from Price to Optimal Exercise
- jSpreadFromTSYSpread(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, double) - Method in class
- jSpreadFromTSYSpread(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, double) - Method in class org.drip.product.definition.Bond
Calculate J Spread from TSY Spread to Maturity
- jSpreadFromTSYSpread(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, int, double, double) - Method in class
- jSpreadFromTSYSpread(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, int, double, double) - Method in class org.drip.product.definition.Bond
Calculate J Spread from TSY Spread to Work-out
- jSpreadFromTSYSpreadToOptimalExercise(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, double) - Method in class
- jSpreadFromTSYSpreadToOptimalExercise(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, double) - Method in class org.drip.product.definition.Bond
Calculate J Spread from TSY Spread to Optimal Exercise
- jSpreadFromYield(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, double) - Method in class
- jSpreadFromYield(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, double) - Method in class org.drip.product.definition.Bond
Calculate J Spread from Yield to Maturity
- jSpreadFromYield(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, int, double, double) - Method in class
- jSpreadFromYield(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, int, double, double) - Method in class org.drip.product.definition.Bond
Calculate J Spread from Yield to Work-out
- jSpreadFromYieldSpread(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, double) - Method in class
- jSpreadFromYieldSpread(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, double) - Method in class org.drip.product.definition.Bond
Calculate J Spread from Yield Spread to Maturity
- jSpreadFromYieldSpread(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, int, double, double) - Method in class
- jSpreadFromYieldSpread(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, int, double, double) - Method in class org.drip.product.definition.Bond
Calculate J Spread from Yield Spread to Work-out
- jSpreadFromYieldSpreadToOptimalExercise(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, double) - Method in class
- jSpreadFromYieldSpreadToOptimalExercise(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, double) - Method in class org.drip.product.definition.Bond
Calculate J Spread from Yield Spread to Optimal Exercise
- jSpreadFromYieldToOptimalExercise(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, double) - Method in class
- jSpreadFromYieldToOptimalExercise(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, double) - Method in class org.drip.product.definition.Bond
Calculate J Spread from Yield to Optimal Exercise
- jSpreadFromZSpread(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, double) - Method in class
- jSpreadFromZSpread(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, double) - Method in class org.drip.product.definition.Bond
Calculate J Spread from Z Spread to Maturity
- jSpreadFromZSpread(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, int, double, double) - Method in class
- jSpreadFromZSpread(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, int, double, double) - Method in class org.drip.product.definition.Bond
Calculate J Spread from Z Spread to Work-out
- jSpreadFromZSpreadToOptimalExercise(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, double) - Method in class
- jSpreadFromZSpreadToOptimalExercise(ValuationParams, CurveSurfaceQuoteContainer, ValuationCustomizationParams, double) - Method in class org.drip.product.definition.Bond
Calculate J Spread from Z Spread to Optimal Exercise
- jSubMArray() - Method in class org.drip.numerical.decomposition.JordanNormalJ
Retrieve the JSubM Array
- julian() - Method in class
Return the Integer Julian Date
- JulianDate - Class in
JulianDate provides a comprehensive representation of Julian date and date manipulation functionality.
- JulianDate(int) - Constructor for class
Create JulianDate from an Integer Julian Date Instance
- Jullundar - Class in org.drip.sample.bondmetrics
Jullundar generates the Full Suite of Replication Metrics for Bond Jullundar.
- Jullundar() - Constructor for class org.drip.sample.bondmetrics.Jullundar
- JULY - Static variable in class
Integer Month - July
- jump() - Method in class org.drip.measure.realization.JumpDiffusionEdgeUnit
Retrieve the Jump Unit Random Variable
- Jump(double[], double[]) - Static method in class org.drip.measure.realization.JumpDiffusionEdgeUnit
Generate an Array of R^1 Jump Realizations
- JumpDiffusion(double[], double[], double[]) - Static method in class org.drip.measure.realization.JumpDiffusionEdgeUnit
Generate an Array of R^1 Jump Diffusion Realizations
- JumpDiffusionEdge - Class in org.drip.measure.realization
JumpDiffusionEdge implements the Deterministic and the Stochastic Components of a Rd Marginal Random Increment Edge as well the Original Marginal Random Variate.
- JumpDiffusionEdge(double, double, StochasticEdgeDiffusion, StochasticEdgeJump, JumpDiffusionEdgeUnit) - Constructor for class org.drip.measure.realization.JumpDiffusionEdge
JumpDiffusionEdge Constructor
- JumpDiffusionEdgeUnit - Class in org.drip.measure.realization
JumpDiffusionEdgeUnit holds the Jump Diffusion Rd Unit Edge Realizations.
- JumpDiffusionEdgeUnit(double, double, double) - Constructor for class org.drip.measure.realization.JumpDiffusionEdgeUnit
JumpDiffusionEdgeUnit Constructor
- JumpDiffusionEvolver - Class in org.drip.measure.process
JumpDiffusionEvolver implements the Functionality that guides the Single Factor R1 Jump Diffusion Random Process Variable Evolution.
- JumpDiffusionEvolver(DiffusionEvaluator, HazardJumpEvaluator) - Constructor for class org.drip.measure.process.JumpDiffusionEvolver
JumpDiffusionEvolver Constructor
- JumpDiffusionVertex - Class in org.drip.measure.realization
JumpDiffusionVertex holds the Snapshot Values of the Realized Rd Variable - its Value, whether it has terminated, and the Cumulative Hazard Integral - and Time.
- JumpDiffusionVertex(double, double, double, boolean) - Constructor for class org.drip.measure.realization.JumpDiffusionVertex
JumpDiffusionVertex Constructor
- JumpGameDestinationReachable(String, int, int) - Static method in class org.drip.service.common.ArrayUtil
Indicate the Destination is Reachable
- jumpIncrement(JumpDiffusionVertex, double) - Method in class org.drip.measure.process.DiffusionEvolver
Generate the Adjacent JumpDiffusionEdge Instance from the specified Random Variate and a Jump Driver
- jumpOccurred() - Method in class org.drip.measure.realization.JumpDiffusionVertex
Retrieve the Jump Occurred Flag
- jumpOccurred() - Method in class org.drip.measure.realization.StochasticEdgeJump
Retrieve the "Jump Occurred in this Level Period" Flag
- jumpStochastic() - Method in class org.drip.measure.realization.JumpDiffusionEdge
Retrieve the Jump Stochastic Component
- jumpWander() - Method in class org.drip.measure.realization.JumpDiffusionEdge
Retrieve the Jump Wander Realization
- jumpWeinerIncrement(JumpDiffusionVertex, double) - Method in class org.drip.measure.process.DiffusionEvolver
Generate the Adjacent JumpDiffusionEdge Instance from the specified Random Variate and Jump/Weiner Drivers
- Junagadh - Class in
Junagadh demonstrates the Analytics Calculation/Reconciliation for the Loan Junagadh.
- Junagadh() - Constructor for class
- JUNE - Static variable in class
Integer Month - June
- jurisdiction() - Method in class
Retrieve the Venue Jurisdiction
- JurisdictionIBORIndexDefinition - Class in org.drip.sample.forward
JurisdictionIBORIndexDefinition demonstrates the functionality to retrieve the IBOR settings for the various Jurisdictions.
- JurisdictionIBORIndexDefinition() - Constructor for class org.drip.sample.forward.JurisdictionIBORIndexDefinition
- JurisdictionIRSFuturesDefinition - Class in org.drip.sample.forwardratefutures
JurisdictionIRSFuturesDefinition demonstrates the functionality to retrieve the IRS Futures Definitions for the various Jurisdictions.
- JurisdictionIRSFuturesDefinition() - Constructor for class org.drip.sample.forwardratefutures.JurisdictionIRSFuturesDefinition
- JurisdictionIRSFuturesValuation - Class in org.drip.sample.forwardratefutures
JurisdictionIRSFuturesValuation contains the demonstration of the construction and the Valuation of the Exchange-Traded IRS Futures Contract.
- JurisdictionIRSFuturesValuation() - Constructor for class org.drip.sample.forwardratefutures.JurisdictionIRSFuturesValuation
- JurisdictionOTCIndexDefinitions - Class in org.drip.sample.fixfloat
JurisdictionOTCIndexDefinitions contains all the pre-fixed definitions of the Jurisdiction-specific OTC Fix-Float IRS contracts.
- JurisdictionOTCIndexDefinitions - Class in org.drip.sample.floatfloat
JurisdictionOTCIndexDefinitions contains all the pre-fixed Definitions of the Jurisdiction OTC Float-Float Swap Contracts.
- JurisdictionOTCIndexDefinitions() - Constructor for class org.drip.sample.fixfloat.JurisdictionOTCIndexDefinitions
- JurisdictionOTCIndexDefinitions() - Constructor for class org.drip.sample.floatfloat.JurisdictionOTCIndexDefinitions
- JurisdictionOTCIndexSwaps - Class in org.drip.sample.fixfloat
JurisdictionOTCIndexSwaps contains curve construction and valuation of the common Jurisdiction-specific OTC IRS.
- JurisdictionOTCIndexSwaps - Class in org.drip.sample.floatfloat
JurisdictionOTCIndexSwaps demonstrates the Construction and Usage of the Jurisdiction Standard OTC Float-Float Swaps.
- JurisdictionOTCIndexSwaps() - Constructor for class org.drip.sample.fixfloat.JurisdictionOTCIndexSwaps
- JurisdictionOTCIndexSwaps() - Constructor for class org.drip.sample.floatfloat.JurisdictionOTCIndexSwaps
- JurisdictionOTCInstrumentDefinitions - Class in org.drip.sample.ois
JurisdictionOTCInstrumentDefinitions contains all the prefixed definitions of the Jurisdiction OTC OIS Instrument Contracts.
- JurisdictionOTCInstrumentDefinitions() - Constructor for class org.drip.sample.ois.JurisdictionOTCInstrumentDefinitions
- JurisdictionOTCInstrumentMeasures - Class in org.drip.sample.ois
JurisdictionOTCInstrumentMeasures contains the Curve Construction and Valuation Functionality of the OTC OIS Instruments across Multiple Jurisdictions.
- JurisdictionOTCInstrumentMeasures() - Constructor for class org.drip.sample.ois.JurisdictionOTCInstrumentMeasures
- JurisdictionVenueOptionDetails - Class in org.drip.sample.forwardratefutures
JurisdictionVenueOptionDetails demonstrates the Functionality to retrieve the Futures Options Definitions for the various Jurisdictions and Venues.
- JurisdictionVenueOptionDetails() - Constructor for class org.drip.sample.forwardratefutures.JurisdictionVenueOptionDetails
- JurisdictionVenueOptionValuation - Class in org.drip.sample.forwardratefutures
JurisdictionVenueOptionValuation contains the Demonstration of the Construction and the Valuation of the Options on Standardized LIBOR Futures Contract across Jurisdictions and Venues.
- JurisdictionVenueOptionValuation() - Constructor for class org.drip.sample.forwardratefutures.JurisdictionVenueOptionValuation
- jWander() - Method in class org.drip.execution.athl.TransactionSignal
Retrieve the "J" Component Wander of the Transaction Signal
All Classes|All Packages